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68 Cards in this Set

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How do you create an instance of the AppDomain class?
Call the static AppDomain.CreateDomain method. AppDomain does not have any traditional contructors.
How do you load an assembly into an AppDomain by path?
Call the AppDomain.ExecuteAssembly method.
How do you unload an AppDomain?
Call the AppDomain.Unload static method.
What is Defense-in-depth?
The security principle of providing multiple levels of protection so that you are still protected in the event of a vunerability.
What is host evidence?
The information that the runtime gathers about an assembly to determine which code groups the assembly belongs to. The code groups, in turn, determine the assembly's priviledges.
How do you provide evidence for an assembly?
Create a System.Policy.Evidence object, and then pass it as a parameter to the AppDomain's overloaded ExecuteAssembly method.
When creating an Evidence object using the contructor which takes to object arrays, what type of objects are passed in these arrays?
One array provides host evidence and the other, assembly evidence.
How do you pass zone evidence to an assembly hosted in an AppDomain?
By using a System.Security.Policy.Zone object and the System.Security.SecurityZone enumeration.
Which SecurityPermission enum member controls the ability to specify evidence for an assembly?
How do you specify Evidence for an entire Application Domain?
By using an overload of the AppDomain.CreateDomain method that accepts an Evidence object.
What class is used to provide AppDomain configuration information to the CLR?
What AppDomain property is used to examine the current domain's properties?
How do you debug a Windows service application?
You must install and start your service, and then attach a debugger to the service's process.
Which class has a static method which is used to start a Windows service?

What methods of the ServiceBase class are used for starting and stopping the service?
OnStart, OnStop, OnPause, OnContinue, and OnShutdown
What purpose does the ServiceInstall class serve?
It defines the service description, display name, service name, and start type.
What purpose does the ServiceProcessInstaller serve?
It defines the service account settings.
How do you add an installer to a Windows service in Visual Studio IDE?
Right-click the service's designer and then click Add Installer.
Which command-line utility is used to manually install a Windows service?
How can you start and stop Windows services from the command-line?
Net Start ServiceName
Net Stop ServiceName
What class allows you to start and stop Windows services from code?
What two classes are at the top of the System.Configuration logical hierarchy?
Configuration and ConfigurationManager
Which ConfigurationUserLevel enum is used to get the Configuration object that applies to all users?
How do you open a mapped machine-level configuration file?
ExeConfigurationFileMap myMap = new ExeConfigurationFileMap()
myMap.ExeConfigFilename = @"\\server\filename.config";
Configuration cs = ConfigurationManager.OpenMappedMachineConfiguration(myMap);
What happens when you use an empty string in the ExeConfigurationFileMap.ExeConfigFilename property?
An exception is thrown when you attempt to create a Configuration object.
What happens when you specify a non-existing file in the ExeConfigurationFileMap.ExeConfigFilename property?
Nothing. You may get errors later because your Configuration object contains null values.
What happens if the version of the framework that the application was built with is not present on the machine and nothing is specified in the supportedRuntime version tag?
It would run under the latest .NET framework available.
What happens if the .NET version used to build the application isn't present on the machine running the application and the configuration specifies a supportedRuntime tag?
The version specified in the tag will be used and must be present on the machine.
When creating a shared assembly, how would you specify its temporary location during the development cycle?
By using the DEVPATH environment variable and setting the <developmentMode> element in the configuration file.
The ConfigurationManager.AppSettings class if of what type?
How to you get the IEnumerator of a collection?
The ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStringSettings object is of what type?
Which three attributes should a <ConnectionString> element have?
name, providerName, and connectionString
What are the differences between the ConfigurationManager and WebConfigurationManager classes?
WCM has a GetWebApplicationSection method (identical to GetSection)
OpenMappedExeConfiguration method is replaced with OpenMappedWebConfiguration
OpenExeConfiguration method is replaced with OpenWebConfiguration
What namespace is used to manage configuration?
A System.Configuration.Configuration object is symbolic to what?
A configuration file
Define System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.
Gets the AppSettingsSection data for the current application's default configuration
What configuration setting will set an application to run under .NET 1.1?
<supportedRuntime version="v1.1.4322" />
How do you set the development mode for using a shared assembly without having it installed in the GAC?
<developmentMode developerInstallation="true" />
Does an <appSetting> element have a name or a key property?
Does a <connectionString> element have a name or a key property?
What steps must be taken to use the Installer class?
1. Derive a class from the Installer class.
2. Override the Install, Commit, Rollback, and Uninstall methods.
3. Add the RunInstallerAttribute to your derived class and set the runInstaller parameter to true.
4. Put your derived class in the assembly to install.
5. Invoke the installers.
What is the type of the Installer.Installers property and what is it used for?
InstallerCollection. It's used to run multiple installer classes for an installation.
What two events of the Installer class use the InstallEventHandler delegate?
The Committed and Committing events.
Which two classes are used to programmatically invoke an Installer class?
AssemblyInstaller and ComponentInstaller
Number of bytes and range for a
Sbyte (sbyte)
1 byte
-128 to 127
Number of bytes and range for a:
Byte (byte)
1 byte
0 to 255
Number of bytes and range for a:
Int16 (short)
2 bytes
-32768 to 32767
Number of bytes and range for a:
Int32 (int)
4 bytes
-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
Number of bytes and range for a:
UInt32 (uint)
4 bytes
0 to 4,294,967,295
Number of bytes and range for a:
Int64 (long)
8 bytes
9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
Number of bytes and range for a:
Single (float)
4 bytes
-3.402823E+38 to 3.402823E+38
Number of bytes for a Double (double)?
8 bytes
Number of bytes for a Decimal (decimal)?
16 bytes
Number of bytes in a Char (char)?
2 bytes
Number of bytes in a Boolean (bool)?
4 bytes
Number of bytes in an IntPtr?
Number of bytes in a DateTime (date) and range of values?
8 bytes

1/1/0001 00:00:00 to 12/31/9999 11:59:59
A simple resizeable, index-based collection of objects.
A sorted collection of name/value pairs of objects.
A first-in, first-out collection of objects
A last-in, first out collection of objects
A collection of name/value pairs of objects that allows retrieval by name or index
A compact collection of Boolean values
A simple resizable collection of strings
A collection of name/value pairs of strings that allows retrieval by name or index.
An efficient collection to store small lists of objects
A collection that uses a ListDictionary for storage when the number of items in the collection is small, and then migrates the items to a HashTable for large collections.