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24 Cards in this Set

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Most mountains were created from _______ _______ that elevate, fold, and fault rockmaterials

tectonic forces

Tectonic mountains can occur as a ______ _____(the Urals) or as a ____ ofseveral mountain ranges (North American Cordillera).

single range, belt

______ (Greek for "mountain generating") is the process of natural mountain building


involved in Orogeny is a variety of processes including:



Folding and thrust-faulting


Granitic batholiths

Volcanic Activity

Oceanic Trenches

Where a dikebreaches the surface, a ______ ________ occurs.

fissure eruption

_______ and flat-topped highs on theflanks of the axial volcanic ridge are fed by lava tubes from the summit of the Mid-Ocean Ridge.


Orogeny ______ and _______ the crust, and ________ causes the thicker crust to rise.

shortens and thickens, isostasy

Materials, when compressed from one direction, tend to expand in the direction of ______resistance.


Layered rocks shorten by _______, but the stack of layers also becomes thicker


________ - _________ thickens the crust by stacking slices of crust atop one another.


_______ add volume to the crust


A great deal of magma never invades the crust but accumulates at its base, a process called _______.


Where the crust is heated, ______ _______ causes the rocks to become lighter and more buoyant

thermal expansion

We can divide an orogenic belt intoparallel zones defined by their...

deformation, lithology, or metamorphism.

What zone is being described here?

Sediment eroded from the orogenic belt accumulates in the trench and is intensely deformed asthe plates converge. Like the wedge of earth ahead of a bulldozer, the sediment thickens until itis capable of resisting further deformation.

Accretionary Prism (Zone of Deposition)

This isthe belt of greatest deformation, metamorphism and igneous activity

Igneous Ac

Here, metamorphism is mild but compression of the crust results in folding and thrust-faulting.


Folding and thrust-faulting. Oftenthis deformation is "thin-skinned", meaning that rock layers near the surface become detached fromdeeper layers much the way a carpet wrinkles when a piece of furniture is pushed over it. Thisprocess is called ________. Usually the layer where separation occurs is made up of weak rockslike salt, gypsum, or shale


_________ ________ shortens the distanceparallel to the stress. Rocks fold orfracture to accommodate the shortening.

Compressive stress

Five common types of folds are..

Syncline (Fold arching downwards), Anticline, (Fold arching upwards) Assymmetric anticline, Overturned anticline (a fold has tilted beyond the perpendicular) , recumbent folds

A circular or elliptical anticline structure is called a_____. A similarly shaped syncline is called a _______.

dome, basin

A ____ is a fracture along which rockon one side has moved relative torock on the other side.


________ ____ _______ commonlyform where tectonic forcesstretch the crust over a broadarea.

Horsts and grabens

This is the stable interior of the continent. It may be thinly mantled with sedimentary rocks orhave large areas of ancient igneous and metamorphic rocks.
