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37 Cards in this Set

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What is another name for the midclavicular line?
midinguinal line
What does transtubercular plane refer to?* check if answer is correct*
The level at the canal of the ileum
Where is the transpyloric plane?
midway between suprasternal notch and pubic symphysis
When can the pyloris of stomach be felt at the transpyloric plane?
in supine position when stomach is empty
What abdominal level does the spinal cord end?
transpyloric plane
What are the upper margins of the anterolateral abdominal wall?
costal margin and xiphoid
What connects rectus abdominus to the oblique muscles?*check answer*
connective tissue/aponeurosis
What is the midline fibrous structure in anterolateral wall?
linea alba
What are the two parts of the superficial anterolateral abdominal fascia?
1. membranous (Scarpa's fascia)
2. fatty (Camper's fascia)

Mnemonic - Fat camper, membrane = scar
Where does Colles' fascia (*or was it Scarpa's layer) end superiorly?
perineal membrane
How many muscles lie to the side of the anterolateral abdominal wall?
3 - external oblique (free edge), interal oblique, transverse abdominus
What can raised intraabdominal pressure create?
Which abdominal muscle runs inward 'hands in pockets'?
external oblique muscle
Where is the lower free edge of the external oblique aponeurosis?
between ASIS and superior public tubercle
Which abdominal muscle has a conjoint tendon, and where does it lie topographically? (*fill in rest of answer*)
internal oblique -
What gives the 'six pack' appearance?
tendinous intersections of rectus abdominus (hypertrophy of rectus abdominus sections = 6 pack)
What marks the edge of the rectus abdominus muscle?
linea semilunaris (groove on skin surface)
(*insert Q about that 1 in 6 muscle from rectus abdominus*)
What tissue structures lie posteriorly to rectus abdominus? (*double check answer*)
rectus sheath AKA transversalis fascia, parietal peritoneum
What is the name of the umbilical cord's remnant?
urachus (medial umbilical ligament)
What artery does the inferior epigastric artery anastomose with?
Branch of internal thoracic artery
What direction do adbominal lymph nodes drain? (*check answer*)
(circle looks like umbilicus)
inguinal fold
What are two L1 nerves and which is located more inferiorly to the other?
Superiorly: iliohypogastric
Inferiorly: ilioinguinal (supplies ant scrotum or labia majora)
where does the superficial inguinal ring lie?
aponeurosis of the external oblique muscle
Which structures are contained in the inguinal canal?
spermatic cord (male), round ligament (female)

spermatic cord requires larger canal than round ligament
What forms the floor of the inguinal canal?
inguinal ligmament (the curved lower edge of the external oblique)
What forms the posterior wall of inguinal canal? (*check answer*)
conjoint tendon (internal oblique and transversalis joined together)
What creates the shutter-like effect of the inguinal canal?(*add answer*)
L1 + x
What is an incarcerated hernia?**
Where are direct inguinal hernias usually found?
Define the topographical location of Hesselbach's triangle**
Q on indirect v direct hernias at inguinal canal**
Why is femoral hernia a medical emergency?
Can compress the femoral artery
What is the reference for inguinal v femoral hernias?**
public tubercle -
inguinal hernia is above and medial to pubic tubercle
femoral hernia is