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16 Cards in this Set

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activation-synthesis hypothesis
The idea that dreams represent the brain’s attempt to make sense out of random patterns of neural activity generated during sleep
alpha waves
The pattern of brain activity observed in someone who is in a relaxed state, with his or her eyes closed
The internal processes people use to set and follow priorities for mental functioning
attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder
A psychological condition marked by difficulties in concentrating and sustaining attention and by high levels of fidgety physical activity; occurs most often in children
Fast and almost effortless processing that requires little or no focused attention
biological clocks
Brain structures that schedule rhythmic variations in bodily functions by triggering them at the appropriate times
A hypnotically induced behaviour characterized by an ability to hold one or more limbs of the body in a rigid position for long periods without tiring
circadian rhythms
Biological activities that rise and fall in a 24-hour cycle
cocktail party effect
The ability to focus on one auditory message, such as a friend’s voice at a noisy party, and largely ignore others, yet notice when your own name is spoken among the auditory stimuli that you have been ignoring
The subjective awareness of internal and external events
delta activity
The pattern of brain activity observed in stage 3 and stage 4 sleep; it’s characterized by synchronized slow waves (also called slow-wave patterns)
A class of drugs that slow or depress the ongoing activity of the central nervous system
dichotic listening
A technique in which two different auditory messages are presented simultaneously, one to each ear; usually the subject’s task is to shadow, or repeat aloud, one message while ignoring the other
drug dependency
A condition in which an individual experiences a physical or psychological need for continued use of a drug
A class of drugs that tend to disrupt normal mental and emotional functioning and produce distorted perceptions
A chronic condition marked by excessive sleepiness