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21 Cards in this Set

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Which best describes an ecosystem?

a. a system where populations stay the same

b. anywhere there is only one kind of organism

c. a system where living and nonliving things interact

d. a place where there is always rain, soil, sunlight and air

All of the following are nonliving part of an ecosystem EXCEPT

a. plants

b. soil

c. sunlight

d. water

In which type of ecosystem is the ground beneath the surface frozen all year?

a. desert

b. prairie

c. tundra

d. wetland

Which type of ecosystem is made up of swamps and marshes?

a. desert

b. prairie

c. deciduous forest

d. wetlands

Which of the following is a producer?

a. deer

b. grass

c. hawk

d. dog

What is a decomposer?

a. a dead animal or plant

b. the waste of dead animal and plants

c. a consumer that gets energy by eating only plants

d. an organism such as an earthworm that eats the remains of animals

A hawk and an owl compete for the same food in the same ecosystem. How are they both able to succeed?

a. the hawk eats the owl

b. the owl changes its diet

c. one animals moves to a different habitat

d. one hunts at night, and the other hunts during daytime

A meadow has too many rabbits. What would help balance this ecosystem?

a. more rain that grass needs

b. more foxes that eat rabbits

c. fewer foxes that eat rabbits

d. more grass for rabbits to eat

What is most likely to happen if most of a population of animals dies of disease?

a. the food web will stop

b. the decomposers will die

c. the food web will change

d. the producers will also get the disease

Which of these things are passed along int he food chain ?

a. herbivores

b. ecosystems

c. air and sunshine

d. energy

How would an ecosystem change if the rabbits that were the main prey for foxes because sick and died?

a. the foxes would find new prey

b. the number of foxes would increase

c. the number of foxes would decrease

d. the foxes and rabbits would compete for food

What could scientist tell from a fish fossil found in a desert?

a. that fish is now extinct

b. fish once had legs to travel

c. fish once lived in dry places

d. the desert was once a sea or lake

What can we learn when we look at fossils?

a. We can learn how living things change over time.

b. we can learn how plants make food

c. we can learn what organisms have never been classified

d. we can learn how many beetles there are on Earth

What might be a reason an animal becomes extinct?

A. It is a predator

B. it produces oxygen

C. its habitat is destroyed

d. its adapts to its environment

What shows us that life on Earth has not always been the same and about how the environment was long ago?

a. natural events

b. producers

c. fossils

d. rocks

Which would cause an ecosystem to change quickly?

a. a fire

b. a lake drying up

c. a climate change

d. a lake becoming a marsh

What is the difference between the niche and the habitat of an egret? 2pts

Niche- job

Habitat - Home-place where it lives

How does a beaver change its environment? Describe how other plants and animals in the environment are affected? 2pts

Cuts down trees and builds dams

The stream will build into a pong behind the dam, flooding plants changing the riverbank. Organisms below the dam- not as much water , may die.

The diagram below shows the sequence of how energy flows through a food chain.

Sunlight ----> Corn plant ----> Mouse ----> Fox

Describe how the corn plant gets its energy.


How does the fox get its energy?


Suppose you find the fossil skull of an animal with sharp teeth like those of a wolf. What might you infer about what this animal ate? 2pts

Meat - sharp teeth

How do we know woolly mammoths lived long ago? 2pts
