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25 Cards in this Set

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a person who studies the past through relics.
The beliefs, values, and customs of a particular group or race of people.
One of hte earliest ancient American civilizations, founded in 1100 AD in peru; by the time of their conquest by Spanish explorers in the 1500s, the Incas had established a powerful empire.
one of the first great empires of ancient America occupying central and southern Mexico between 1200 AD and 1400 AD
early civilization located in southern Mexico and central America; by 100 BC the Maya had established and advanced culture.
one of the most powerful Native American nations in the eastern woodlands of New York state.
House of Burgesses
legislative body of the Virginia colony; it was-the first elected representative legislature in the English colonies.
Mayflower Compact (1620)
agreement among the Pilgrims to create a representative from of government in their new colony.
group of early English settlers who came to America to escape religious persecution.
group of early English settlers who established a colony in Pennsylvania. Quakers oppose war on religious grounds.
triangular trade
system of trade pursued by New England merchants in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries that involved trading sugar, molasses, rum, furnished goods, and slaves between the West Indies, Europe, and Africa.
a territory controlled by a more powerful country.
Iroquois Confederacy
league of tribes of the Iroquois nation located in New York state; the Iroquois Confederacy sided with the British and helped defeat the French in French and Indian war.
Albany Plan of Union (1754)
plan put forth by colonial leaders meeting at Albany, New York that sought to join the English colonies together under a president appointed by the king. The king rejected the plan.
Stamp Act (1765)
British law imposing a tax, in the form of stamps, on all legal and printed documents used in the English colonies.
salutary neglect
term describing English colonists belief that the British government's lack of interest in the colonies resulted i their ability to develop political and economic systems with little interference fro England.
Boston Massacre (1770)
the killing of five colonist in Boston by British soldiers led by Captain Thomas Preston.
Boston Tea Party
reaction of colonist in Boston against tea taxes imposed by the British. The colonist, dressed as Indian, boarded British ships and duped tea into Boston Harbor
First Continental Congress (1744)
meeting of representatives of all colonies, except Georgia, in Philadelphia, in response to the Intolerable Acts imposed on the colonist by Great Britain.
Intolerable Acts
series of harsh laws imposed by the British on the American colonies to assert control and raise revenues.
Quebec Act (1774)
act of British government extending the boundaries of the Canadian province of Quebec. The Quebec Act angered English colonist by threatening the territorial claims of the colonies.
Treaty of Paris (1783)
agreement ending the American Revolution and granting the English colonies their independence.
colonists who remained loyal to England during the Revolutionary War.
natural rights
liberties granted by God to which all people are entitled as human beings; first discussed by John Locke, these rights include life, liberty, and property.
Declaration of Independence
document written by Thomas Jefferson declaring the United States as an independent nation, and stating that all men have the basic rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.