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55 Cards in this Set

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حذر يحذر التحذير HaDDara yuHaDDir at-taHDiir
To warn caution من that. Logical form II of form I. See: حذر يحذر الحذر HaDira yaHDar al-HiDr al-HaDar To be cautious aware be on one's guard. If you're driving like the wind ح through the woods you better be cautious aware on your guard because you might hit 'HaDira' a deer then your child will fly through the window holding it's doll ذ they you'll be up at 'HaDar' the door of heaven explaining to St Peter why you hit the deer. 6 24 Jul 08 Vocab
حذر يحذر الحذر HaDira yaHDar al-HiDr al-HaDar
To be cautious aware be on one's guard. If you're driving like the wind ح through the woods you better be cautious aware on your guard because you might hit 'HaDira' a deer then your child will fly through the window holding it's doll ذ they you'll be up at 'HaDar' the door of heaven explaining to St Peter why you hit the deer. 6 24 Jul 08 Vocab
مؤشر على mu&#x27
ashshir;Pointer reader indication of. The ham ء butcher's stupid apprentice told his boss the mu'ashshir the more I am sure the more it seems to be an indication pointer that I don't actually know what I'm doing. 6 24 Jul 08 Vocab
مخطط ج مخططات mukhaTTaT mukhaTTaTaat
planned sketch design map of a city. The cats who worshipped Lister decided to muKHaTTaT make a tat as in tattoo to earmark him as someone who believes in the planned design of Lister. 6 24 Jul 08 Vocab
فعالية ج ات f&#x27
''aaliiya;Effectiveness efficacy activity. Dr Phil's female followers are called Fa'aaliiya feminine nisba of Phil and they love Phil for the effectiveness efficacy activity of his advise aat his show. 6 24 Jul 08 Vocab
تحضيري tahdiiry
Preparatory preparative. Idafa from تحضير ج يحضيرات taHDiir taHDiiraat Preparing preparation. Masdar from حضر II. If you don't put preparation into your outfit your Dad will have to come over and say let's taHDiir talk dear while he drives you home aat the end of the night. 6 24 Jul 08 Vocab
هيكل ج هياكل haykal hayaakil
Temple large building skeleton. Moses went to challenge the Egyptians in one of their temples. He laughed ha ه 'haykal hey call one of your stupid calf ك Gods and my God will be like hayaakil hey I kill Egyptian Gods and leave their skeletons. 6 24 Jul 08 Vocab
هياكل hayaakil
Temples large buildings skeletons. Plural from هيكل haykal. Moses went to challenge the Egyptians in one of their temples. He laughed ha ه call one of your stupid calf ك Gods and my God will be like hayaakil hey I kill Egyptian Gods and leave their skeletons. 6 24 Jul 08 Vocab
مزعوم maz&#x27
uum;Pretended claimed alleged so-called. Ron Weasley saw Drako trying to fake like he had zoomed on his broom. He he refered to 'maz'uum' my zoom Ron said 'you mean your 'pretend claimed alleged so-called zoom.' 6 24 Jul 08 Vocab
على حساب &#x27
laa hisaab;At the expense of. After the wind ح blew Satan س onto the submarine and he convinced the crew that the Captain is a sap he spoke at the expense of God and said ''laa hisaab Allah he's a sap too. 6 24 Jul 08 Vocab
بات + فعل في المضارع
Have now gotten to the point where. It's gotten to the point where kids staying the night at their boyfriend or girlfriend's house in common. See: بات يبت مبيت في baata bittu yabiitu mabiit fii To stay the night. The overprotective cop mother let her daughter's boyfriend stay the night even though she knew her daughter though he was a tiger ت. First she showed him her 'baat' bat which would 'bittu' like a vampire. 'Yabiitu' yeah I'll beat you. You're not touching my daughter on 'mabiit' my beat. You're just getting shelter for the night and you'll become a unique if you try. 6 24 Jul 08 Vocab
بات بت يبت مبيت في baata bittu yabiitu mabiit fii
To stay the night. The overprotective cop mother let her daughters boyfriend stay the night but first she showed him her 'baat' bat which would 'bittu' lik a vampire. 'Yabiitu' yeah I'll beat you. You're not having sex with my daughter on 'mabiit' my beat. You're just getting shelter for the night. 6 24 Jul 08 Vocab
