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41 Cards in this Set

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what is a malignant tumor that is derived from melanocytes?
Malignant melanoma
what cancer is the leading cause of death under the age of 40?
malignant melanoma
what are the objective findings for malignant melanoma
asymmetric, pigmented, irrregular borders, variable coloration and the diameter is usually greater than 5mm
what are the types of malignant melanoma
superfical spreading melanoma (flatter)
nodular melanoma - not flat and it metastisizes early to the liver and the brain.
what is mohs sugery
this is when they take layer by layer off until there is no cancer left
what is the most common malignant lid tumor
basal cell carcinoma
what is the most common skin cancer
basal cell carcinoma
what is the etiology of basal cell carcinoma
UV light
what is the general location for basal cell carcinoma
50% of the time it is on the lower lids
if you have a suspicous spot of a pt what could you do to distiguish it from an infection
run a short coarse antibiotic steroid combo
what is the general appearance of basal cell carcinoma
PEARLY BORDERS, varying degrees of central umbilicated centers, rolled boarders, early forms may look like vascularized nodules.
what location of basal cell carcinoma requires more rapid attention and why?
the inner canthal region b/c it is more locally invasive and could eat bone and flesh
what is the plan of attack for basal cell carcinoma
derm consult with in 3 months
1 in 1000 actinic keratosis turn into what?
squamous cell carcinoma
what is the etiology and the appearance of squamous cell carcinoma
etiology is keratinizing epidermal cells
Dx is scab that doesnt heal, scaly plaque, thought to be on the lower lid more
what is the best plan for squmous cell carcinoma
what cancer is more common in China than in the states
meibomian gland carcinoma
what is the key to meibomian gland carcinoma?
it is like a persistent recurrent meibomian gland chalazion. get a biopsy if the pt says that they have had a chalazion for 6 months to a year.
persistan bleph is also common
it metastisizes early
a patient might all these sun spots
actinic keratosis
actinic keratosis is
a pre cursor to cancer, it could turn into squamous cell carcinoma
actinic keratosis, what is the objective finding
rough gritty feeling you can tell that there is a layer of dermis is missing
what is a common drug used for many skin cancers and is a cream
imiquimod - q for 6 weeks
what is the key to keratoacanthoma?
it may spontaneously regress or coud turn into SCC.
there is a central core of keratin.
can be anywhere
more common in smokers
you know that lentigo maligna (hutchinsons freckle) is malignant when?
it clumps together. this is a pre cursor to malignant melanoma.
what age group is lentigo maligna (hutchinsons freckle) usually seen in
65 is the avg. age.
what is the presentation of lentigo maligna (hutchinsons freckle)?
serpiginous pigment and margins.
what is an acrochordon
this is a skin tag/soft wart, benign, and usually pedunculated usually found on the obese
manegment for acrochordon
snip it freeze it or zap it.
what is a benign epithelial tumor that is lobulated, and may be right on the lid margin
what is the plan for a papilloma if is on the lesion and if it is not.
if it is on the margin then refere to a oculoplastic surgeon
if not then removal is an option or you could check again in 3-6 months or yearly
what are the barnicals of old age. that come from basal cell hyperplasia
seborrheic keratosis
what has hyperkeratinized plaques that look like they are floating on the skin like brown candle wax
seborrheic keratosis
is seborrheic keratosis related to the sun or not?
what is flat topped violaceous papules that is a common pruitic eruption that affects 30-60 yo patients
lichen planus
what is the etiology of lichen planus
it is possibly immune response, may be viral
what is the Tx for lichen planus
steroid creams and vitamin A orally.
what is the name of a benign skin tumor taht is caused by HPV
what is the difference b/t verrucae and papilloma?
verrucae is considered an active papilloma that is typically seen in kids and is contagious
papilloma is usually found on the lid margins
what benign skin tumor is asociated with STD and HIV and is mildly contagous
molluscum contagiosum (viral warts)
what is the key objetive observation with molluscum contagiosum
that it is umbilicated nodule with a central core, this central hole differentiates it from papilloma and verrucae
what is the plan for molluscum contagiosum?
if it is quiet leave it alone,
if there is central discharge express it
excision cryo or topical salicylic acid