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381 Cards in this Set

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to finish, to end, to complete
to walk
to learn
to fall
to fall, to fall down, to tumble
to sing
to begin, to start, to commence
to eat
to buy, to purchase
to lead, to conduct, to drive
to construct, to build
to count, to relate, to tell
to believe
to give
to owe, must, ought
to stay, to tell
to sleep
to enter, to go (in), to come (in)
to write
to be
to study
to be pleasing (to), to like
to have (as an auxiliary, helping verb)
to talk, to speak
to do, to make
to go
to go away
to read
to call, to name
to be called, to be named
to arrive
to carry (away), to take (away), to wear
to look, to look at, to watch
to look at oneself, to look at each other (uno a otro, unos a otros)
to hear
to pay
to think
to lose
to be able, can
to put, to place
to put on (clothing), to become, to set (sun)
to remain, to stay
to want, to wish
to shake, to jerk, to jolt
to go out, to leave
to feel sorry, to regret, to feel
to feel (well, ill)
to be
to have, to hold
to take, to have (something to eat or drink)
to bring
to come
to see
to live
to return, to go back
I finish
You finish (informal)
He/she/it finishes
We finish
You finish (plural)
They finish
yo ando
I walk
tu andas
You walk
usted/él/ella anda
He/she/it walks
nosotros andamos
We walk
vosotros andáis
You walk (plural)
Ustedes/ellos/ellas andan
They walk
yo aprendo
I learn
tú aprendes
You learn
usted/él/ella aprende
He/she/it learns
nosotros aprendemos
we learn
vosotros aprendéis
you (plural) learn
ustedes/ellos/ellas aprenden
They learn
yo caigo
I fall
tú caes
You fall
usted/él/ella cae
he/she/it falls
nosotros caemos
we fall
vosotros caéis
you (plural) fall
ustedes/ellos/ellas caen
they fall
yo me caigo
I fall down
tú te caes
you fall down
usted/él/ella se cae
he/she/it falls down
nosotros nos caemos
we fall down
vosotros os caéis
you (plural) fall down
ustedes/ellos/ellas se caen
they fall down
yo canto
I sing
tú cantas
you sing
usted/él/ella canta
he/she/it sings
nosotros cantamos
we sing
vosotros cantáis
you (plural) sing
ustedes/ellos/ellas cantan
they sing
yo comienzo
I begin
tú comienzas
you begin
usted/él/ella comienza
he/she/it begins
nosotros comenzamos
we begin
vosotros comenzáis
you (plural) begin
ustedes/ellos/ellas comienzan
they begin
yo como
I eat
tú comes
you eat
usted/él/ella come
he/she it eats
nosotros comemos
we eat
vosotros coméis
you (plural) eat
ustedes/ellos/ellas comen
they eat
yo compro
I buy
tú compras
you buy
usted/él/ella compra
he/she/it buys
nosotros compramos
we buy
vosotros compráis
you (plural) buy
ustedes/ellos/ellas compran
they buy
yo conduzco
I drive
tú conduces
you buy
usted/él/ella conduce
he/she/it drives
nosotros conducimos
we drive
vosotros conducís
you drive
ustedes/ellos/ellas conducen
they drive
yo conozco
I know/ I am acquainted with
tú conoces
you know
usted/él/ella conoce
he/she/it knows
nosotros conocemos
we know
vosotros conocéis
you know
ustedes/ellos/ellas conocen
they know
yo construyo
I build
tú construyes
you build
usted/él/ella construye
he/she/it builds
nosotros construimos
we build
vosotros construís
you (plural) build
ustedes/ellos/ellas construyen
they build
yo cuento
I count / tell / relate
tú cuentas
you count / tell / relate
usted/él/ella cuenta
he/she/it counts / tells / relates
nosotros contamos
