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100 Cards in this Set

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Which statement would be the responsibility of the medical technician during a routine patient admission to a nursing unit?
a) evaluate patient
b) obtain patient's history
c) transcribe doctor's orders
d) obtain patient's vital signs, height, and weight.
Obtain patient's vital signs, height, and weight
What considerations determine the steps in the routine admission process?
Patient's condition and the facility policy
While admitting a patient, you notice that the patient seems dizzy and unstable. What should you do?
Inform the nurse that the patient is at risk for falling.
Who authorizes transfer of patient care for an interservice transfer?
Both service chiefs
During the transfer of a psychiatric patient requiring sedation, how are the patient's valuables safeguarded?
Designated custodian signs for the property, and forwards the items by registered mail.
Which statement allows a patin to depart from the medical facility for a short period of time usually between 24 and 48 hours?
a) pass
b) discharge
c) subsisting elsewhere
d) absent without leave
Verbal orders must be countersigned by the physician within...
24 hours
The most common forms that a medical technician will be responsible for completing are the ...
Intake and Output flow sheet and the Vital Signs Record
What is the proper method of annotating shift change totals on the DD Form 792, Intake and Output Worksheet
Circle the last accumulated total.
If and inpatient chart with doctor's orders for vital signs every 4 hours was blank for the day, you would assume the...
vital signs were not completed
Which nursing activity is the main aspect of resolving nursing diagnoses?
Relative to the nursing process, what is a client goal?
A realistic and measurable statement of the expected change in patient behavior
Which action is performed to help the patient reach his or her goals most effectively?
Nursing interventions
What is a way to help relieve most of the patient's concerns prior to surgery?
Preoperative teaching
What has a significant impact on the patient's perceived quality of care and treatment?
Professionalism and caring attitude
The surgery patient is given a preoperative medication to...
dry mucous membranes
Which surgical case would likely be performed in a Same Day Surgery clinic?
Without provider approval, what are the maximum minutes anti embolism stocking may be removed?
What precaution is taken for a postoperative patient who received a radioisotope implant?
Isolation is necessary
When performing a neurological check on a patient, which examination would indicate an appropriate response to light being flashed on the patient's eyes?
Pupils Equal, Round, Reactive to Lights and Accommodation (PERRLA)
With regard to blood transfusions, one of your responsibilities is to document a patient's transfusion on...
a Standard Form 518
What component of blood is involved in the clotting process?
How is whole blood normally supplied?
450 cc units
What is the guideline for the maximum minutes of time from pick up to transfusion start of blood products?
If a patient you are monitoring is receiving a blood transfusion and you notice distended neck veins and dyspnea, what should you do first?
Stop the transfusion
A post-operative patient who is agitated, thrashing violently or crying incessantly is most likely experiencing...
Emergence delirium
Ideally, in what position is a patient placed before performing oropharyngeal suctioning?
A fracture that results from disease, such as metastatic cancer of the bone, is called a...
Orthopaedic deformities such as a clubfoot or wryneck are categorized as...
Military personnel are commonly treated or hospitalized for what orthopedic problems?
Traumatic injuries
The semi-recumbent position should be avoided over long periods of time in patients with orthopedic disorders because it...
promotes flexion deformities of the hip
What orthopedic problem would you suspect if your patient complains of soreness or aching?
Muscular pain
Which is not a determining factor for the healing time of a bone fracture?
The cramping, burning, or crushing pain complained about by amputees in their missing limb is referred to as a...
Phantom limb pain
What equipment is essential to have at the postoperative bedside after surgical amputation of a limb?
Rehabilitation for a patient with a spinal cord injury is normally...
a life long process
Turning a patient on a Stryker frame quickly after a spinal cord injury can cause...
cardiac arrest
During the acute stage of the stroke the primary goal is to...
sustain life
During which child developmental stage is separation anxiety the most stressful?
Which statement provides a hospitalized child with a sense of control?
a) strictly enforced rules
b) use of safety restraints
c) changes in daily routine
d) established daily rituals and routines
established daily rituals and routines
The normal adaptive mechanism used by children when they lose their sense of control is...
When caring for a child with nausea and vomiting, a primary concern would be...
Which reason is not appropriate for restraining a child?
You have other tasks to do, and no time to sit with the child
The amount of sleep required at night by elderly patients is generally...
less because of frequent daytime naps
How would you help stimulate the appetite of an elderly patient?
cater to the patient's customs
The first stage of dying is...
What serious side effect is the result of leakage of chemotherapy from the vein into the surrounding tissues?
What affects on individual's feeling about themselves?
Self perception
What psychiatric term defines an irresistible urge to perform apparently meaningless actions?
