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70 Cards in this Set

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ohenalzine is what?
nonspecific MAO
NMDA receptor antagonist ketamine can cause
stylopharyngeus muscle supplied by
9outta the jugular foramen
afferent limb of the gag reflex
pinprick to the perianal area dont cause contraction of anal sphincter whats wrong?
cauda equina syndrome caused by a saddle lesion of s2-s4
in adults spinal cord terminates in a tapering fashion at he
L2 conus medularis
inhibitor of gaba uptake
topirmate works by
blocking sodium channels and enhancing the effect of gaba
vigabatrin works by
inhibiting gaba trnasam
newer anticonculsant for ial seizures
lamotrigine but stop when u see a rash
dihydrpterin reductase is involved in what
remaking BH4 so BH4 can donate to phenylalanine and make tyrosine
homogentisate is made from
excess phenylalanine ihibits
tyrosinase in PKU causing albinism
a positive straight leg raise is due to?
L4-S3 sciatic nerve irritation
what is the pathophys of subacute sclerosing panencephalitis?
caused by a certain type of the paramyxo measles that is missing an M antigen and is unabled to be totally cleared after initial infection, the virus persists in the CNS causing inflammation, demyelination and gliosis in many areas of the cerebrum resulting in clinical symptoms of dementia in children...high titers of Abs to measles are found in the serum in this disease...
primidone is an antiepileptic metabolized into
phenobarbitol and PEMA
urinary outlet obstruction aka
inhibition of NE and S reuptake
opiods block urinary voiding reflexes and also increase sphincter tone and bladder volume this results in an
antidiuretic effect and urinary retention
VHL diseases?
rare autosomal dominant disease characterized by capillary hemangioblastomas in the RETINA AND CEREBELLUM as well as congenital cysts and neoplasms in the kidney, pancreas and liver
sturge weber syndrome aka
encephalotrigeminal angiomatosis is a rare congenital neurocutaneous disorder characterized by cutaneous facial angiomas as well as leptomeningeal angiomas. Skin invovlement typically overlies vi and v2 this syndrome is associated with MR, seizures, hemiplegia and skullradioopacities skull radiographs may show tramtrack calcifications
tramtrack calcifications in the skull
sturge weber aka encephalotrigeminal angiomatosis
cns manifestations of tuberous sclerosis
cortical and subependymal hamartomas
tuberous sclerosis is
autosomal dominant syndrome characterized by cutaneous angiofibromas (adenoma sebaceum) visceral cysts and renal angiomyolipomas as well as cardiac rhabdomyomas clinically seizures are a major complication
what is osler webler rendu?
hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia an autosomal dominant disorder where these basterds rupture and cause gi hemorrhage, hematuria and epistaxis
long acting benzo for insomnia
short acting benzo hypnotic
what gaba receptor does zolpidem bine (not fo long term use)
GABA A just like the fucking benzos
cultured fibroblasts of an infant with hypotonia and seizures cannot oxidize VLCFA whats the problem
could be zellweger where babies cant make elin due to peroxisime def. or refsums where peroxisomal alpha oxidation is defective leading to accumulation of phytanic acid
when the brain is saturated an anesthetic
the partial pressure of the gas in the brain is equal to the partialressure tmenother compartments
the blood to gas/partition coefficient corresponds to
the solubility of the anesthetic in blood, highly soluble gases have a high blood gas/partition coefficient and a slow onset of action
steepness of the arterial tension curve depends on the solubility of anesthetic in blood in less soluble gases ...
the partial pressure in blood rises rapidly and the curve is steep
cytoplasmic inclusions in oligodendrocytes
describe the genetics of malignant hyperthermia (halaothane)
thought to be autosomal dominnant involving overactive ryanodine receptors on the SR which normally release small amounts of calcium in response to contraction
jg cells release renin in response to
beta-1 stim
the midsystolic click at the apex (MVP) may go away
upon squating which increases venous return and PVR
the development of the abdominal wall depends on
the fusion of four folds: cepphalic, two lateral and one caudal:
failure of fusion of the cephalic fold
sternal defects
failure of fusion of the caudal fold
bladder extrophy: a large opening between the bladder and the outside boddy, causing adenocarcinoma and persistent utis
defective fusion of the two lateral folds
vaginal adenosis is what?
replacement of the vaginal squamous epithelium with glandular columnar epithelium it occurs in the children of women exposed to DES
precursur to adenocarcinoma of the vajayjay
vaginal adenosis
fever and sweating every 48 hours
vivax and ovale
unique because they form latent infection in the liver
vivax and ovale
most serious adverse effect of chloroquine
not active against erythrocytic infection
QT prolongation predisposes to
torsaide de pointes a specific type of vtach
seen in transmural MI
ST elevation
used to determine if the means of two different populations are equal
similar to the t-test which is used to determine if two populations' means are equal but this test can be used for more than two populations
what does the chi-square test do?
evaluates statistical significance determining wether the expected frequency is consistent with the observed frequency...the chi square test is most appropriate for use with categorical data and proportionsa
apical holosystolic murmur radioating to the apex
mitral regurge
skin and mucosal telangiectasias as well as recurrent nose bleeds
osler weber rendu AD
fsh increases postmenopause because of
loss of negative feedback by estrogen
LH levels are less specific for menopause because
while LH levels do rise in menopause they rise much later than fsh
hook of the hamate
where the ulnar nerve is commonly injured
where the ulnar nerve is commonly injured
hook of the hamate
the ulnar nerve supplies sensor innervation to
the fith digit and the medial half of the 4th digit
innervates all of the palmar and dorsal interosseous muscles
the ulnar
surgical neck of the humerus fracture
axillary nerve injury leading to paralysis of the deltoid and teres minor muscles as well as loss of sensation to the lateral upper armm
what does aldolase B do?
takes fructose-1-p and makes it DHAP and Glyceraldehyde-3-P
the cause of the lifethreatening disorder of hereditary fructose intolerance
aldolase B deficiency manifesting in vomiting hypoglycemia large liver and cirrhosis because similar features present with galactosemia and tyrosinemia dx is made by genetic testing
what does alpha-KGDH in the TCA do
converts alpha-KG to succCoA with the help of thiamine
rare but very serious complication of antithyroid drugs such as methimazole and propylthiouraci
what is the difference between PTU and methimazole
PTU also decreases the peripheral conversion of t4 to t3
drugs with intrinsic hepatic clearance tend to have
high lipophillicity and a high volume of distribution
decreases the activity of myosin light chain kinase, intracellular calcium levels and results in dephosphorylation of myosin light chains
NO which increases cGMP and leads to allt his stuff
major lasting hemodynamic compensation to the volume overload of aortic regurge
an increase in LV preload in association with eccentric LV hypertrophy is the major lasting hemodynamic compensation
why is it that medical stabilization of patients with severe acute AR may include administration of a vasodilator (nitroprusside) in addtion to a positive ionotrope
the vasodilator decreases afterload in order to improve fsv
new myocardial sarcomeres in parallel describes
concentric hypertrophy