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8 Cards in this Set

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a nerve impulse in the presynaptic neuron causes release of ____ into ____ ____
neurotransmitters - synaptic cleft
neurotransmitter binding to receptors on postsynaptic neuron dendrite or soma cause certain ____ gated ion channels to open
if Na+ channels open rapid influx of
Na+ ions (depolarization)
if Na+ channels open a small ____ graded potential occurs (epsp)
if Na+ channels open, if rmp changes in a positive direction by 20mV (or reaches the threshold), voltage gated sodium channels in the ____ ____ open
axon hillock
if Na+ channels open sodium rushes in at the axon hillock resulting in an ____ ____
action potential
if Na+ channels open, as the positive ions get pushed down the ____, more voltage gated sodium channels open and the ____ continues down the axon (propagation)
axon - depolarization
if Na+ channels open the process of restoring the negative rmp begins immediately following the ____ ____
depolarization wave (repolarization)