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36 Cards in this Set

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basement membrane

layer which separates epithelium from underlying connective tissue and blood vessels

zonula occludens

a zone that surrounds the entire apical perimeter of adjacent epithelial cells; prevents movement of substances from the lumen to the intercellular space; formed be occludins, claudins, and actin

fascia occludens

ribbon-like fusion of the transmembrane proteins on adjacent endothelial cells lining capillaries; analogous to zonula occludens of epithelia

zonula adherens

the zone that surrounds the entire perimeter of epithelial cells, just basal to the zonula occludens; mediated by E-cadherin, vinculin, alpha-actinin and actin

fascia adherens

a ribbon-like adhesion zone present in intercalated discs in cardiac muscle; analagous to zonula adherens


a transmembrane glycoprotein present in zonula adherens and fascia adherens

macula adherens (desmosome)

a small, discrete, disk-shaped adhesive site; contains dense plaque of desmoplakins and keratin filaments (intermediate filament)

gap junction (nexus)

adhesion between cells that couples them metabolically and electrically; made of six subunits of connexin

basal lamina

extracellular supportive structure of epithelium that contains collagen IV, laminin, entactin, and heparin sulfate; composed of lamina lucida/rara and lamina densa

lamina rara/lucida

layer of basal lamina that lies closer to the epithelial cells

lamina densa

layer of basal lamina that lies between the lamina rara/lucida and the reticular lamina; composed of collagen IV, glycoproteins and GAGs

basement membrane

term encompassing the basal lamina and the underlying reticular lamina


specialized junctions that resemble one-half of a desmosome; mediate adhesion of epithelial cells to the underlying ECM via cytoplasmic plaque, integrins, and collagen VII

basal plasma membrane infoldings

deep invaginations of plasma membrane of ion-transporting epithelia; compartmentalize mitochondria; bring ion pumps closer to energy supply


fingerlike projections of epithelia (1micron) that extend into the lumen; composed of 30 actin filaments in core


long microvilli that are located in epididymus and vas deferens


actively motile processes extending from epithelia which propel substances along their surface; contain an axoneme


arrangement of nine doublet microtubules uniformly spaced around two central microtubules; composed of dynein arms, radial spokes, central sheath, and nexin; arises from basal body during ciliogenesis

dynein arms

chains of dynein ATPase that are present on one member of each microtubule doublet of axoneme; interact with adjacent doublets

radial spokes

part of axoneme which extends from each of nine microtubule doublets towards the central sheath

central sheath

membrane that surrounds the two central microtubules in axoneme; regulates ciliary beat


an elastic protein of axoneme that connects adjacent doublet microtubules and helps maintain the shape of the cilium

basal body

a cylindrical structure located at the base of each cilium; consists of nine triplet microtubules arranged radially like a pinwheel; less complex than centriole


functional portion of secretory and ductal epithelial cells of a gland

exocrine glands

glands that secrete into a duct or onto a surface

endocrine glands

glands that secrete into the bloodstream

paracrine glands

glands that secrete into the local extracellular space


a viscous material secreted by glands that protects or lubricates cell surfaces

serous secretions

gland secretions that are watery and often rich in enzymes

merocrine secretion

secretion via exocytosis

apocrine secretion

secretion involving release of part of the apical cytoplasm with the contents

holocrine secretion

secretion involving release of the entire secretory cell

immotile cilia syndrome

a genetic defect that causes an abnormal ciliary beat or the absence of a beat; lack of dynein arms; associated with recurrent lower respiratory tract infections, reduced fertility in women, sterility in men


malignant tumors that arise from surface epithelia


malignant tumors that arise from glands

bullous pemphigoid

an autoimmune disease in which antibodies against hemidesmosomes are produced; causes chronic blisters of the skin