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67 Cards in this Set

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Nervous System

_________ and _________ other body systems using _________ & _________ impulses

Nervous System

Regulates and coordinates other body systems using electrical & chemical impulses

Central nervous system (CNS) consists of

_________ and _________

brain and spinal cord

Peripheral nervous system (PNS):

motor and sensory nerves

Membrane potential: _________ of charge _________ across a _________

measured in _________

_________ of cell usu. relatively more_________ than _________

Membrane potential: magnitude of charge difference across a membrane

measured in voltage[usu millivolts (mV)]

inside of cell usu. relatively more (-) than outside

-Resting membrane potential

--> membrane potential for cells in the _________ and for _________ /_________ cells that aren’t being _________

Resting membrane potential--> membrane potential for cells in the body and for neurons/muscle cells that aren’t being stimulated

-Causes of Resting Membrane Potential

a) Difference in ______ /_________ of ions

b) Difference in permeability of _________ membrane to ______, ______ & other ions

c) Presence of fixed _________ inside cell

-->large neg.charged ions that.....

a) Difference in distribution/concentration of ions-

b) Difference in permeability of plasma membrane to Na+, K+ & other ions-plasma more permeable to K+ than Na+

c) Presence of fixed anions inside cell -->large neg.charged ions that can’t get out-proteins, phosphates of ATP, nucleic acids, etc.

What’s value of the resting membrane potential for a cell?


-For each ion, we need to consider:

______ . gradient

______ of membrane to ion

-conc. gradient

-permeability of membrane to ion


basic structural & functional unit of _________ _________

-respond to _________ , conduct

_________ , release _________

Neuron- basic structural & functional unit of nervous system

-respond to stimuli, conduct electrochemicalimpulses, release neurotransmitters

Major parts:

cell _________ ,

d_________ ,


cell body, dendrites, axon

-Cell body:

has _________ and other _________

Cell body: has nucleus and other organelles


_________ ofcell bodies in CNS

nuclei-clusters of cell bodies in CNS


_________ ofcell bodies in PNS

ganglia-clusters of cell bodies in PNS


thin branched extensions of _________;

_________ input from other ______ (_________ & _________ )

dendrites: thin branched extensions of cytoplasm;

receive input from other cells (excitatory & inhibitory)


_________ , often _________ extension of _________

axon: large, often long extension of cytoplasm

-axon hillock –near ______ _________ ; where action potential _________

axon hillock –near cell body; where action potential originates

-collateral axons

–side _________

collateral axons –side branches

-axon terminal

–_________ neurotransmitters

axon terminal –releases neurotransmitters

-Axoplasmic flow

–_________ movement of _________ down _________

slow movement of material down axon

-Axonal transport

–rapid_________ transport in_________ directions;


Axonal transport

–rapid selective transport in both directions;

involves microtubules

-sensory (afferent) neuron

–conduct _________ from _________ receptor to _________

sensory (afferent) neuron

–conduct impulses from sensory receptor to CNS

-motor (efferent) neuron

–conduct _________ out of _________ to _________ organs (e.g. muscles, glands)

motor (efferent) neuron–conduct impulses out of CNS to effector organs (e.g. muscles, glands)

Somatic motor neurons

–_________ and _________ control of_________ muscle

Somatic motor neurons

–reflex and voluntary control of skeletal muscle

Autonomic motor neurons

–innervate _________ effectors(______ ______&______)

Autonomic motor neurons

–innervate involuntary effectors (smooth/cardiac muscle & glands)


–located in _________ and______ ______ in CNS

Interneurons – located in CNS and interconnect neurons in CNS

Types of Neurons Based on Structure

______ e.g. primarily found in ______ ______

______ e.g. primarily found in ______ of ______

______ e.g. most ______ (e.g. ______)

Types of Neurons Based on Structures

pseudounipolar e.g.primarily found in sensory neurons

bipolar e.g. primarily found in retina of eye

multipolar e.g. most common (e.g. motor neurons)

Glial cells: _________ cells ->-nourishment;

aid in_________ ;

supporting _________ , etc.

Glial cells: supporting cells ->- nourishment;

aid in function;

supporting framework, etc.

-Support cells of PNS:

Schwann cells

–form _________ around _________

Satellite cells – _________ neuron cell bodies within _________ of _________

Support cells of PNS:

Schwann cells –form sheath around axons

Satellite cells –Support neuron cell bodies within ganglia of PNS

Support cells of CNS:


Support cells of CNS:




Ependymal cells

Schwann Cells

-form living _________ (______)around _________ & _________ axons of PNS

Schwann Cells-form living sheaths (neurolemma)around myelinated & unmyelinatedaxons of PNS

Myelin sheath –_________ coverof some _________ --->

_________ conduction of _________ !

Schwann cell wraps around______ of single _________

Myelin sheath –insulated cover of some neurons --->

faster conduction of impulse!

