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46 Cards in this Set

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general diagnostic term that designates primary heart disease
coronary arteries
blood vessels that supply oxygen to the heart muscle
coronary heart disease
heart damage resulting from insufficient oxygen of the heart muscle; this condition is caused by pathologic changes in the coronary arteries
inflammation of the inner lining of the heart, often caused by infection
the inner lining of the heart
extracellular fluid
fluid outside body cells
intracellular fluid
fluid located inside cells
intercellular, interstitial, or tissue fluid
fluid that fills spaces between cells outside the blood vessles
inflammation of the heart muscle
the heart muscle;
the sac that is composed of a double membrane which encloses the heart
inflammation of the pericardium
the fluid portion of the blood in which corpuscles are suspended
angina pectoris
severe pain around the heart caused by an insufficient supply of blood to the heart
irregularity or loss of rhythm of the heartbeat
cardiac catheterization
the passage of a long flexible tube into the heart chambers from the vein in an arm, leg, or the neck
enlarged size of the heart
hearts and lungs
cardiopulmonary bypass
the method used to divert blood away from the heart and lungs while surgery on the heart and major vessles is being performed
cardiopulmonary resuscitation
an emergency first aid procedure to reestablish heart and lung action if breathing or heart action has stopped
computed tomography
a technique that produces cross-sectional images of an organ similar to what would be seen if the actual organ were cut into sections
congenital heart defects
abnormalities present in the heart at birth
congestive heart failure
a condition characterized by weakness, breathlessness, and edema in the lower portions of the body
an electronic apparatus that delivers a shock to the heart to restore a proper rhythm
the record of the heartbeat obtained by direct ultrasonic waves through the chest wall
ultrasonographic technique used to diagnose heart disease
the graphic tracing produced by recording the electrical currents of the heart muscle using an electrocardiograph
a device consisting of a tube and optical system for observing inside a hollow organ or cavity
endoscopic examination
an examination employing a device consisting of a tube and optical system for observing inside a hollow organ or cavity
a severe cardiac arrhythmia in which contractions are too rapid and uncoordinated for effective blood circulation
heart failure
cessation of the heartbeat; a clinical condition resulting from a failure of the heart to pump the blood effectively and to maintain adequate circulation of the blood
heart murmur
a soft blowing or rasping sound that may be heard when listening to the heart; it is typically caused by leaky valves or ones that do no close completely
excessive fat in the blood
elevated blood pressure
low blood pressure
formation of a localized area of tissue necrosis caused by lack of blood supply to that area; necrosis refers to tissue death and it can result from occlusion and stenosis of the artery that supplies blood to that tissue
myocardial infarction
death of an area of the heart muscle that occurs as a result of oxygen deprivation
myocardial ischemia
deficiency of blood supply to the myocardium
noninvasive procedures
procedures that do not require entering the body or puncturing the skin, and therefore are less hazardous for the patient than invasive procedures
open heart surgery
operative procedures on the heart after it has been exposed through an incision into the chest wall
pacemaker implant
artificial pacemaker implanted to keep the heart rhythm within a desirable range in patients who suffer from severe arrhythmia
a serious condition in which blood flow to the heart is reduced to such an extent that body tissues do not recieve enough blood
a procedure that uses sound waves bounced off of tissue to produce a record called a sonogram