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41 Cards in this Set

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Language of Romans, science, and education


Had control over lots of land; before Romans conquered it


Pre-roman civilization (not latin)

Influence on rome - Toga

Rome start myth

The twins Romulus and Remus

Remus died by rolling down the hill,

Rome became named after Romulus

Roman Social Classes

Patricians - Upper rich class

Plebeians - Middle class

Slaves and freedmen - Lower class - Majority

can't intermarry


Serve for life


proposed laws and advised consuls

only patricians


2; elected by senate

-chief executives

-army commanders

one year terms

only patricians



Proposed many laws

only patricians


Collect taxes

They registered roman citizens by their wealth (like the IRS)

Count the people for accurate population

only patricians

Council of Plebs

started 471 BC

only plebians

passed laws affecting Plebeians Protected plebeians from unfair acts

Centuriate Assembly

high ranking patricians soldiers

made laws

Had less power than senate

controlled by the wealthiest citizens

Twelve Tables of Rome

tables with specific laws

Roman Law of Nations

The right to confront the accuser and defend

Innocent until proven guilty

First Punic War

Rome won Sicily

Rome VS Hannibals dad

Second Punic War

Hannibal took elephants to The Alps (died)

Hannibal beat Rome in Canoe

couldn't attack Rome

Third Punic War

Romans demolished Carthage city

Inhabitants became slaves

Carthage became Africa

Also conquered Macedonia and Greece

Battle of Zama

202 BC - ended the war

Scipio Africanus crushed Hannibal in Carthage


Violent senator

“Furthermore Carthage should be destroyed”

Rome problems

Aristocrat patricians bought out farmers and used slave labour

Farmers became landless poor

Senate took control of wars, financial, external, and internal affairs

Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus

wanted reform Rome so that more people have land


brought more instability


Rose throughout the military

consul 7 times

Developed rivalry with Lucius Sulla

- led to Civil war

recruited anyone - loyalty to generals

First Triumvirate

Crassus - Killed in battle

Pompey - Senate liked him

Julius Caesar - people liked him

Pompey and Caesar fought, Caesar won - declared dictator for life then assassinated

Second Triumvirate

Lepidus - loses power

Antony - Allies with Cleopatra (fell in love)

Octavian - fights with Antony and wins

Battle of Actium(showdown)


Octavian - name means "anointed one"

first Roman imperator/emperor

Expanded territory, rebuilt temples, and maintained a strong military

made praetorian gaurd

Praetorian Gaurd

an elite force assigned to protect the emperor (9000 soldiers)

Marius VS Sulla

Civil War and fought for leadership

Sulla won (tried to restore Empire)


Violent Emperor

was revolted against

blamed for the Great fire

Pax Romana

200 years of peace

5 good emperors

peace and prosperity

ended arbitrary executions and did good


built Hadrian's Wall

to separate Scotland


gave all free people in Rome citizenship

Greco-Roman civilization

Greek was spokenT and taught to children by greek slaves


Traded grain, olive, grapes with China and silver with the East

Farming supported economy


Big farms owned by patricians


copied from Olympics


copied greeks but more realistic

first to use concrete

used greek collonades

used arches, vaults, and domes

Augustan age

Golden age of literature

Livy - Historian

Horace - Poet - wrote Satires

Virgil - Poet - wrote Aeneid


dominant male in the family

second century AD

paterfamilias lost power

people had nothing to do but eat and be entertained

Roman religion

took from greek gods and other paegans


Roman slave who led a revolt - eventually killed

not to be confused with Sportacus from Lazy Town