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34 Cards in this Set

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physical and chemical process which breaks rock down

resaons of weatherings

temperature change

action of water and ice


living plants

crystallisation of salt


solids expand when heated

contract when cooled

if temperature change between day and night is fast this expansion and contraction can crack a rock

ice and water

ice can split rocks by cooling the quickly

ice also widens cracks in rocks because and water that enters will expand and freeze


water running or washing over rock can wear away the rock the rate of weathering depends on the type of rock the speed and power of water


rivers can cut through deep rock and create gorges


salts can cause crystals when water evaporates

if crystals form inside rock than the expanding crystals can put a lot of pressure on the rock and break pieces of it


fine particles of rock carried by wind can cause physical weathering the fine rock particles blast the rocks surface wearing pieces away


plant roots can split rock

they can grow through fine cracks or creat some of there own as the root thickens the crack expands and the rock splits

chemical weathering

involves water and chemicals in the water and air reacting with the rock and changing it.


air contains carbon dioxide and oxygen that can react with the rocks

makes rock change to form different chemicals that do not hold together as strongly

causes rock to crumble

colour often changes to


rainwater contains dilute acids that attack the rock the acids can naturally form in the air during lightning but pollution also for acids in the air

known as acid rain


some rocks have soluble materials in them this means that they can be dissolved with water removing the cement that holds the rock together.

this can make the rock crumble


removal of weathered rock particles away from the site of weathering

agents of erosion

water wind ice

erosions and weathering

erosion is the carrying away of particles and is not the same of weathering that breaks the particles off in the first place


process of depositing eroded rock particles

where sedimentation occurs

where the moving water wind or ice that is carrying the particles slows down

sedinentaton in rivers

the slowing down of particles usually happens in the bend of rivers this is where larger rock particles are deposited

components of soils

sediments, living organisms decaying wastes dead leaves twigs and insects water dissolved minerals and gases


affects plant growth vital for many organisms even humans form foundations for buildings road bridges sporting fields and other structures

plant growth depends on these soil characteristics ?

texture structure water holding capability permeability and consistency

also affect building


determined by is of particles that make up the soil

main particles of soils

clay silt and sand and gravel

clay and silt particles are tiny

100-1000 more clay and silt particles in soil than sand in a spoonful of soil


how well the soil particles join up to form soil clods

crumb size in soil

3-5 millimetre

size is important as it allows spaces called spore spaces to exist between crumbs

pore spaces

let water and air enter the soil to improve plant growth

water holding capacity

measure of how much water a particular amount of soil can hold

soils strong

some soils hold water very strongly so strongly that it is hard for plants to extract the water they need from them soils high in clay are like this

clay soils

expand when wet contract when dry damage building making them crack and unsafe

many wet clay soils are weak and cannot support buildings


measure of how fast water enters the soil if water enters the soil slowly and permability is low then water is likely to run off and not enter soil


tendency of soil particles sticking together

clay particles are attracted to each other and stick well together while sand particles do not

consistency farming and mining

soils are commonly compacted by vehicle wheels the soils form a layer that sets like concrete preventing water and air from entering

consistency sporting

good cricket field should have at least 50% clay

watering and compacting the soil with heavy rollers make it set hard and gives a good hard surface for the ball to bounce on

soil holds together so it can last several days