Schwann cell wraps around ~1 mm of single axon

Nodes of Ranvier:_________ b/w adjacent_________ cells

Nodes of Ranvier:gaps b/w adjacentSchwann cells

If nerve of PNS injured:

-distal part of nervefiber _________

-_________ cell formstube to provide_________ for_________ re_________

Note: Re_________ inCNS very limited due toinhibitory _________ & _________

If nerve of PNS injured:

-distal part of nervefiber degenerates

-Schwann cell formstube to providepathway for axonregeneration

Note: Regeneration inCNS very limited due toinhibitory proteins & scar

Oligodendrocytes-form _________ sheath in CNS

-_________ oligodendrocyte_________ portions ofseveral _________

-white matter in CNS --->parts of CNS with lots ofmyelinated axons

Oligodendrocytes-form myelin sheath in CNS

-single oligodendrocytemyelinates portions ofseveral axons

-white matter in CNS --->parts of CNS with lots ofmyelinated axons

Multiple sclerosis

–myelinsheath _________ --->inhibitsnormal _________of _________

Multiple sclerosis –myelinsheath destroyed --->inhibitsnormal conduction of impulse






Microglia: migratory;phagocytosedebris, waste,pathogens

Ependymal cells:line ________(cavities)of

_________ and centralcanal of _________ cord

Ependymal cells:line ventricles (cavities)of brain and centralcanal of spinal cord

Astrocytes: help ______neuron’s external enviro in____; interact metabolically w/_____

1. K+ uptake from_________ fluid

2. Neuro_________uptake

3. End feet take up_________ from _________

4. Induce _________ of blood-_______ barrierblood _____barrier:tight junctions b/w capillary endothelial cells restrictpassage of most substances -->highly______

Astrocytes: help regulate neuron’s external enviro inCNS; interact metabolically w/ neurons

1. K+ uptake fromextracellular fluid

2. Neurotransmitteruptake

3. End feet take upglucose from capillaries

4. Induce formation of blood-brain barrierblood brain barrier:tight junctions b/w capillary endothelial cells restrictpassage of most substances --> highly controlled

Membrane Potentials-

all _________ have_________ __________________(RMP) due to _________ of charge across_________(RMPneuron = -70mV)

Membrane Potentials-all cells have resting membrane potential(RMP) due to separation of charge acrossmembrane (RMPneuron = -70mV)

-Excitable tissues = n_________& m_________ cells

--->_________ transient, rapid _________ in membrane_________ in response to _________

-Excitable tissues = neurons & muscle cells

--->produce transient, rapid changes in membrane potential in response to stimulus


inside of _________becomes more _________ thanRMP (_________)

Depolarization: inside of cell becomes more positive than RMP (stimulation)


–_________ to RMP after _________

Repolarization –return to RMP after depolarization


_________ becomes more _________ than RMP (_________)

Hyperpolarization: inside becomes more negative than RMP (inhibition)

Ion Channels

-membrane_________ changes due to change in _________of membrane to _________

-->ion c_________

Ion Channels

-membrane potential changes due to change in permeabilityof membrane to ions --> ion channels

Leakage channels

_____ leakagechannelsalways _________

-->allows _____toleak out

Leakage channels

-K+ leakagechannelsalways open

--> allows K+ toleak out

Voltage-gated (VG)channels

-Na+ ____ channel-K+ VG channel-Ca2+ VG channel

Open when potential changes (action potential)


Voltage-gated (VG)channels

-Na+ VG channel

-K+ VG channel

-Ca2+ VG channel

Open when potential changes (action potential)

Ligand-gated channels

-open when_________ (e.g._________)bind

Ligand-gated channels

-open whenchemicals (e.g.neurotransmitters)bind

Action Potential

-all-or-none_________ event in _________ or muscle _________in which polarity of membrane potential rapidlyre_________& re_________

Action Potential-all-or-none electrical event in axon or muscle fiberin which polarity of membrane potential rapidlyreverses & reestablishes

Action Potential due to _________ in membrane _________ to ________ (K+ and Na+)

-Na+ VG channels_______ quickly --> Na+_____in with electro chemical _______ -->inside more (+)

-K+ VG channels _______ slowly -->then K+ _______ out with electrochemica_______-->inside ______to (-)

Action Potential due to changes in membrane permeability to ions (K+ and Na+)

-Na+ VG channels open quickly --> Na+ diffuses in with electro chemical gradient --> inside more (+)

-K+ VG channels open slowly --> then K+ diffuses out with electrochemical gradient --> inside returns to (-)

All-or-None Law

If membrane potential (MP)below threshold ...

-->VG channels _________open

-->_______ AP

All-or-None Law

If membrane potential (MP) below threshold ...

