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40 Cards in this Set

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Column-store architecture is more efficient for data warehousing because

Most data warehouse queries only require a few columns of data, so data stored in a column-store architecture requires less I/O.

All the data in the column has the same data type, so data can be compressed easily, making data reads more efficient.

T/F: Row-store structure is the basic structure of RDBMS tables.


Select all that are true about MongoDB relationships.

One way to model a one-to-many relationship in a MongoDB document is to include all the data in the same document.

MongoDB permits one-to-one and one-to-many relationships between documents.

T/F: Eager replication is more consistent with ACIDS requirements.


Select all that are true about MongoDB.

It would be possible to put all your data into a single MongoDB document.

MongoDB maintains some aspects of relational DBMSes, such as cursors and indexes.

It would be possible to put all your data into a single MongoDB document.

MongoDB maintains some aspects of relational DBMSes, such as cursors and indexes.

Select all that are true of graph databases.

Graph databases illustrate relationships between different vertices or nodes.

Graph databases are better than RDBMSes at modeling recursive relationships.

Many graph database products use both relational DBMSes and a graph database model.

Select all that are true of key-value stores.

Key-value stores have no schema.

Key-value stores are good choices for web applications.

Most key-value stores use eventual consistency if they implement replication.

Select all that are true of Google's BigTable.

A BigTable table is indexed by a row key, column key and timestamp.

Efficiency can be maximized in BigTable by grouping rows by row keys that are frequently accessed together.

Select all that are true about BASE properties.

“Basically available” in the context of BASE means that the system as a whole is available, even if some parts fail.

Which of the following are correct descriptions of the differences between big data databases and relational databases?

Big data databases do not require that data conform to a predefined schema, which is required of relational databases.

Big data database solutions are available from traditional RDBMS vendors

Select all that are true of consistency types.

Weak consistency may result in updates occurring in the wrong order.

Eventual consistency may result in incorrect data for some users.

Read-your-writes consistency will provide a single user with a consistent view of the data.

Select all that are true of the CAP Theorem.

The CAP theorem states that it is impossible to have strict consistency, availability and network partitioning simultaneously for any data model.

Select all that are true of Hadoop.

Hadoop works with the MapReduce paradigm, which uses key/value pairs.

Hadoop separates the data from the metadata in a master/slave architecture where the master stores the metadata and the slaves store the data.

The reasons that ACIDS requrements do not scale well include

ACIDS requirements include a property that ensures that all transactions are executed in the proper order. Maintaining that order becomes more complicated as the tables get larger.

ACIDS requirements include a property that ensures that all parts of a transaction are executed. This takes more time as the tables get larger and consistency must be maintained for the entire transaction.

Some of the scalability limitations of relational databases include:

Relational database transactions conform to ACIDS requirements which prevent them from being scalable

Relational databases with large logical tables often make use of row partitioning, using global indexes that don’t scale well

Select all that are true of Neo4j.

Relationships in a Neo4j graph can also include properties

student: Boston University

is an example of the properties of a graph node.

Neo4j has its own query language that is used to execute CRUD operations of Neo4j graphs.

Which of the following are true of semi-structured data?

The structure of semi-structured data can change rapidly.

Semi-structured data could include city and state in one tuple, and just city in another.

The structure of semi-structured data can change rapidly.

Semi-structured data could include city and state in one tuple, and just city in another

Select all that are true about Big Data.

Big Data databases often have no predetermined schema.

Big Data is largely comprised of structured and semi-structured data.

The hardware base for most Big Data databases is expected to fail regularly.

Select all that are true of Dynamo DB.

A Dynamo DB table requires a primary key.

Each attributes in a DynamoDB table is a key-value pair.

A DynamoDB table can include rows with different collections of attributes.

Select all that are true of document-stores.

Document-stores consist of single documents organized in collections.

It is possible to store documents in a document-store in pdf format.

Select all that are true regarding column-store architecture.

A column-store database may need to query a dataset by row as well as by column.

Most column-store databases support some form of the SQL language.

Check all that are true regarding Amazon’s DynamoDB.

