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57 Cards in this Set

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Patient history:

getting lost in familiar places
Forgetting names
losing things

Patient history:

Not recognizing familiar people
Seeing/hearing things

Time frame of symptoms:

onset in hrs-days
fluctuation of symptoms
worse at night
Time frame of symptoms:

months to years
How are late stage dementia and delirium alike?
Can hear/see things
Not recognize people
Worsening at night
ADLs are useful in evaluating what condition?

Delirious patients are too sick to leave the hospital
Mental Status exam - dx?

Fluctuating alertness
Mental Status exam - dx?

Orientation to person/place/time/situation more affected by
Mental Status exam - dx?

Fluctuation in attention
Mental Status exam - dx?

Impaired concentraion
Mental Status exam - dx?

Recent memory impaired, more likely to have all types of memory impaired
Mental Status exam - dx?

Language problems
Both delirium and dementia
Mental Status exam - dx?

Visuospatial design copying problems
Dementias of right hemisphere and most deliria
Mental Status exam - dx?

Reading impaired
delirium, late stage dementia
Mental Status exam - dx?

Writing impaired
delirium, late stage dementia
Mental Status exam - dx?

Calculation inabilities
Mental Status exam - dx?

Abstraction impaired
Mental Status exam - dx?

Cannot draw clock
prob with executive function in delirium and early dementias affecting the frontal lobe
On the MMSE, how do you test the reticular activating system?
Alertness (awake or stuperous)
Attention (immediate recall)
Concentration (spell world backwards)
On the MMSE, what tests show non-localized brain dysfunction?
Remote memory
On MMSE, what tests show lesion in medial temporal lobes?
Recent verbal memory (5 minutes)
On MMSE, how do you test the activity of the left hemisphere?
Language - repitition, naming, comprehension (follow a 3 step command)
On MMSE, how do you test the activity of the Right hemisphere
Visuospatial - copy a design
On MMSE, how do you test the activity of the occipital. left temporal, and parietal lobes?
On MMSE, how do you test the activity of the left frontal and parietal lobes?
On MMSE, how do you test the activity of the left parietal lobe?
Calculate change
On MMSE, how do you test the activity of the frontal lobes
Executive function - draw clock at 11:10

what is it used for?

WHat does it lack?
Screen test for cognitive impairment, but low sensitivity -- used to track changes over time in delirium and late-stage dementia

Ignores executive function
What is MoCA used for?
Identify cognitive defecits, more popular than the MMSE
Physical exam-dx:

Vital signs abnormal
Evidence of trauma

Next course of action?
search for brain bleed, which can cause delirium or subacute dementia
Physical exam-dx:

Dry mount, red skin, urinary retention, constipation, visual problems + delirium symptoms
Delirium due to overdose of anticholinergic drugs
Physical exam-dx:

Pin point pupils + delirium

What happened?
opiod toxicity
Physical exam-dx:

Sweating+tremulousness+tachycardia + high BP + delirium

What happened?
alcohol or benzodiazapine withdrawl
Physical exam-dx:

Jaundice (liver failure) or cyanosis (low oxygen)
Physical exam-dx:

Dilated pupils

Constricted pupils
Increased sympathetic tone


DSM-IV definition of Delirium
Fluctuating levels of consciousness and change in cognition developing over hours to days due to medical condition/substance intoxication or withdrawl
Common causes of delirium - substances
-alcohol or benzodiazepine withdrawl
-intoxication (amphetamines, cocaine, opiods, PCP, sedatives)
Common causes of delirium - infection
UTI in the elderly
-Altered level of consciousness
-Diminished attention
-Disorientation/confusion, sundowning
-Emotional lability/disinhibition
-Disorganized thoughts
-Disruption of sleep/wake cycle
-Hallucinations, delusions, illusions
-Autonomic instability
-Tremor/nystagmus, ataxia, urinary incontinence
Symptoms of delirium
Delirium prognosis
Poor, 50% mortality

But if underlying cause is not fatal, recovery
Pharmacological treatment for delirium

Treat delirium from anticholinergic toxicity
-Low dose, scheduled antipsychotics (esp. nighttime)
-Delirium from anticholinergic toxicity, physostigmine
When were benzodiazepines used to treat delirium
if delirium is caused by alcohol or benzodiazepine withdrawal
Dementia + muscular jerking

Dementia + hallucinations + adverse response to antipsychotics

Lewy body dementia
Dementia that has progressed slowly over 10-15 years, slow cognitive decline
Dementia with 'stair step' pattern of decline
Vascular dementia
Physical exam of dementia - dx?

Focal neurological findings - asymmetric reflexes or CNVII palsy
vascular dementia
Physical exam of dementia - dx?

Dry skin, thin hair, edema, slow reflexes
hypothyroidism induced dementia
Physical exam of dementia - dx?

Ataxia + urinary incontinence
Physical exam of dementia - dx?

Memory problems + recognition and naming problems
Pharmacotherapy for AD
1. Cholinesterase inhibitors

2. NMDA-antagonist: regulate activity of glutamate
Patient presents with symptoms of:
-Alzheimer-like (memory)
-Parkinson's (motor abnormalities)
Lewy Body dementia
What happens if you give antipsychotics to someone with Lewy Body Dementia
Develop adverse neurological effects even at tiny doses
Neuropathology of vascular dementia
Multiple lacunar thrombotic/embolic infarcts
Patient presents with:
-memory impairment -aphasia/apraxia/agnosia/executive dysfunction
-evidence of cerebrovascular disease (physical or radiological)
-Step-wise pattern of detrioration
Vascular dementia
-Asymmetric DTR
-Abnormal gait
-unilateral weakness
-pathological crying/lauging

symptoms of?
Vascular dementia