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24 Cards in this Set

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GRF forces applied to the foot by the ground...
Vertical? AP? ML?
vertical: 120-140% BW
AP: 20% BW
ML: 5% BW
when are the GRF forces anterior? posterior?
- anteriorly directed at push off
- posteriorly directed at heel strike
when are GRF forces Lateral? Medial?
- laterally directed at heel strike and initial contact
- medially directed as BW shifts back to CL limb
what are the 2 peaks of vertical GRFs
1) Loading response: decellerates the angle of the foot (PF torque)
2) terminal stance: acceleration and push off
what two things will cause the peaks of vertical GRFs to be higher
1) weigh more
2) clompy/heavy footed gait
when are GRFs for vertical lowest
at end of midstance (deceleration)
GRFs in the AP dirction are the _____ and _____ forces of gait
braking and pushing forces (shear)
GRFs in the vertical direction are the _____ and the _____ Forces of gait
acceleration and deceleration of BW
what direction are the AP GRFs during heel contact and what is it proportional to
Posteriorly braking forces proportional to
1) step length
2) walking speed
3) desire to stop
what direction are the AP GRFs during terminal stance/pre swing
pushing force of acceleration in anterior direction proportional to
1) step length
2) walking speed
3) desire to accelerate
Constant gait velocity requires
balancing of the forces applied simultaneously to move forward (accelerate) or decelerate (brake)
Butterfly effect represents...
combined vertical and AP forces
what effect does wider steps have on GRFs
wider steps create greater ML forces ----> GRF is primarily directed MEDIALLY!
1) create _____
2) depend on _____
3) Countered by:
1) create external torques
2) depend on moment arms
3) countered by: muscle forces and passive structures
how can you increase your moment arm in your foot
pushing off a more distal toe.... creates a longer more efficient lever arm
where is teh CoP at heel contact (causing...)
roughtly just lateral to the midpoint of the heel causing plantar flexion and eversion
what happens to the path of center of pressure at midstance
more lateral the force, the higher the arch of the foot
what happens to the center of pressure at terminal stance
should be located under the first/second metatarsals for proper push off
External torques are produced by ______ whereas internal torques are produced by ______
external torques produced by GRFs whereas internal torques are produced by muscle activation and passive tension
Net joint torques has what to faults
1) doesnt take into account co-activation of agonist-antagonist action
2) does not indicate the direction of movement
what happens if internal torques are too low (compared to external torques)
gait deviations can result
power =
net torque X velocity
positive power =
concentric action or power generation
negative power=
eccentric action or power absorption