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25 Cards in this Set

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rescind (v)
revoke, cancel or repeal (a law, order, or agreement)
era (n)
a period of time marked by distinctive character or event
languish (v)
become weak and feeble
impromptu (adj)
made or done with little to no preparation
incredulous (adj)
skeptical and unbelieving
despondent (adj)
without hope; discouraged; dejected
irrational (adj)
not logical or reasonable
warble (v)
to sing or whistle with a succession of constantly changing notes
conifer (n)
a tree that bears cones and evergreen needlelike leaves
lush (adj)
having a supply of; luxurious and elaborate; tender and juicy
indifferent (adj)
not mattering one way or the other
osier (n)
any of various willows having tough, flexible twigs or branches; a twig from such a willow
spasm (n)
a painful and involuntary muscle contraction
coerce (v)
to cause to do something through pressure, imtimidation or necessity
distend (v)
to spread out in all directions; to become wider
malingerer (v)
to pretend or exaggerate illness in order to escape duty or work
adequate (adj)
tenuous (adj)
thin or slender in form; very weak or slight; lacking in clarity
chastise (v)
rebuke or reprimand severely
enroach (v)
advance beyond the usual limit; to take another's possesions or rights gradually or stealthily
rustic (adj)
characteristics of the fields or country; lacking excessive refinement or elegance
ascertain (v)
find something out for certain; to make clear and certain
canny (adj)
having or showing shrewdness and good judgement; careful and cautious; skilled
accumulate (v)
get or gather together
inundate (v)
to fill beyond capacity or flood