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25 Cards in this Set

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إنتقد ينتقد الإنتقاد intaqada yantaqidu alintiqaad
To criticize fault. When I was a kid I always wanted to be 'in' with the other kids but as soon as I 'taqada' talked they criticized me. 5 23 Jul 08
إستبعد يستبعد الاستبعاد istaba&#x27
ada astaba'ada al-istiba'aad;To single out set aside disqualify. 'Ista b'd' it is bad to single out a child disqualify them from activities because they asked a weird question. 5 23 Jul 08
فصيلة ج فصائل fasiila fasaa&#x27
il;Group family genus cell. If you asked the young Spanish prostitute how she became a hooker she would say everyone in my group type family is really 'fasiila' easy in Spanish with the feminine marker 'f' thus 'asaa'il' I sell my body. 5 23 Jul 08
إنحاز ينحيز الإنحياز
To side with isolate seclude. A company sides with it's people shows prejudicial hiring when it only promotes 'inhaaza' in house. 5 23 Jul 08
انحياز inhiyaaz
Bias prejudice isolation. مصدر إنحاز The karate company showed it's bias prejudice when it would only let 'in' those who already do 'hiyaaz' karate noise. 5 23 Jul 08
أتهم ب يتحم ب الإتهام &#x27
atahama bi yahthimu bi alitihaam bi;Accuse suspect imagine. Muslim Faith tried to get Muslim Buffy by saying ''atahama' it's a ham 'bi' B is eating. 5 23 Jul 08
مستبعد mustab&#x27
ad;Improbable. John decided he wanted to be perceived as 'mustabad' Mr Bad but abandoned these efforts because he decided it was improbable that any one would fall for it. 5 23 Jul 08
جوهري jauharii
Substantial fundamental main. A substantial fundamental aspect of the 'jau' weather in Virginia is that it is 'harii' hot with a nisba ending. 5 23 Jul 08
في حال + مصدر fii Haal
If he in the case of someone doing something something happening. In the case of the original Green Lantern dying the alien force knew it should try to reside 'fii haal' in Hal the guy who became the Green Lantern. 5 23 Jul 08
حملة ج حملات Hamla Hamalaat
Campaign offensive. Hamas finally revealed it's true intentions for the Christians in Gaza when the began their campaign offensive against them eating ham. they called it 'Hamla' ham no but they were up against serious opposition from the Christians becuase they were like we like 'Hamalaat' ham a lot. 5 23 Jul 08
دعائي di&#x27
aa'ii;Propagandistic. McCane's propagandistic attacks on Obama include the charge that he has 'di'aa'ii' the eye of a Muslim terrorist that wants to kill you. 5 23 Jul 08
كسب يكسب الكسب kasaba yaksibu kasb
To win profit gain. The Mormon poker player could figure out why God lets his rival who curses all the time win. He said he's a 'kasaba' cusser but he wins profits and gains my money and 'yak' yuck he only has one 'sibu' sibling and that's weird 'kasb' because sibs are supposed to be numerous. 5 23 Jul 08
سبق أن يسبق أن السبق أن sabaqa an yasbiqu yasbuqu an assabq
To precede come before anticipate. When you fight with your wife it's 'sabaqa' the back as in she turns her back on you that you get before 'yasbiqu' yous be cool and 'sabq' it's back to normal as long as you don't try to introduce another girl like 'an.' 5 23 Jul 08
تعهد يتعهد التعهد ta&#x27
ahhada yata'ahhidu atta'hhud;To advocate support encourage. There was finally a coup in Thailand that replace the monarchy and they started rounding up the king's supporters. They asked one why he supported assisted the King and he said I'm I'm 'ta'' Thai 'ahhada' I had to do it. 5 23 Jul 08
دعم يدعم الدعم da&#x27
ama yad'amu adda'm;To support prop up strengthen promote. You have to strengthen support promote the dame you love. When you have a 'da'ama' dime you give 'yad'amu' your dime to the da'm dame you love. 5 23 Jul 08
دعم da&#x27
m;Support assistance. مصدر من دعم When there's a 'da'am' dame you love you give her all your support assistance. 5 23 Jul 08
معجزة mu&#x27
jiza;Miracle especially performed by a prophet. For years the producer had been hoping for a jazz artist who could make 'mu'jiza' more jazz and when he finally found one he was like 'it's a miracle!' 5 23 Jul 08
معلن mu&#x27
lin;Announcer MC advertiser. Seems to use it like 'announcing' in this context. Allen guy I went to high school with spoke like an announcer MC and said that 'mu'lin' more Allen was on it's way in the form of someone's backpack. 5 23 Jul 08
تفاوض يتفاوض التفاوض tafaawada yatafaawada attafaawud
To negotiate with confer. Make sure this is correct. Mark my boss was like we need to negotiate confer with another office so I want you 'tafaawada' to forward a bunch of emails. 5 23 Jul 08
تصريح ج صريحات تصاريح taSriiH taSriiHyaat taSaariiH
Statement. I respect serious politicians who taSriiH toss real statements aat at the public. Espcecially taSaariiH to sorry as in appologize when they have mesed up. 5 23 Jul 08
خاض يخوض خوض KHaDa yaKHuDu khuud
To dive into plunge tackle. The Palestinian factions think Obama is a 'KHaDa' cad for the way he dives into support for Israel but he has to do it to win. 5 23 Jul 08
عاني يعاني المعانة &#x27
aany yu'aany alm'aana;To be bear endure suffer from. The Arab version of little orphan ' 'aany ' think of it ass Annie with an ع' had to bear endure even more than her American counterpart.
عموما &#x27
umuuman;In general generally. ' 'u ' ew 'muuman' more man in a porn scene is generally not good. 5 23 Jul 08
مصلحة ج مصالح maslaha masaalih
Small agency interest matters. The mob has a small agency of 'maslaha' muscle who goes to Indian resteruants like 'masaalih' masala that Indian resteruant Lucky and I used to go to to watch out for the mobs interests by taking their money. 5 23 Jul 08
لسان ج السنة / السن lisaan alsina alsun
Tongue language mouthpiece. The frustrated teenage girl told her boyfriend 'lisaan' listen but all he wanted to do was shove his tongue down her throat and be 'alsina' all sin about it. She got her gay brother to talk to him as her mouthpiece ad he said 'alsun' I'll sun you if you don't start listening to her. 5 23 Jul 08