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42 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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where in the ventral cord are some LMNs located
lamina 9 of the ventral horn
LMNs connect ____ to _____
CNS to skeletal muscle (final common pathway)
LMN are ___polar
where in the brainstem are LMN located
motor nuclei 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 , 11, 12
(all but 1, 2, 8)
patient who cannot look up and in (CN affected and where located)
4 (trochlear) midbrain
problem with most eye muscles (CN affected and where located)
3 (occulomotor) midbrain
patient with problems chewing (CN affected and where located)
5 (trigeminal) mid pons
patient with problem looking inwards (CN affected and where located)
6 (abducens) low pons
patient with facial assymetry (CN affected and where located)
7 (facial) low pons
patient with problems of the uvula or pharynx (CN affected and where located)
9 (glossopharyngeal)
patient with problems of respiratory muscles (CN affected and where located)
10 (vagus) medulla
patient with problems of the upper cervical muscles (CN affected and where located)
11 (accessory) medulla
patient with tongue deviations (CN affected and where located)`
12 (hypoglossal) medulla
why does it matter that the LMNs are multipolar
tells us there are many sources of convergence
what is the baseline firing of LMN and skeletal muscles
resting muscle tone
what adjusts the movement of resting muscle tone
reflexes from either spinal cord or supraspinal level
how is controlled voluntary control for movement
through descending pathways either directly to the LMN or through interneurons to adjust the contraction
a DTR (sensory input required for mov't) would be exemplified by a reflexive hammer tap --> (pathway)
tap --> afferent --> sc/brainstem --> efferent --> gastroc soleus complex
what LMN innervate extrafusal muscle fibers
alpha LMN
what LMN accounts for the majority of muscle contraction
alpha LMN
______ are large, fast while _____ are smaller
alpha = large, fast
gamma = smaller
what LMN innervates muscle spindle fibers (skeletal)
gamma LMN
what LMN is important for setting muscle tone
what are extrafusal muscle fibers
fibers outside the spindle
what would be the signs of a LMN disease
- decreased stretch reflex
- weakness or paralysis
- decreased resistance to passive movement
- decreased muscle sign
what are the 3 types of PNS injuries that could affect the LMN
1) pressure
2) trauma
3) injury
what is the hallmark sign in a LMN disease
decreased muscle tone
what is neuropraxia
transient compression/interruption of blood flow
what is axonotmesis
compression causing lesion of axon but CT still intact
what is neurotmesis
complete lesion of axon and CT
what must happen for paralysis to occur in a muscle
all LMN to that muscle are cut
what are fasciculations
twitch of a motor unit (one LMN and ll mm fibers it innervates)
what is a fibrillation
twitch of an individual muscle cell
what would demonstrate transient hyperexcitability
fasciculations and fibrillations
how long will muscle cells last without innervation
denervation atrophy begins, after one year if no possibility of reinnnervation then the muscle cells will start to die off
what is a common example of a LMN disease
what is the etiology of polio
virus attacks the ventral horn of the gray matter
what are the S and S with polio
- denervation
- atrophy
- deformities
- HYPOactive DTRs
what is the role of the UMN
to drive the LMN providing voluntary control to the LMN
what is the primary method of influencing a LMN for voluntary control
use of a UMN
UMN goes from ___ to ____
spinal cord/brainstem to cortex
what is the 2 neuron pathway
the idea of the upper and lower motor neurons (with the some interneurons)