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44 Cards in this Set

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Name the 7 bones of the orbit
Silly Funny Employees Make Zealous People Laugh
Sphenoid, Frontal, Ethmoid, Maxilla, Zygomatic, Palatine, Lacrimal
Name the 10 fissures occurring in the orbit
1) Superior Orbital Fissure, 2) Inferior Orbital Fissure, 3) Optic Canal, 4) Supraorbital foramen, 5) Infraorbital canal, 6) Lacrimal foramen, 7) nasolacrimal canal, 8) Zygomaticofacial foramen, 9) Anterior ethmoidal foramen, 10) Posterior ethmoidal foramen
__________ is the fascia that covers the orbit; it is posteriorly continuous with the periosteal layer of dura; it continues over the optic n. to blend with the sclera (arachnoid, arachnoid space, and pia mater terminate at jxn of optic n. and the eyeball)
Fascia __________ (________'s capsule) surrounds the eyeball, except at the cornea, and is loosely attached to the sclera. It sends tubes of fascia to surround the eye mm's
bulbi; Tenon's
Extensions of fascia bulbi from the lateral and medial to the periosteum act to ______A____ ligaments

Extensions of fascia bulbi around the inferior rectus and inferior obliqu mm's act as ________B______ ligaments
A: check (prevent to great a medial/lateral mvmt)

B: suspensory
the opening on the lacrimal papilla is the __________

what is its purpose

purpose: drain tears back into nasal cavity
Levator Palpebrae Superioris m.

O: sphenoid superior to optic canal
I: superior eyelid
A: elevate eyelid
N: Oculomotor N. (III) (superior division)
what is the innervation of the palpebral m. of Muller
sympathetic innervation
what is the actions of orbicularis oculi m?

what is it's innervation?
to close the eyelids

Facial N (CN VII)
what are ciliary glands (of Moll)?

what happens w/ infections?
ciliary glands are modified sweat glands in the eyelid

infections = sty
what happens when the tarsal glands (Meibomian) are infected?
a chalazion
describe and name the conjuctiva (incl. fornices)
palpebral conjuctiva - lines back of eyelid
bulbar conjuctive - covers anterior eyeball superiorly and inferiorly
superior and inferior fornices where the 2 conjunctiva meet
describe the path of tears

from where to where?
from lacrimal gland (superior laterally) across eye to the punctum on the lacrimal papilla (medially) to the nasal cavity
Rectus mm of the eye

O: annulus tendineus of Zinn (common tendinous ring that surrounds the optic canal and medial end of the sup. orb. fissure)
I: sclera anterior to the equator of the globe
A/N: medial rectus: in (CN III)
lateral rectus: out (CN VI)
superior rectus: up and in (CN III)
inferior rectus: down and in (CN III)
Superior Oblique m. of the eye

O: sphenoid bone superior to origin of medial rectus m.; **passes through a fibrous pully (trochlea) on the frontal bone
I: into the sclera posterior to the equator of the globe
A: moves eye down and out
N: trochlear n (IV)
Inferior Oblique m. of eye

O: from maxilla near the nasolacrimal canal
I: posterolateral aspect of the globe
A: moves eye up and out
N: Oculomotor n. (III)
Which eye mm goes around a pulley?
the superior oblique m.
what 2 motor eye mm are not innervated by CN III, and what innervates them?
Lateral rectus m: CN VI

