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40 Cards in this Set

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Cognitive Skills help us? (5)
-Remember new info
-Solve problems in new situations
-Direct our attention
-Perceive and interpret events
-Guide acquisition of information about the events in the environment
Basic processes of cognition include? (6)
-Problem solving
Things SLP should know...
Cognitive processes are directly linked to ___?
Decline in cognition means a reduced ability to ____ and to ___?
stay involved
adapt to the environment
What are the three theoretical models of cognitive aging?
slowing speed of info
diminished resources
inhibitory deficit
Slowing speed of information processing theory
-deficits occur when faster rate of processing is needed
-neurological slowing and musculature decline
Diminished resources
-performance requirements exceed the capacity
-mental energy reserves
Inhibitory deficit theory
-reduced ability to focus on relevant information and ignore irrelevant information
What causes choice reaction time to decline?
-decreased nerve conduction speed
-impaired sensory function
-slowed motor planning and muscle movement
-Less efficient attention mechanisms
Crystallized Intelligence
-dependent on life experiences
-acquired by everyday experiences and interactions
-elements: reading, writing, education, professional skills, self-knowledge for coping
Fluid Intelligence
-Abstract analytical cognitive reasoning
-Mental flexibility and willingness to adapt
-elements: speed and accuracy of processing, short term memory, categorization, discrimination
What did david Wechsler IQ testing find fro 20-60 year old cohort?
For verbal(crystalized) IQ relatively the same; for performance(fluid) IQ decline with age
What is the Flynn effect?
measured IQ of birth cohorts has risen throughout the 20th century
What age does creativity thinking decline?
Wisdom/ego integrity
integration of new experiences in the context of a large body of accumulated experiences
Attention decline
-time it takes to identify meaning
-greater distractibility
-difficulty in paying attentin to 2 event
-reduced alertness
-wandering attention
What causes dysfunction in attention?
-memory demands
-task complexity
-time pressures
-information isn't relevant to the person
Simon task
-Red/blue square on different sides of the screen
-measures ability to focus on relevant info and ignore irrelevant info.
Wisconsin Card Sorting Task
-error-based learning to figure out pattern
-involves many processes associated with the frontal lobe
Executive Function
-planning, initiating, terminating, shifting purposeful behavior
-problem solving, reasoning, learning
-frontal lobes
-ability to pull things together
Problems with executive function
-inability for cognitive flexibility
-concrete thinking
harder time planning
What mechanisms makes cognitive compensation possible?
synaptic plasticity
brain's ability to reorganize and optimize processing in response to change
Brain Reserve
The brain's ability to deal with limitations or damage while still functioning adequately
Receptive Language
Auditory comprehension
Auditory Input
-temporary; means we have to rely more on memory
input likely to be available longer
"Bottom up" processes
-perceptual information activates phonemic, lexical, syntactic,"", and semantic representations
"Gating" technique
older adults need more info before they can identify words
-one words activated they stay activated longer
Older adults have difficult with what kind of words?
-single words
-connected speech
integration of meaning
-also involved (memory, attention, goal-directed focusing (knowing what to listen for)
Sources of comprehension difficulty
-peripheral: pr
-high freq hearing loss
-speech sounds at high freq s,f,k,t,
temporal processing
-cortical function
-working memory
-inhibitory control
Automatic listening
it takes no resources
Effortful listening
-it takes cognitive resources
Who is affected negatively by rapid speech?
-young and old
-difficulty encoding under time r pressure
How many words per minute in ordinary conversation?
As what increases in sentences does it make understanding harder for old adults?
syntactic complexity
Is the semantic system affected by aging?
Semantic Priming
Hear "doctor" quicker to respond to nurse
-same for kids and adults