A query in DynamoDB will stop if too much data is returned.

An attribute in a DynamoDB table can be multi-valued.

A DynamoDB database consists of tables with items that contain collections of attributes.

One of the strengths of Hadoop is that data is replicated across multiple disks. Check all that are true about the process Hadoop uses for its replication.

In Hadoop if one data node fails, the data is replicated on a different machine transparently without user intervention.

Tasks in Hadoop can be run in parallel on multiple partitions.

Check all that are true regarding document-store architectures.

Document-store databases may implement a flexible schema.

Document stores can support secondary indexes.

Documents in a document store are identified by keys, as is a row in a relational database.

Check all that are true of the consistency levels used by Amazon's DynamoDB.

DynamoDB allows the user to configure the level of consistency required.

Which of the following are correct descriptions of why scalability is difficult for relational databases.

As more data is added to a relational DBMS backup and recovery become difficult, because it is important to maintain the integrity of the data.

Efficient joins become more difficult as indexes grow very large.

Relational databases rely heavily on storage I/O for processing query results, causing performance degradation when the database scales much larger than available RAM.

Performance with large databases is sometimes better on non-relational DBMS because.

Performance with big data is sometimes better on non-relational databases because these DBMS are optimized for scalable read processing and trade consistency for improved scalability.

In big data databases data is often stored in big blocks with few if any dependencies upon other data blocks, reducing the number of I/O operations.

Most non-relational databases for big data rely on fault-tolerant frameworks implemented on low-cost commodity hardware so if one machine fails, processing can seamlessly transfer to another machine.

Select some of the typical characteristics of “Big Data” and databases designed for big data.

A Big Data database usually contains mostly semi-structured and unstructured data.

Processing big data relies on moving small sequences of programming code to the data and aggregating the results.

In which of the following ways is MongoDB similar to a relational database?

MongoDB documents contain fields which are roughly equivalent to attributes in a relational table.

MongoDB documents are part of collections in a similar way that rows are part of relational tables.

Check all that are true of graph databases.

Current graph databases are often combinations of graph-style links and traversal algorithms with a more traditional SQL backend. Neo4J is an exception.

Select all that true about MapReduce.

MapReduce can work well with column-oriented databases.

Check all which are true regarding Hadoop.

Hadoop is scalable. More machines can be added to the cluster to handle additional data.

The Hadoop framework is made up of the underlying file system (usually HDFS) and tools to process the data with the MapReduce paradigm.

Check all that are true regarding eager and lazy replication in big data databases.

Check all that are true regarding eager and lazy replication in big data databases.

If lazy replication is used, some users may read versions of the data that do not incorporate the latest updates.

Check all that are true about the CAP theorem.

An ACIDS-compliant relational database maintains consistency and partition tolerance, but sacrifices availability, compared to a database which does not maintain strict consistency.

A distributed relational database can maintain consistency and availability but it cannot maintain both and also support partition tolerance.

Check all that are true about key-value stores.

Key-value databases usually implement eventual consistency.

Check all that are true of graph databases such as Neo4j.

In graph databases such as Neo4j both nodes and relationships can contain key-value pairs of properties.

In graph databases such as Neo4j multiple relationships between nodes can exist simultaneously.

Neo4j uses its own query language to traverse the nodes and to perform CRUD operations.

Select all that are true regarding Google's BigTable.

A single cell in BigTable can contain multiple versions of the same data.

Reads and writes on single BigTable table rows are atomic.

Check all of the following which describe ways in which MongoDB is similar to a relational database.

MongoDB supports indexes and has its own query optimizer.

Why is a traditional RDBMS better for transaction processing such as banking transactions than a typical NoSQL model?

A traditional RDBMS is designed to support consistent updates and deletes, while typical big data databases are designed for scalable read performance.

Relational databases can support ACIDS transactions so that requests have the expected consistent results, which is different than the eventual consistency of most big data databases.

Relational DBMS provide better security than typical non-relational DBMS.

An example of soft state might be

A quiz question in this course that a student has answered in the browser but not submitted is an example of soft state.

An email draft which has not yet been saved or sent is an example of soft state.