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71 Cards in this Set

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What is faith?
* a supernatural gift from God
*God inviting us to believe in Him
*we can't earn it, God gives, we respond freely to His invitation to trust Him.
God places His word in our hearts. What are some ways that help us learn of God's word in our hearts?
1. Pray to the Holy Spirt
2. Come to know Jesus- everything God wants to say to us can be found in Jesus
3. By reading and studying Sacred Scripture
4. Study Sacred Tradition and the teachings of the Church
5. Listen to the guidance of the Pope and bishops, who seek Jesus faithfully.
What is a creed?
a statement or summary of the main beliefs of the Church.
What two creed are most popular in the Church?
1. The Apostles Creed
2. The Nicene Creed
Which creed is the earliest?
The Apostles Creed
Which creed was written to address false teachings?
The Nicene Creed
Which creed is said in Mass?
The Nicene Creed
Which creed is the shortest?
The Apostles Creed
What is another name for the Bible?
Sacred Scripture.
Who inspired the Bible?
What does it mean when we say the Bible is "the inspired word of God"?
That God, through the Holy Spirit, used human writers to write what He wanted to say to us about our salvation.
How many total books does the Bible contain?
73 books
Name the two testaments of the Bible.
The Old Testament and the New Testament
How many books are in the Old Testament?
46 books
How are the Old Testament books grouped?
1. Pentateuch- the 1st 5 books
2. Historical Books- the next 16 books
3. Wisdom Books- the next 7 books
4. Prophetic Books- the last 18 books
In the Old Testament God reveals Himself and makes His Covenant with His people, what is meant by "covenant"?
The promise to be faithful, made between God and His People.
Who is the New and Everlasting Covenant?
Jesus. He renewed the Covenant with God.
What group of books in the OT tell of God revealing Himself and making the Covenant with his people?
The Pentateuch
What group of books in the OT tell of how God's people lived the Covenant well sometimes, and not so well other times?
The Historical Books
What group of books in the OT share advice on how to live the Covenant?
The Wisdom Books
What group of books in the OT tell of God sending prophets to remind His people to be faithful to the covenant and that God will always be faithful to them?
The Prophetic Books
How many books are in the New Testament?
27 books
How are the New Testament books grouped?
1. The Gospels- 1st 4 books of NT
2. The Acts of the Apostles- 1 book of the early church
3. Pauline Epistles, or Letters- next 13 books
4. More Epistles, or Letters written by others- next 8 books
5. The Book of Revelation- last book of the Bible
What is an epistle?
It is a letter, that is more formal than personal, written to explain an idea or point in detail.
What group of books in the NT are at the heart of the Bible because Jesus is the center of them?
The 4 Gospels
What book in the NT tells the story of the early church?
The Acts of the Apostles
What group of books in the NT are written to help us understand our faith in Jesus and how to live that faith.
1. The Pauline Epistles, written by St. Paul
2. The Other Epistles, not written by St. Paul
In the Old Testament, God shares his name with Moses, saying "I am who am." What does this name mean in Hebrew?
In the Gospels, what did Jesus show us through his life on earth?
1.That God wants us to be happy now on earth and forever in heaven.
2. That when we put God at the center of our lives, we can grow in our love and complete trust of Him.
3. That we should value our friendship with God.
4. That this helps us grow in faith.
During World Youth Day celebrations, what do Catholic youth do?
1. Celebrate their faith
2. Discuss ways to live their faith.
3. Deepen their understanding of their faith.
What book in the NT has vivid and unusual details about the church and encourages Christians to remain faithful to Jesus even in their sufferings?
The Book of Revelation
The story of the Covenant:
1.Begins in Genesis
2. Continues throughout the OT
3. Includes Abraham, Noah, and Moses
4. Is revealed even further in the NT by Christ
How can we use Sacred Scripture to make us aware of God's presence in our lives?
We can:
1. Read it
2. Pray it
3. Study it
4. Share it
5. Live it
What is fidelity to God?
Faithfulness to God
Keeping your promises to God
Fulfilling your responsibilities to God and others
What is hope?
To desire that God will fulfill his promises
To also trust that God will fulfill his promises
What do all biblical prophets have in common?
God chose them and sent them to speak in his name.
What were the two central themes that God sent his prophets to speak about?
For God's people to have fidelity, or faithfulness, to Him and to have hope, or trust, in his faithfulness to his promises to them.
What is prudence?
A blend of good judgment, right choices, and self-control.
What is wisdom?
A gift of the Holy Spirit that helps us keep God at the center of our lives.
The Church’s official list of books in the Bible is called the _____.
Canon of Sacred Scripture
When the Israelites did not show good judgment, it led to them _____.
Breaking God’s law
Losing their homeland
Worshiping false gods
When we fail to keep God’s law, we _____.
Bring on sadness, sinfulness, and chaos
Live in darkness
Are not at peace
Bad _____ can lead to bad consequences.
God _____ remains faithful, even to those who are unfaithful to him.
Our minds cannot fully understand the holy _____ of God.
God making himself, his qualities or attributes, known to us is ___.
divine Revelation
Divine Revelation has been passed on in the _____ of the Church
Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition
God has revealed that He is _____.
Always faithful
Truth, all his promises happen
God has revealed himself as the mystery known as the _____.
Holy Trinity
The Holy Trinity is ____.
One God, in Three Person
The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit
We call the act of God bringing the world and humanity into existence from nothing _____.
God created the universe _____.
Without any help
Out of nothing
That is seen and unseen
Our innermost spiritual part that bears the imprint of God’s image and is eternal is our ____.
Spiritual creatures who never stop giving glory to God and who serve God’s saving plan are _____.
Angels--there are 9 Choirs of Angels
An offense against God’s law is called _____.
The sin Adam and Eve committed by turning away from God is called _____.
Original Sin- through this, sin and evil made their way into the world.
The sin of Adam and Eve was a sin of ____.
1. disobedience
2. pride
3. ambition
4. selfishness
Through Jesus Christ we have been _____.
1. Saved from sin and death
2. Healed and reconciled with God
3. Reconciled with all people and creation
_____ is the deliverance of humanity from the power of sin and death by God through Jesus Christ.
_____ identified Jesus as the Messiah, the Son of the living God.
The Holy Spirit has led the Church to believe that Jesus is _____.
the Lord and Savior
true God and true man
the Messiah
Jesus became true man without giving up his _____.
The word the Church uses to describe that the Son of God is fully human while remaining fully divine is___________.
Jesus became fully human in all things except _____.
Jesus is the one and only _____ who links God and the human family.
Three days after he died and was buried, God raised Jesus from the _____.
The _____ is at the heart of our faith in Christ.
The events of Jesus’ death, Resurrection, and Ascension are called the _____.
Paschal Mystery
Through Christ’s _____ all things have been justified, or made right, with God.
Paschal Mystery
Through Christ’s ascension and exaltation in glory, all humanity has been given the promise of _____.
everlasting life
Forty days after the Resurrection, the Risen Christ _____ to his Father in heaven.