we count / tell / relate
vosotros contáis
count / tell / relate
ustedes/ellos/ellas cuentan
they count / tell / relate
yo creo
I believe
tú crees
you believe
usted/él/ella cree
he/she/it believes
nosotros creemos
we believe
vosotros creéis
you believe
ustedes/ellos/ellas creen
they believe
yo doy
I give
tú das
you give
usted/él/ella da
he/she/it gives
nosotros damos
we give
vosotros dais
you give
ustedes/ellos/ellas dan
they give
yo debo
I owe/must/ought
tú debes
you owe/must/ought
usted/él/ella debe
he/she/it owes/must/ought
nosotros debemos
we owe/must/ought
vosotros debéis
you owe/must/ought
ustedes/ellos/ellas deben
they owe/must/ought
yo digo
I say
tú dices
you say
usted/él/ella dice
he/she/it says
nosotros decimos
we say
vosotros decís
you say
ustedes/ellos/ellas dicen
they say
yo duermo
I sleep
tú duermes
you sleep
usted/él/ella duerme
he/she/it sleeps
nosotros dormimos
we sleep
vosotros dormís
you sleep
ustedes/ellos/ellas duermen
they sleep
yo entro
I enter
tú entras
you enter
usted/él/ella entra
he/she/it enters
nosotros entramos
we enter
vosotros entráis
you enter
ustedes/ellos/ellas entran
they enter
yo escribo
I write
tú escribes
you write
usted/él/ella escribe
he/she/it writes
nosotros escribimos
we write
vosotros escribís
you write
ustedes/ellos/ellas escriben
they write
yo estoy
I am
tú estás
you are
usted/él/ella está
he/she/it is
nosotros estamos
we are
vosotros estáis
you are
ustedes/ellos/ellas están
they are
yo estudio
I study
tú estudias
you study
usted/él/ella estudia
he/she/it studies
nosotros estudiamos
we study
vosotros estudiáis
you study
ustedes/ellos/ellas estudian
they study
me gusta
it is pleasing to me
me gustan
they are pleasing to me
I have
You have
he/she/it has
we have
you have
they have
yo hablo
I speak
tú hablas
you speak
usted/él/ella habla
he/she/it speaks
nosotros hablamos
we speak
vosotros habláis
you speak
ustedes/ellos/ellas hablan
they speak
yo hago
I make
tú haces
you make
usted/él/ella hace
he/she/it makes
nosotros hacemos
we make
vosotros hacéis
you make
ustedes/ellos/ellas hacen
they make
yo voy
I go
tú vas
you go
usted/él/ella va
he/she/it goes
nosotros vamos
we go
vosotros vais
you go
ustedes/ellos/ellas van
they go
me voy
I go away
te vas
you go away
se va
he/she/it goes away
nos vamos
we go away
os vais
you go away
se van
they go away
yo leo
I read
tú lees
you read
usted/él/ella lee
he/she/it reads
nosotros leemos
we read
vosotros leéis
you read
ustedes/ellos/ellas leen
they read
yo llamo
I call
tú llamas
you call
usted/él/ella llama
he/she/it calls
nosotros llamamos
we call
vosotros llamáis
you call
ustedes/ellos/ellas llaman
they call
me llamo
I am called
te llamas
you are called
se llama
he/she/it is called
nos llamamos
we are called
os llamáis
you are called
se llaman
they are called
yo llevo
I carry
tú llevas
you carry
usted/él/ella lleva
he/she/it carries
nosotros llevamos
we carry
vosotros lleváis
you carry
ustedes/ellos/ellas llevan
they carry
yo miro
I look at
tú miras
you look at
usted/él/ella mira
he/she/it looks at
nosotros miramos
we look at
vosotros miráis
you look at
ustedes/ellos/ellas miran
they look at
me miro
i look at myself
te miras
you look at yourself
se mira
he/she/it looks at him/her/it-self
nos miramos
we look at ourselves
os miráis
you look at yourself
se miran
they look at themselves
yo oigo
I hear
tú oyes
you hear
usted/él/ella oye
he/she/it hears