-->VG channels don’t open

--> no AP

All-or-None Law

If MP reaches threshold (-55mV)...

-->VG channels _________

-->AP _________

All-or-None Law

If MP reaches threshold (-55 mV)...

--> VG channels open

--> AP happens

All or none --> eitherhappens or doesn’t

AP _________has same amplitude& _________ in given tissue

All or none -->eitherhappens or doesn’t

AP always has same amplitude& duration in given tissue

Coding for Stimulus

-Since amplitude is _________the same...↑ _________ strength can’tproduce_________ AP amplitude

e.g. If shock nerve, ↑ voltage doesn’t ↑AP amplitude once threshold reached

Coding for Stimulus

-Since amplitude is alwaysthe same...↑ stimulus strength can’tproduce higher AP amplitude

e.g. If shock nerve, ↑ voltage doesn’t ↑AP amplitude once threshold reached

Coding for StimulusInstead:

↑ stimulus frequencyresults in ↑ APfrequency

_________ modulated

(More on this with EPSPs and sensory physiology)

Coding for StimulusInstead:

↑ stimulus frequencyresults in ↑ APfrequency

FREQUENCY modulated

(More on this with EPSPs and sensory physiology)

Refractory Period

-APs _________travel in ______ direction

(axon h_______ --> axon t_______ )

Refractory Period-APs always travel in one direction(axon hillock --> axon terminal)


_________ period! --> once AP already _________ , another stimulus _________ trigger a new AP in _________ spot

Refractory period!

--> once AP already occurring, another stimulus can’t trigger a new AP in same spot

Absolute Refractory Period

-_______ of response to new ______ during an AP

--> Due to _________ of Na+ _________ --> haven'tto return to _________ (resting conformation)

-->can’t _________ --> Na+ can’tenter -->2nd AP _________

Absolute Refractory Period -lack of response to new stimulus during an AP

--> Due to inactivation of Na+ channels --> haven't to return to closed (resting conformation)

--> can’t open --> Na+ can’t enter --> 2 nd AP impossible

Relative Refractory Period-________immediately following _________ refractoryperiod in which initiation of ___nd AP inhibited

-->occurs during the after hy_________

-->K+ still leaving through ___ channels -->_________ would be evenmore (-) than at RMP...so _________ difficultto reach threshold

--> _____ AP

Relative Refractory Period -interval immediately following absolute refractory period in which initiation of 2nd AP inhibited

--> occurs during the after hyperpolarization

--> K+ still leaving through VG channels -->inside would be even more (-) than at RMP...so more difficult to reach threshold

--> no AP

What happens if artificiallydepolarize membrane tothreshold in middle of axon?

-cytoplasm is poor _________ of charges→ cable properties_________

e.g. if inject (+) charges to causedepolarization just below threshold…

…only travels __ - __ mm

... then _____ off

-cytoplasm is poor conductor of charges→ cable properties low

e.g. if inject (+) charges to causedepolarization just below threshold…

…only travels 1-2 mm

... then dies off

CableProperties & Conduction of AP

-Nerveimpulses ______ rely on cable properties

-APs must _________ about every 1-2 mm

-Eachnew AP has same amplitude & _________

-Conductedwithout _________ …strength doesn’t ↓ with _________

CableProperties & Conduction of AP

-Nerve impulses DON’T rely on cable properties -APs must REGENERATE about every 1-2 mm

-Each new AP has same amplitude & duration

-Conducted without decrement… strength doesn’t ↓ with distance

Conductionin Myelinated Axon

-_________ insulated!

-APs only_________ in nodes of_________

-Na+ and K+ VG channels &Na+/K+ pumps highly _________ in nodes

Conductionin Myelinated Axon

-axon insulated!

-APs only generated in nodes of Ranvier -Na+ and K+ VG channels & Na+/K+ pumps highly concentrated in nodes


AP‘_________ ’from node to _________

-->_________ conduction rate!

Saltatoryconduction: AP‘leaps’from node to node

-->FASTERconduction rate!

Conductionin Unmyelinated Axon

-no _________ !

-APs mustbe_________ down length of _________

Conduction in Unmyelinated Axon

-no insulation!

-APs must be regenerated down length of axon

Howwill this affectconduction rate?


If thicker (↑ diameter)

--> slightly higher _________ rate!

If thicker (↑ diameter)

--> slightly higher conduction rate!

↑ diameter and myelination --> ↑conduction rate

-thin, unmyelinated nerves (slow,______ response)

--->1 m/sec

-thick, myelinated nerves (quick,_________ reflex)

--> 100 m/sec

↑ diameter and myelination --> ↑ conduction rate

-thin, unmyelinated nerves (slow, visceral response) --> 1 m/sec

-thick, myelinated nerves (quick, stretch reflex)

--> 100 m/sec