Superior oblique m: CM IV
name the mm that adduct the eye
Medial rectus (MR)
Superior rectus (SR)
Inferior rectus (IR)
name the mm that abduct the eye
Lateral rectus (LM)
Superior Oblique (SO)
Inferior Oblique (IO)
name the mm that elevate the eye
name the mm that depress the eye
IR and SO
name the mm that medially rotate the eye
SR and SO
name the mm that laterally rotate the eye
IO and IR
what is the main arterial supply to the eye, and what is its origin?
the ophthalmic a. is main supply, and its origin is the internal carotid a.
There are 9 branches coming of of the ophthalmic a to the eye.
A. goes through the optic n, to the retina
B. has long branches to the ciliary body and short branches to the chorioid layer
C. to the middle meningeal a.
A: central retinal a.
B: Posterior ciliary aa.
C: Meningeal a.
branches of the ophthalmic a. continued:
D: has glandular branches to the lacrimal gland and palpebral branches to the lateral eyelid and anterior eyeball
E: to scalp laterally
F: to scalp medially
G: to ethmoids and frontal sinus
D: Lacrimal a.
E: Supraorbital a.
F: Supratrochlear a.
G: Posterior Ethnoidal a.
branches of the ophthalmic a. continued:
H: has meningeal branch, nasal branch, and external nasal branch
J: to bridge of nose
H: Anterior Ethmoidal a.
J: Dorsal nasal a.
Name the 2 veins located in the orbit,
where they drain to,
and why this can be very bad with infection
superior and inferior ophthalmic vv
drain to the angular vv, but also communicate with the cavernous sinus, and if infection is allow to flow back through the sinus, it could infect the other sinuses and the brain
what does LR6SO4 mean?
The lateral rectus' innervation = CN 6
and superior oblique's innervation = CN4
what orbital mm are innervated by the superior division of CN III
superior rectus and levator palpebrae superioris mm.
what orbital mm are innervated by the inferior division of CN III
medial rectus
inferior rectus
inferior oblique and
the motor root to the ciliary ganglion (pregang para)
The Trigeminal n. (Cn V) provides sensory innervation to the orbit via the ophthalmic division (V1); name the 4 branches that come off of V1:
A. to the meninges
B. to the lacrimal gland and superior eyelid
A: meningeal n.
B: Lacrimal n.
branches of V1 continued:
C. __________ with 2 more divisions:
a. __________- to the eyelid and scalp (more lateral)
b. __________- to the eyelid, scalp, and nose (more medial)
C: frontal n.
a. supraorbital n.
b. supratrochlear n
branches of V1 continued:
D. ____________ with 5 branches:
a. Sensory root to ciliary ganglion
b. long ciliary
c. posterior ethmoidal
d. infratrochlear (to nose, eyelid, lacrimal sac, and lacrimal caruncle)
e. anterior ethmoidal (to meninges, nasal cavity and external nasal)
D. nasociliary
trace the path of the parasympathetic autonomic nerve fibers of the iris
E-W (edinger-westphal) nucleus --pre--> inf. div. of CN III --pre--> ciliary ganglion --post--> short ciliary fiber --post--> ciliaris m. and sphincter pupillae m.
trace the path of the sympathetic autonomic nerve fibers of the iris
IMLCC (Intermediolateral Cell Column) --pre--> white rami communicans --pre--> superior cervical ganglion --post--> w/ int. carotid a. and ophthalmic a. in the short ciliary n. --post--> dilator pupillae m.
trace the path of the parasympathetic secretomotor fibers of the lacrimal gland
superior salivary nucleus --pre--> CN VII (internal acoustic meatus) --pre--> greater petrosal n. & then n. of the pterygoid canal --pre--> pterygopalatine ganglion --post--> pterygopalatine then V2 then zygomatic communicating branch then lacrimal branch of V1 --post--> lacrimal gland
trace the path of the sympathetic secretomotor fibers of the lacrimal gland and Muller's muscle
IMLCC --pre--> white rami communicans --pre--> superior cervical ganglion --post--> run with carotid a. in deep petrosal n. then n. of the pterygoid canal then V2 then zygomatic n, --post--> lacrimal gland and muller's m (in inf lid)
explain accommodation and what happens when the ciliary mm's contract/relax
accommodation occurs in in eyes for far/nearsightness

if ciliary mm relaxes, the fibers between the mm and the lens tighten and the lens flattens-- and can see far away

if ciliary mm contract the fibers slacken and the lens balls up; better to see a short distances
CC: Presbyopia
(old lens) harder, flatter lens with reduced focusing power
CC: Cataract
loss of transparency of the lens
CC: Hyphema
hemorrhage into the anterior chamber of the eye due to blunt trauma of the eyeball
CC: Glaucoma
blocked drainage of aqueous humor resulting in pressure build up in the chambers of the eye; can cause blindness