nosotros oímos
we hear
vosotros oís
you hear
ustedes/ellos/ellas oyen
they hear
yo pago
I pay
tú pagas
you pay
usted/él/ella paga
he/she/it pays
nosotros pagamos
we pay
vosotros pagáis
you pay
usted/ellos/ellas pagan
they pay
yo pienso
I think
tú piensas
you think
usted/él/ella piensa
he/she/it thinks
nosotros pensamos
we think
vosotros pensáis
you think
ustedes/ellos/ellas piensan
they think
yo pierdo
I lose
tú pierdes
you lose
usted/él/ella pierde
he/she/it loses
nosotros perdemos
we lose
vosotros perdéis
you lose
ustedes/ellos/ellas pierden
they lose
yo puedo
I can
tú puedes
you can
usted/él/ella puede
he/she/it can
nosotros podemos
we can
vosotros podéis
you can
ustedes/ellos/ellas pueden
they can
yo pongo
I put
tú pones
you put
usted/él/ella pone
he/she/it puts
nosotros ponemos
we put
vosotros ponéis
you put
ustedes/ellos/ellas ponen
they put
me pongo
I become/put on (clothing)/to set (sun)
te pones
you become/put on (clothing)/to set (sun)
se pone
he/she/it becomes/puts on (clothing)/to set (sun)
nos ponemos
we become/put on (clothing)/to set (sun)
os ponéis
you become/put on (clothing)/to set (sun)
se ponen
they become/put on (clothing)/to set (sun)
me quedo
I remain
te quedas
you remain
se queda
he/she/it remains
nos quedamos
we remain
os quedáis
you remain
se quedan
they remain
yo quiero
I want
tú quieres
you want
usted/él/ella quiere
he/she/it wants
nosotros queremos
we want
vosotros queréis
you want
ustedes/ellos/ellas quieren
they want
yo sé
I know
tú sabes
you know
usted/él/ella sabe
he/she/it knows
nosotros sabemos
we know
vosotros sabéis
you know
ustedes/ellos/ellas saben
they know
yo salgo
I leave
tú sales
you leave
usted/él/ella sale
he/she/it leaves
nosotros salimos
we leave
vosotros salís
you leave
ustedes/ellos/ellas salen
they leave
yo siento
I feel sorry
tú sientes
you feel sorry
usted/él/ella siente
he/she/it feels sorry
nosotros sentimos
we feel sorry
vosotros sentís
you feel sorry
ustedes/ellos/ellas sienten
they feel sorry
me siento
I feel well/ill
te sientes
you feel well/ill
se siente
he/she/it feels well/ill
nos sentimos
we feel well/ill
os sentís
you feel well/ill
se sienten
they feel well/ill
yo soy
I am
tú eres
you are
usted/él/ella es
he/she/it is
nosotros somos
we are
vosotros sois
you are
ustedes/ellos/ellas son
they are
yo tengo
I have
tú tienes
you have
usted/él/ella tiene
he/she/it has
nosotros tenemos
we have
vosotros tenéis
you have
ustedes/ellos/ellas tienen
they have
yo tomo
I take
tú tomas
you take
usted/él/ella toma
he/she/it takes
nosotros tomamos
we take
vosotros tomáis
you take
ustedes/ellos/ellas toman
they take
yo traigo
I bring
tú traes
you bring
usted/él/ella trae
he/she/it brings
nosotros traemos
we bring
vosotros traéis
you bring
ustedes/ellos/ellas traen
they bring
yo vengo
I come
tú vienes
you come
usted/él/ella viene
he/she/it comes
nosotros venimos
we come
vosotros venís
you come
ustedes/ellos/ellas vienen
they come
yo veo
I see
tú ves
you see
usted/él/ella ve
he/she/it sees
nosotros vemos
we see
vosotros veis
you see
ustedes/ellos/ellas ven
they see
yo vivo
I live
tú vives
you live
usted/él/ella vive
he/she/it lives
nosotros vivimos
we live
vosotros vivís
you live
ustedes/ellos/ellas viven
they live
yo vuelvo
I return
tú vuelves
you return
usted/él/ella vuelve
he/she/it returns
nosotros volvemos
we return
vosotros volvéis
you return
ustedes/ellos/ellas vuelven
they return