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42 Cards in this Set

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olfactory - motor/sensory/both
sensory for smell
optic - motor/sensory/both
sensory for vision
oculomotor - motor/sensory/both
both for 4 extrinsic eye muscles
trochlear - motor/sensory/both
Both to superior oblique
trigeminal opthalmic branch - motor/sensory/both
sensory to v1
trigeminal maxillary branch - motor/sensory/both
sensory to v2
trigeminal mandibular branch - motor/sensory/both
both to v3
abducens - motor/sensory/both
both - motor + proprioceptive sensory
facial - motor/sensory/both
both - facial expression - taste anterior 2/3 tongue
vestibulocochlear - motor/sensory/both
sensory for hearing + equilibrium
glossopharyngeal - motor/sensory/both
both - pharynx- some tongue - taste posterior 1/3 tongue
vagus - motor/sensory/both
both - pharynx - some tongue - abdominal viscera - heart - lungs - abdominal viscera
spinal accessory - motor/sensory/both
both - mainly motor - proprioceptive from sternocleidomastoid + trapezius
hypoglossal - motor/sensory/both
both to tongue
olfactory - specific area supplied
sensory for smell
optic - specific area supplied
oculomotor - specific area supplied
motor & proprioceptive to medial rectus - superior rectus - inferior rectus - inferior oblique
trochlear - specific area supplied
motor + proprioceptive to superior oblique
trigeminal opthalmic branch - specific area supplied
scalp - upper eyelid - nose - cornea - lacrimal gland
trigeminal maxillary branch - specific area supplied
upper teeth, gums, lip, palate - skin of cheek - lower eyelid
trigeminal mandibular branch - specific area supplied
muscles of mastication - lower teeth, gum, lip - along side burn
abducens - specific area supplied
motor + proprioceptive to lateral rectus - abducts eye
facial - specific area supplied
all facial muscles for expression - anterior 2/3 of tongue
vestibulocochlear - specific area supplied
vestibular - cochlear
glossopharyngeal - specific area supplied
pharynx - posterior 1/3 tongue - tonsils - eustachian tubes - carotid arteries - parotid - salivory glands
vagus - specific area supplied
motor to pharynx + larynx - sensory from tongue - pharynx + abdominal viscera - parasym. to heart, lungs, abdominal viscera
spinal accessory - specific area supplied
motor + proprioceptive to sternocleidomastoid - trapezius - motor to pharynx + larynx
hypoglossal - specific area supplied
motor + proprioceptive to intrinsic (shape) + extrinsic (movement) muscles of tongue
olfactory - autonomics yes or no
optic - autonomics yes or no
oculomotor - autonomics yes or no
yes - parasympathetic iris muscles to constrict pupil + ciliary muscle for lens shape
trochlear - autonomics yes or no
trigeminal opthalmic branch - autonomics yes or no
trigeminal maxillary branch - autonomics yes or no
trigeminal mandibular branch - autonomics yes or no
abducens - autonomics yes or no
facial - autonomics yes or no
yes - parasympathetic to sublingual gland + submandibular gland
vestibulocochlear - autonomics yes or no
glossopharyngeal - autonomics yes or no
yes - parasympathetic to parotid gland (largest salivory gland)
vagus - autonomics yes or no
yes - parasympathetic to heart (decrease rate) - lungs - all digestive abdominal viscera (increase rate) - pharynx - larynx
spinal accessory - autonomics yes or no
hypoglossal - autonomics yes or no