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44 Cards in this Set

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What is a DBMS?
A Database Management System is a software package designed to maintain and utilize databases.
What are five reasons for using a DBMS?
*Data independence and efficient access * Data integrity and security * Uniform data administration * Concurrent access, recovery from crashes * Reduced application development time
What is a data model
A collection of concepts for describing data
What is a schema
a description of a particular collection of data, using the given data model
What is the relational model of data
Based on the concept of a relation, basically a table with rows and columns. Every relation has a schema which describes the columns or fields.
That are the different levels of abstraction?
Many different views, the conceptual (logical) schema and the physical schema
What is the Conceptual schema
Conceptual schema defines logical structure
What is the Physical schema
The Phys sch describes the files and indexes used
What is DDL?
Data definition language defines views and schemas;
What is logical data independence?
Protection for the application from changes in logical structure of data
What is Physical data independence?
Protection for the application from changes in the physical structure of the data.
What does ACID stand for ((very important))
Atomicity- all actions in the trans happen or none at all; Consistency- If each trans is consistent, and the DB starts consistent, it ends consistent; Isolation - Execution of one trans is isolated from that of other trans; Durability - If a transact commits, its effects persist
What component of the DBMS guarantees Atomicity & Durability?
The recovery manager
What is the motivation of concurrency control?
Consistency and Isolation
Define a relationship in an ER mode? What is a relationship set?l
Association among 2 or more entities;
What is a key constraint?
A restriction on a relationship that affects the key. Eg: an employee can work in many departments, a department can have only one manager per store.
What is a participation constraint?
This is a constraint that requires every key value in a table to participate in a relationship with another entity's key (total) or none at all (partial)
How is a participation constraint shown in the ER model?
Total participation is shown with a bold (or double) connector between relations, a partial participation is an unbolded line. A key constraint is an arrow toward the one in a one-to-many relationship.
What is a weak entity?
It can be identified uniquely only by considering the primary key of another (owner) entity.
What is an ISA hierarchy?
If we declare A ISA B, every A is a B; It is shown as a triangle with ISA inside.
What is the difference between an overlap and covering constraint?
In an ISA hierarchy, on overlap constraint determines if an employee can be both Hourly and Contract; Covering says whether and employee has to be one or the other.
What is the reasons for using an ISA hierarchy?
To add descriptive attributes specific to a subclass and to identify entities that participate in a relationship; signifies inheritance
What is aggregation?
It allows us to treat a relationship set as an entity set for purposes of participation in (other) relationships; It is shown by a dotted rectangle around the aggregated entity set.
What is conceptual design?
It follows requirements analysis and uses ER diagrams.
What is the difference between cardinality and degree/arity?
Cardinality is the number of rows and fields is the degree/arity
What is a relation?
A relation is a set of distinct rows or tuples.
What is the current standard of SQL?
SQL-92; Nobody uses SQL-99 yet
How, in SQL, do you create a Students table with three fields?
CREATE TABLE Students (fieldone CHAR(20), fieldtwo CHAR(20), fieldthree INTEGER)
How do you get rid of a table? How do you alter it?

How do you add a tuple?
INSERT INTO Students (fieldone, fieldtwo, fieldthree)
VALUES (53699, 'Green', ITIS)
How do you delete a tuple?
FROM Students S
WHERE S.name='Smith'
To find all 18 year old students
FROM Students S
WHERE S.age=18
What is an integrity constraint?
A condition that must be true for any instance of the database; Created when schema is defined; checked when relation in modified.
What is a domain constraint
integer, char or other datatype for a field
A set of fields is a key for a relation if:
No two distinct tuples can have the same values in all key fields and this is not true for any subset of the key.
What is a superkey? A candidate key?
A set of columns within a table whose values can be used to uniquely identify a row. A candidate key is a minimal set of columns necessary to identify a row.
How do you designate a primary key in SQL?
CREATE TABLE Enrolled (sid CHAR(20), PRIMARY KEY grade CHAR(20))
What is a foreign key?
A set of fields in one relation that is used to refer to a tuple in another relation. It must correspond to primary key of the second relation.
How do you designate a foreign key in SQL and why would you?
FOREIGN KEY (name, addr) REFERENCES Customer_info
Designating a foreign key helps to reinforce referential integrity and prevent invalid entries.
What happens if a row with a non-existent foreign key is inserted
The insertion is rejected or assigned either a null or default foreign key
What happens to a record in Table2 if the primary key row in Table1 that matches to the Table2 foreign key is deleted?
Either delete all foreign key tuples that refer to it * disallow deletion of a primary key row that is referred to by a foreign key * assign it a default key * or set the foreign key to null.
How to create a View in SQL?
CREATE VIEW Viewname(field1, field2) as select s.field1, s.field2 from Students S where s.field1>3.0
True or False: When the owner entity is deleted, all owned weak entity must also be deleted.
How do you show a cascade delete?
When designating a foreign key: