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24 Cards in this Set

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angiogenesis growth factors


N atoms in urea are derived from?

ammonia and aspartate (the carbon from CO2)

unusual feature of chlamydia

lacks peptidoglycan within cell wall (thus B lactams are ineffective)

pulsatile vs nonpulsatile GnRH

pulsatile= causes stimulation of LH/FSH (used in infertility treatment)

continuous: causes downregulation of GnRH receptors, thus decreasing LH/FSH levels (eg used for endometriosis, precocious puberty)

acetyl CoA carboxylase vs dehydrogenase

acetyl CoA carboxylase for FA synth

acetyl CoA dehydrogenase for ketone production

meds w/ antimuscarinic fx



H1 antagonists


parkinson drugs

support vs empathy

support: "you are angry right now. Many people in your situation feel angry"

empathy: conveys physician understanding, eg "I can see why you feel angry"



reaction formation

altruism: helping others to alleviate feelings of guilt and low self esteem (eg mafia boss makes donation to charity)

sublimation: channeling unacceptable impulses into productive activity (eg aggression towards father is channeled into sports)

reaction formation: excessive opposite reaction (woman w/ excessive sexual desires enters nunnery ) (emphasis on opposite, vs. sublimation which is same impulse but appropriately channeled. eg maybe the woman becomes a sex therapist)

Rett disorder? gene assoc?

X linked. Boys die so just seen in female young children: regression, ataxia, hand-wringing

MECP2 gene

dissociative identity disorder vs depersonalization/derealization disorder

dissociative identity disorder

multiple personalities. often assoc. w/ sexual abuse or PTSD. Usually unconscious of it.

depersonalization/derealization disorder. "feels like an alien abduction." person usually conscious of it.

manic episode vs hypomanic

DIGFAST requires hospitalization or >3 of these lasting >1wk




flight of ideas


decreased Sleep


hypomanic has minimal impairment in functioning and lasts greater than 4 days

Bipolar I vs II

I is defined by >1 manic episode ("one thing for I") with or w/o hypomania or depression. So, if there is mania then it is bipolar I.

II is defined by hypomanic episode and a depressive episode. ("2 things for II")

antidepressants can cause increased mania!

cyclothymic disorder vs dysthymia

dysthymia (persistent depressive disorder): mild depression >2yrs, no physical symptoms

cyclothymic disorder: dysthymia and hypomania >2yrs

sleep changes in depression

increased REM

decreased slow wave sleep

increased awakenings

antidote for arsenic

dimercaprol (narrow therapeutic index: can cause nephrotox and hyperten)


weak opioid agonist/antagonist at mu receptors that can cause withdrawl in opioid dependent patients

cofactor for dALA synthase

PLP (vit B6)

receptor tyrosine kinase


receptor tyrosine kinase ASSOCIATED

tyrosine kinase: cytoplasmic domain has enzymatic activity, signaling is via MAP kinase Ras pathway. examples are growth factors and insulin

tyrosine kinase associated receptor does NOT have enzymatic activity, and used JAK-STAT pathway. examples are cytokines (eg IL2), growth hormone, and prolactin

most common cause of death in TCA overdose

cardiac arrythmias due to Na channel antagonism. Tmt w/ saline and sodium bicarb.

1st gen antihistamines vs 2nd gen

hydroxizine, promethazine, diphenhydramine, chlorpheniramine (more drowsiness and antimuscarinic fx)

2nd gens end in -dine like loratadine and fexofenadine

short acting benzo

triazolam ("someone who works in the ER triaging doesn't want daytime sleepyness so they use a short acting")






intermediate filaments

keratin: epithelium (carcinoma)

vimentin: mesenchyme (sarcoma)

desmin: muscle

gfap: neuroglia

neurofilament: neurons


neuroendocrine cells (eg carcinoid tumor, small cell lung CA)


neural crest (eg. melanoma, schwannoma)

Langerhans cells