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25 Cards in this Set

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there are ____ pairs of ____ ____ arising from the spinal cord
31 - mixed nerves
spinal cord transmit ____ info from the CNS to the body (efferent)
spinal cord transmit ____ info to the cord (afferent)
bundle of spinal nerves that exit inferior to the end of the spinal cord are collectively called
cauda equina
spinal nerves are numbered according to …
where they leave the spinal cord
how many pairs of cervical nerves
8 pairs
which spinal nerve exits between the occipital bone and the atlas
which spinal nerves exit through intervertebral foramina above which they are named
C1 - C7
where does C8 exit
below C7 + above T1
which are spinal nerves exit below the vertebrae they are named after
all but C1 - C8
How many pairs of Thoracic nerves ?
12 pairs
How many pairs of Lumber nerves?
5 pairs
how many pairs of sacral nerves
5 pairs
how many pairs of coccygeal nerves
1 pair
the dorsal root ganglion contains
unipolar sensory neuron cell bodies
the ventral root contains all
outgoing motor (somatic + autonomic)
each spinal nerve connects to the spinal cord by ____ and ____ ____
dorsal -ventral roots
the spinal nerves bifurcate forming the ____ & ____ ____
dorsal - ventral rami
4 divisions of the ventral root
dorsal ramus - ventral ramus - meningeal branches - rami communicantes
the dorsal rami innervate
muscles of the back of the posterior trunk
most of the plexuses are formed from the ____ ____
ventral rami
which nerves don't form plexuses
T2 - T12
T2 - T12 form nerves that innervate
intercostal muscles for breathing
meningeal branches innervate
meninges surrounding spinal cord
rami communicantes are part of the
autonomic n.s..