مبيت mabiit
Overnight stop shelter for the night. Masdar from بات. The overprotective cop mother let her daughters boyfriend make an overnight stop have shelter for the night. She did however explain 'you're not touching my daughter on 'mabiit' my beat.' 6 24 Jul 08 Vocab
تسارع يتسارع التسارع
Hurry hasten rush to hurry hasten rush among each other. Satan س finally had to acknowledge that it was OK for Matt to rush hurry tasaar' because she was hurrying rushing hastening among him too. They were hurrying among each other. 6 24 Jul 08 Vocab
تصاعد يتصاعد التصاعد tas&#x27
aa'da yatasaa'du tasaa'ud;To rise ascend in an abstract sense. In Saudi Arabia rising is so synonymous with the Saudis they call 'tasaa'da' and 'yatasaa'du' you toss a dude on their alter and say it's 'tas' what is 'a'ud' owed. 6 24 Jul 08 Vocab
جنوني januuny
Frenzied made insane. An evil jinn pretending to be ja showed himself to nuuny character from SNL and told him to become a white rastafarian like Ross Trent making all his friends think he's insane. 6 24 Jul 08 Vocab
لفت يلفت اللفت lafata yalfitu laft
To bend tilt incline direct turn away avert. He -- laughed as he bent inclined directed his car toward the crowd. -- You all fit as I direct bend my car toward you he -- laughed. 6 24 Jul 08 Vocab
وسائل الإعلام wasaa&#x27
l al-i'laam;Media. The mad scientist hatched a plot to seize all the world's media and use it to broadcast to the aliens 'wa sa'il' and sell the world but an i'laam' alarm went out from the very media he sought to hijack. 6 24 Jul 08 Vocab
أعلم يعلم الإعلام aa&#x27
lama ya'lim al-i'laam;To let someone know notify inform acquaint. Even though Einstein ع was the one who came up with Atomic theory he tried to notify inform acqauint us with the idea that it is too dangerous before the bomb i'laam alarm started going off. 6 24 Jul 08 Vocab
Communication advice notice. Masdar from أعلم aa'lama. Even though Einstein ع was the one who came up with Atomic theory he gave the advice notice communicated that the bomb was too dangerous before the bomb i'laam alarm started going off. 6 24 Jul 08 Vocab
دورة ج دورات daura dauaraat
Meeting revolution rotation circulation period. The Muslim soldier told his fiance that once he finished with his meeting turn rotation period he had to fight the infidels he would have lots of money to pay her daura dowry and he would return at her house and marry her. 6 24 Jul 08 Vocab
نحو nahwa
In the direction of toward around. Russian officers would just yell 'nahwa' now to get the soldiers going in the direction toward around where they wanted them to go. 6 24 Jul 08 Vocab
على مدار
Throughout a period of time When you get to heaven a you can tell 'ala Allah that throughout your ma my life I spent it fighting in the dar al-Harb and he'll probably let you in. 6 24 Jul 08 Vocab
مدار ج مدارات madaar madaaraat
Axis circling subject topic theme. Calling all our enemies part of an axis of evil just made them madaar madder feeling like circling us. It wasn't the best way to broach the subject. 6 24 Jul 08 Vocab
أسبوع ج أسابيع usbuu&#x27
asaabii';Week. The whole week before Halloween even thought it's a sin س Einstein's ع amuses 'us' by dressing like a 'buu'' boo a ghost or 'asaabii'' as a bee. 6 24 Jul 08 Vocab
أهل يهل التأهيل ahhala yahhal at-tahiil
To qualify make fit enable make possible. Just because II people get married doesn't qualify make them fit to start a family especially if they're a bunch a ahhala a-holes We shouldn't enable them to do so. It also doesn't qualify them to be doctors trying 'tahiil' to heal people. 6 24 Jul 08 Vocab
تاهيل tahiil
Qualification training education. Masdar from أهل II. Tahiil to heal people as a doctor you need to have the necessary training qualification education. 6 24 Jul 08 Vocab
طاقم ج طواقم Taaqim TawaaQim