Which psychiatric term defines a functional disorder where there is not gross disorganization of personality or a loss of contact with reality?
All that a person is, feels, and does is generally termed...
A patient who feels unloved, unneeded, inferior, and hurt displays a behavior of...
How are behavior disorders and syndromes grouped into categories?
Shared characteristics or established criteria
When does the rehabilitation process begin with a mentally ill patient?
As soon as the patient is admitted
What major problem affects mental health treatment?
Attitude of society
When observing and reporting on mentally ill patients, the most important factor to consider is...
If you see a mentally ill patient sneak out of the nursing unit, take all of the following actions except...
a) telephone for help
b) try to describe the patient, including the patient's clothing
c) note the direction in which the patient is heading
d) leave the other patients to follow the escaping patient
leave the other patients to follow the escaping patient
Who is at fault for the sexual abuse of a child?
What action, if any, should you take if you notice a child you are taking care of shows signs of abuse such as burns and bruises?
Report the suspected abuse
What occurs in the third phase of spousal abuse?
Spouse states it will never happen again
If a patient is being restrained, what position should he or she be in if the patient is recovering from alcohol intoxication and is extremely agitated?
For patients who suffer from pain, the best way to ensure a successful exercise activity program is to...
begin the program early in the patient's hospital stay
When planning activities for patients with psychological problems, your primary goal should be to...
develop a good rapport
What should you do to help patients who become angry and hostile?
Allow them to channel their hostility through verbal expression
To aid in preventing decubitus ulcers, patient positioning should be changed every...
2 hours
Why should your feet be parallel when you are standing?
Maintain balance and prevent back, hip and leg strain
Your stability increases as your center of gravity moves closer to your...
base of support
Which technique for moving the patient up in bed is not used for a patient who has back or chest injuries?
a) one-person
b) two-person
c) shoulder-lift
d) two-person with drawsheet
When turning a patient, what is the most important precaution to take whether you are pushing or pulling the patient?
Raise the far side rail
When transferring patients, you can reduce the chance of injury to yourself by...
using good teamwork and proper body mechanics
A patient's feet must be placed on the floor or a footstool during "dangling" to prevent...
pressure on the back of the legs
Which devices can be used to slide a patient from the bed to a stretcher?
Drawsheet and roller board
When helping a patient to ambulate, how should you stand and where should you place your hands?
Beside and a little behind the patient with one hand on the patient's waist and one hand under the patient's near arm.
Which is a safe, stable gait that can be used by patients who can bear some weight on both legs?
Which gait is used by patients who can bear full body weight on one foot and partial or no weight on the other?
Isometric exercises are activities that involve...
muscle contraction without body movement
Care must be taken to ensure patients do not hold their breath while performing isometric exercises as that may cause...
heart attack
What diet is usually ordered for patients who have difficulty chewing or swallowing, or need to alter the amount of residue in the digestive tract?
The diet that is inadequate in all nutrients and should not be given for more than 3 days is the...
Clear liquid
What should the solution temperature be during gastric gavage?
Room temperature
To prevent rapid decompression of the urinary bladder, the maximum amount of urine to remove during the catherization is between...
750 to 1000 cc
During cauterization of a female patient, how many inches (how far) is the catheter inserted for placement in the urinary bladder?
2 to 3
The urinary catheter is pinched prior to removal from the bladder to...
prevent air from entering into the bladder
For what length of time in minutes should the patient retain the solution of a cleansing enema?
The patient's colostomy bag should be changed when it is...
one-third full
What is the normal arterial oxygen saturation range?
95 to 98%
For patients using a nonrebreathing mask, the inspired oxygen concentration is...
60 to 90%
Which mask is suggested for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)?
Before performing tracheostomy care, you would first...
assess the stoma for patency
This is usually described by the patient as a jumping, pounding, or stopping of the heart within the chest.
When preparing a patient for insertion of a central venous pressure line, what maneuver is taught to the patient to decrease the chance of an air embolism?
For insertion of a central venous pressure line into a neck vein, in what position should the patient be placed?
How many minutes should you irrigate a chemical burn to the eye?
There is a high rate of success for tooth replacement if a dentist carries out the procedure within how many minutes of the accident?
How are corneal abrasions detected?
Fluorescein stain
Damage to the epidermis with possible damage to the dermis and its appendages is classified as what type of burn?
partial thickness
When caring for a patient with electrical burns at a facility, your first priority is...
management of the patient's airway
How would you apply a dressing with the intention of debriding a wound?
Wet to dry
What reflex action would be caused if you leave a heat treatment in place for a prolonged period of time?
Reflex vasoconstriction
When applying a cold treatment, how long should you leave it in place?
20 to 30 minutes