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24 Cards in this Set

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1. Most common cancers by gender?

2. Most common sites of cancer metastases?

3. What are the different cancers to arise from: c-myc, n-myc, l-myc
1. male: prostate, lung, colon; female: breast, lung, colon

2. liver and lung

3. c-myc: burKitts lyphoma, n-myc: neuroblastoma, l-myc: lung tumor
1. Which cancers have the highest mortality by gender?

2. What are the cancers that metastasize to bone and are they lytic or blastic?

3. Where do aflatoxins arise from and what type of cancer do they cause?
1. male: prostate/lung; female: breast/lung

2. PITTA (blastic): prostate, infamous lymphoma, treated breast, VIPoma; BLTKM (lytic): breast, liver thyroid, kidney, MM

3. aflatoxins are from aspergillus and they cause hepatocellular carcinoma
1. What cancers tend to metastasize to the liver?

2. What type of cancer does nitrosamines cause?

3. What type of gene is DPC and what cancer is it seen in?
1. "Cancer Sometimes Penetrates Benign Liver": colon, stomach, pancreas, breast, lung

2. nitrosamines cause esophageal and stomach cancer

3. tumor supressor gene Deleted in Pancreatic Cancer
1. What type of cancer does alkylating agents cause?

2. What types of cancer cause rPTH paraneoplastic effects? (3)

3. What type of gene is DCC and what cancer is it seen in?
1. leukemias

2. renal cell, small cell lung, breast

3. DCC is a tumor supressor gene deleted in colon cancer
1. Psammoma bodies are characteristic of what types of cancer?

2. What type of cancer does CCl4 cause?
1. PSaMMoma: Papillary (thyroid), Serous (ovary), Meningioma, Mesothelioma

2. Liver cancer
1. Which area of the liver is primarily effected viral hepatitis?

2. What type of cancer has SIADH as a paraneoplastic syndrome? (2)

3. What type of gene is APC and what type of cancer is is associated with?
1. Zone 1: periportal

2. intracranial neoplasms AND small cell lung

3. tumor suppressor associated with FAP (colon cancer)
1. What is meant by "centrilobular" portion of the liver?

2. What type of cancers have gout as a paraneoplastic syndrome and why?

3. What is p16 and what type of cancer is it associated with?
1. Zone 3 (near the hepatic vein)

2. leukemias/lymphomas (due to ↑ turnover of nucleic acids)

3. tumor suppressor associated with melanoma
1. When there is a paraneoplastic syndrome happening, what is the FIRST CANCER to think of/consider?

2. What type of cancer are patient's why Down's Syndrome most susceptible to?

3. What type of cancer are patients with Plummer-Vinson syndrome most likely to have?

4. Is (c/l/n)-myc a tumor supressor or an oncogene?
1. small cell lung cancer does them all!

2. ALL (We ALL fall DOWN)

3. Squamous Cell Esophageal Carcinoma

4. oncogene
1. What type of cancer are patients with Actinic Keratosis most likely to have?

2. What type of cancer are patients with ulcerative colitis most likely to have?

3. What type of cancer are immunosupressed patients most likely to have?
1. Squamous cell skin carcinoma

2. Adenocarcinoma of the colon

3. lymphoma
1. What type of cancer is caused by radiation exposure?

2. What type of cancer is associated with acanthosis nigricans?
1. sarcoma

2. visceral cancers (stomach, lung, breast)
1. What type of gene is bcl-2 and what cancer is it associated with?

2. What type of gene is ras and what type of cancer is it associated with?
1. follicular lymphoma it is an oncogene

2. oncogene associated with colon cancer
1. What type of gene is ret and what type of cancer is is associated with?

2. What cancer is tumor marker CA-125 associated with?
1. oncogene associated with MEN II/MENIII

2. ovarian cancer
1. What cancer is tumor marker TRAP associated with?

2. What is the difference between leiomyoma and rhabdomyoma?
1. "Trap the Hairy Beast" Hairy Cell leukemia (B-cell)

2. leiomyoma: smooth muscle growth; rhabdomyoma: skeletal muscle growth
1. What cancer is tumor marker CA-19-9 associated with?

2. What cancer is tumor marker bombesin associated with?
1. pancreatic cancer

2. neuroblastoma
1. Other than yolk-sac tumors, what cancer is AFP (α-fetoprotein) associated with?

2 What type of cancer is tumor marker CEA associated with?
1. hepatocellular carcinoma

2. very non-specific (pancreatic, colon)
1. What is the difference between dysplasia and anaplasia? Which is reversible?*
1. dsyplasia* is the loss of architecture of a particular cell/tissue; anaplasia is proliferation such that the tissue lacks any differentiation (primitive state)
1. What is the difference between hyperplasia and metaplasia?
1. hyperplasia is an ↑in the number of cells; metaplasia is replacing old cells with a different cell type
What are the stages of leukocyte emigration from the blood vessel and the cellular components that mediate this?
1. rolling: Lewis(PMN) binds Selectins (endothelium)
2. attachments: LFA(PMN) binds ICAM(endothelium)
3. diapedesis
4. migration: via cytokines
What amyloid proteins are associated with primary and secondary amyloidosis? What proteins are they derived from?
1. Primary: AL derived from light chains (AL=light chains)
2. Secondary: AA dervied from acute-phase reactants (AA=acute phase)
1. What amyloid protein is associated with renal failure/dialysis?

2. What is the difference between granulation tissue and scarring tissue?
1. B2-microglobin (not filtered by dialysis)

2. granulation: fibroblasts, scarring: collagen deposition
1. What amyloid protein is associated with Alzheimer's disease?

2. Name the granulomatous diseases and which of them are caseating*? (5)

3. Where does fat necrosis occur?
1. B-amyloid protein

2. Tb*, cat scratch, sarcoid, syphilis, crohn's

3. pancreas
1. What amyloid protein is associated with diabetes and what is it derived from?

2. What is the difference between transudate and exudate with respect to protein and cells?

3. Where does coagulative necrosis occur? (2)
1. Amylin: derived from AE (E=endocrine)

2. Transudate: hypocellular w/o protein; exudate: hypercellular w/ protein

3. heart, kidneys
1. What amyloid protein is associated with senile cardiac amyloid and what is it derived from?

2. Where does liquefactive necrosis occur?
1. Transthyretin: derived from AF (F=fogies)

2. the brain
1. Compare the paraneoplastics associated with small cell and with squamos cell carcinomas of the lung?
1. small cell: ACTH/ADH, squamous cell: PTH