Crew. Plural not in HW. The Chinese foreman was afraid his crew would get bird ط flew and cough ق all over the place. I knew I'll TaaQim them them Tacos so they won't eat the local fowl and have a TaqaaQ talk with im him. 6 24 Jul 08 Vocab
طواقم TawaaQim
Crews. Plural of طاقم Taaqim The Chinese foreman was afraid his crew would get bird ط flew and cough ق all over the place. I knew I'll take them Tacos so they won't eat the local fowl and have a TaqaaQ talk with im him. 6 24 Jul 08 Vocab
قدم يقدم التقديم إلى qaddama yuqaddimu taqdiim
To present offer. The savage barbarian 'qaddama' virgin and presented offered her over to the Gods but they weren't happy with her. they said ''yuqaddimu' you caught a dim girl. From her 'taq' talk we 'diim' deem she is not a good dedication submission 'at' this time. 6 24 Jul 08 Vocab
تقديم ج ات taqdiim taqdiimaat
Sending dispatching submission dedication. 6 24 Jul 08 Vocab
تقديم ج تقاديم taqdiim taqaadiim
Offer tender memorial. 6 24 Jul 08 Vocab
شرح يشرح الشرح sharah yashrahu sharh
To make clear expose cut in slices rip open. It's time to -- share with everyone what is going on with you -- yes it is raw for your feelings and you feel like you are ripping open your heart but you must -- share. 6 24 Jul 08 Vocab
شرح ج شروح sharh shuruuh
Presentation illustration exposition setting forth. I do not wan to -- share and make a presentation illustration exposition of all my feelings and you -- should rue doing it too. 6 24 Jul 08 Vocab
شروح shuruuh
plural presentation illustration exposition setting forth شرح ج شروح sharh shuruuh
باب ج أبواب/ بيبان baab abwaab biibaan
Door opening chapter column. 6 24 Jul 08 Vocab
شعيرة ج شعائر sha&#x27
iira sha'aa'ir;Religious ceremony rite practice places of worship. You -- should hear a ceremony soon where we -- show our religion to everyone else. 6 24 Jul 08 Vocab
متعلق ب muta&#x27
alliq;Attached connected related to with. Jude says -- muta I like you and am attached connected related to you. 6 24 Jul 08 Vocab
بخر يبخر التبخير
To vaporize disinfent perfume with incense. 6 24 Jul 08 Vocab
تبخير tabkhiir
Fumigation. 6 24 Jul 08 Vocab
كاهن ج كهنة kaahin kahana
Priest fortuneteller soothsayer. The priest -- could hiny someone at any time and -- could hand them too. 6 24 Jul 08 Vocab
كهنة kahana
plural priests
مذبح ج مذابح madbah madaabih
Slaughterhouse alter. Do not get -- mad but you have been assigned to the slaughterhouse and to clean the alter. You are -- mad a bit. 6 24 Jul 08 Vocab
مذابح madaabih
plural massacres and slaughterhouses laters see: مذبحة ج مذابح madbah madaabih Slaughter massacre. A madbath is better than the slaughter of a bloodbah. and مذبح ج مذابح madbah madaabih
علاوة على &#x27
ilaawatan 'laa;In addition to. The Shiites -- allow a lot of stuff to be added in addition to the original Islamic faith of -- Allah. 6 24 Jul 08 Vocab
علاوة &#x27
ilaawa;Addition increase raise. We have to -- allow an addition increase raise in taxes! 6 24 Jul 08 Vocab
عرض ج عروض &#x27
ard 'uruud;Presentation demonstration exhibition. 6 24 Jul 08 Vocab
أخد تابَع
تأخد طابع الفاعليات التحضيرية
It has taken the form of
It (fem) is taking the form of preparatory activities
6 24 Jul 08 Vocab
Building construction
Hey construction worker! Where you -- been at? Building construction. 6 24 Jul 08 Vocab
الفعاليات التحضيرية لبناء الهيكل المعزوم على حساب المسجد الأقصى المبارك
Preparatory activities to build the so-called temple at the expense of the blessed Al-Aqsa mosque. 6 24 Jul 08 Vocab
النشاطات باتت تتسارع و تتصاعد بشكل جنوني
The activities has sped up and increased to a crazy extent.
6 24 Jul 08 Vocab
لفتت لما نشرته وسائل الإعلام الإسرائيلية
It turned to what the Israeli press published
6 24 Jul 08 Vocab
على مَدَارِ ثلاثة أسابيع
During a period of three weeks
6 24 Jul 08 Vocab
Building construction populating
The settlers say what is need -- is more building construction populating in Pal territories. 6 24 Jul 08 Vocab
Approximate rough
6 24 Jul 08 Vocab