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104 Cards in this Set

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Parent organisms produce special cells called?
How does organisms divided?
binary fission
What encompasses the cytoplasm?
Cell wall
What is considered "Braine" of the cell?
Nucelus (nucleoid)
What is Pili?
what helps with motility?
what are Bacillus (bacilli) shaped?
Rod -shaped
What is Comma shaped or cork-screw appearance?
What is called when something lacks a distinct shape?
What is the term Variant?
Combination of more than one shape
What has low potency toxin from inside cell wall of all gram-neg bacteria and Listeria Monocytogenes?
What is tetanus and Botulism consider as?
What does the enterotoxins act on?
GI tract causing Diarrhea
What is consider when a partial hemolysis of RBCs?
Alpha hemolysis
What is gives a grape like appearacne?
Gram (+) cocci in clusters (staphylococcus
What type of test is used for GC?
Calginate swab
Do not use outside skin samples due to the high number of what type of bacteria?
Normal flora
What is considered as primary stain?
Crystal violet
What is Mordants stain?
gram's iodine
What substances is considered Decolorizer?
Ethanol and acetone sol 50/50
What is a counterstain?
Safranin-o gives off what color?
Why is differential staining technique is vital for what reason?
characterization and classification of many types of bacteria
What can cause a False Negative reactions of Gram's stain?
What do you exam Gram's stain under?
Oil immersion
What is considered diangostic for Neisseria gonorrhea?
What species has Gram Positive (+) cocci ( singles, pairs, tetrad, clusters
What is the most common type isolated in a Nosocomial infection/
Staph aureus
What are some conditions that giveStaph aureus?
Acen, cellulitis, Boils, food intoxication
What are the characertistics of STrep speices?
Gram (+) cocci ( short and long chains)
What are some conditions of Strep species?
skin (carbuncles, cellulitis, Lymphangitis)
URI (sinusitis, pharyngitis
Scarlet fever
What gives a Gram (+) Lancet shapped diplococci?
Streptococcus PNA
What is the GS and Morphology of Neisseria meningitidis?
Gram (-) diplococci
To be diagnositc, must be seen how in leukocytes?
Intra and extra cellulary
What is the clincial signifiance of E. COLI?
Normal inhabiitant in stoold
associated with Food handlers diarrhea
What is the clinical significance of Proteus species?
GRAM (-) bacilli
UTI Gastroenterities
What is the chareristics of Vibrio species?
maybe curved (banana) shaped with motile with single flagellum
V. Cholerae is the causative agent of what condtion?
What is morphology of Clostridium species?
Gram (+) rod
C. perfingens is the caustive agent for what condtion?
What is the clinical significanceof Haemophilus species?
meningitis in children
What is the morphology of Pseudomonas species?
Gram (-) bacilli
What is the clinical significance of Pseudomonas species?
Eye infections
wound infection
What has "Chinese letter" or L,V, Y shapes?
Corynebacterium species
What is teh morphology of Yeast?
Gram post looks like "watermelon seeds
Brancing (false hyphae) appears how?
"road maps"
what is the clinical significance of Yeast?
opportunistics from antibiotic therpay
What are some causes of yeast?
Cutaneous disease, oral candidasis (antibiotics)
What is malaria?
parasitic infection caused by introduction of protozoan organims into the blood by the bite of mosquitio?
what sex of mosquito gives us malaraia?
female anopheles
What are injected into man once bitedn by female anopheles?
Sporozoites enter parenchymal cells of liver to become what?
What is developed in the liver?
pre-erythrocitic cycle
Once in the blood what is developed into mature schizonts?
Fertile zygote encysts, penetrates the midgut wall of mosquito forming what?
All stages of asexual cycle can be demostrated in a peripheal blood smear with the exception of what ?
P. falciparum
what has ring form of P. falsiparum?
light blue circular structures with red chromatic dot
of the Gametocyte of P. falciprium what is considered female?
Macrogametocyted (curved sausage or banana)
What is consideded (male) of the gametocyte of P. falciparum?
What is the most fatial type of malaria?
Plasmodium Falciparum
Malignant tertian in 48 hrs
What is the most common malaria?
Plasmodium Vivax (48 hrs tertian)
What is Quartan and at 72 hrs?
P. Malarie
Identification of malaria parasite required what two things?
thin and thick smear
Dip the thick smear in what to fix it?
The thin smear is dipped into what?
During the malaria smear, flood slide with Giemsa stain and allow to stand for how long?
The thick smear is superior to thin smear for the inital id due to what?
higher yeild of positive findings
Where do you begin to look during the thin smear?
at the terminal portion of the smear where the RBC's are adjacent but not touching
When should a person be draw for malaria?
immediately after onset of fever or
Before fever spikes for best results
What is Multicelluar heterotrophic orgranism occupying a seprate kingdom from the planet and animal kingdoms?
How many pathogenic species of fungi are there?
What are the morphological characteristics of Fungi?
complex, non-photo synthetic "plants" that feed on organic material
Mycelium composed of tubular filaments are called ?
Hyphae possessing crosswalls are called?
what aids in id different fungi?
sporulation and type
What is Dermatophytes?
(tinea spp)
fungal infection upon the skin
What is the most common yeast isolated?
Candida albicans
Gram stain (candida species) shows how?
gram (+) resembling sausage links (pseudohyphae)
What is the purposes of KOH?
detect the presence of fungal elements or budding yeast cells
After heating the mixture how long should you allow to stand ?
5 min
What is an example of Monotrichous?
Vibrio Cholerae
What type of Flagella is Escherichia Coli?
How does Streptococci look like?
tetrads (group of 4 ) and chains
What is Gram (+) coccic in cluster? Looks like grapes?
Staph aureus
What is the gram stain of E. coli?
Gram negative bacilli
What is the gram stain of Proteus species?
Gram negative bacilli
What is the staining of Clostridium species?
Gram Positive Rod
What species of botulinum, tetani and perfringens?
What is the Haemophilus species?
Gram negative coccobacilli (singles and pairs)
What is the staining of Klebsiella?
Gram Negative bacilli
Dermatopytes use what for nutrient source but are not capable of penetrating subcutaneous skin?
AFter apply 1 drop of KOH to the slide, how long should you let to stand ?
5 min.
Sporozoites enter the parenchymal cells of the liver to become?
The development with in the liver is called?
Pre-erthrocytic cycle
The Schizonts rupture releasing _____________ and invading RBC?
Merozoites then develop into mautre?
What is the most fatal of the four types of malaria?
Plasmodium falciparum
Plasmodium falciparum is malignant tertian within how many hours?
Which is the most common of the malaria?
P. vivax
Which malaria is Quartan in 72 hrs?
P. malariae
Id of malaria parasite required what two things?
thin and thick smear
After you make your smears for malaria how long should you let it dry for?
How long after you make your thick smear, should you let dry?
over night
When is the best time to collect the blood from a human if suspect to have malaria?
after onset of fever or before fever spike for best results