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32 Cards in this Set

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At what age do the permanent 3rd or corner incisors erupt?
ANSWER: 4 1/2 years
Night eyes are a common name for what structure on the horse? A. Chestnuts
ANSWER: Chestnuts
White markings covering the area from the coronet band to the area below the fetlock would be called what?
ANSWER: Pastern
What type of leg interference can brushing and striking be classified as?
ANSWER: Supporting
Osselets is the term for an inflammation of the periosteum on the anterior surface of what joint?
ANSWER: Fetlock
The sole of the hoof is flatter on which pair of feet – front or rear?
Are most poisonous plants “more” or “less” toxic as the plant matures?
ANSWER: Less toxic
What feed additive is commonly used to reduce dust and increase palatability of a feed?
ANSWER: Molasses
What category of muscle is found in all of the following systems – Digestive, respiratory, circulatory, integument and urogenital
ANSWER: Smooth muscle
Standing in urine and wet manure will cause a breakdown of the waxy-like waterproof covering of the hoof. What is the proper name for this covering?
ANSWER: Periople
What is the proper name for the joint located between the femur and the tibia?
ANSWER: Stifle
Parrot mouth or overshot jaw is a conformation defect involving what bone?
ANSWER: Mandible
How did the land bridges which formed during the Ice Age affect the history of Equus?
ANSWER: They allowed Equus to migrate from North America throughout the rest of the world.
What is the common name of the bacterial disease of younger horses that affects the salivary glands and lymph nodes in the submandibular and retropharyngeal area?
ANSWER: Strangles, equine distemper, shipping fever
(Two part) What two things are found in the sensitive laminae of the hoof that cause it to be called sensitive?
ANSWER: Nerves and blood vessels.
(Bonus question) From proximal to distal name the three joints of the horses legs that are common to all four legs.
Fetlock, pastern and coffin
ANSWER: Fetlock, pastern and coffin
Horses are at greatest risk for plant poisoning under what environmental conditions?
ANSWER: When pastures are overgrazed and noxious weeds are able to proliferate, often due to poor pasture management or drought.
What structure of the hoof am I? I am arched in shape, I provide some weight support, I flatten slightly to help absorb concussion, but my primary function is protection.
ANSWER: The sole of the hoof
How many pounds of manure does a 1000 pound horse produce per day?
ANSWER: 45 – 50 pounds
(Two Part) When considering vision, where are the horse’s two blind spots?
ANSWER: Directly to the rear, behind its hindquarters Directly below the head, or directly in front
(Bonus question) There are four types of hock Spavin. Name them.
Blind/Occult Bog spavin
Blood spavin Bone/True/Jack spavin
What breed is being described – this draft breed is a descendant of the medieval charger breed, its color is all shades of chestnut, and it originated in Suffolk County, England.
ANSWER: Suffolk Punch
Thoroughpin is a soft, fluid-filled enlargement of the outside of the joint that can be pushed freely from the outside to the inside surface of the joint by palpation. What joint is it found in?
ANSWER: The hock
In case of an emergency what two pieces of equipment should be outside every horse’s stall?
ANSWER: Halter and lead
Orphan foals have a very high dietary energy requirement and should be fed how often during the first 1 – 2 weeks of life?
ANSWER: Every 2 to 4 hours
(Two part) The bones and the teeth contain the majority of what two minerals found in the horses body?
ANSWER: Calcium and phosphorus
(Bonus question) Name four different types of grass forage
Bermuda Grass Canary (reed) Grass Sudan Grass Tall Fescue Timothy Sorghum
ANSWER: Reed Grass Bluegrass Brome Grass Orchard Grass Rye Grass Sudex
Wheat Grasses Digit Grasses Redtop Bahia Grasses Johnson Grass Millet
What color hair mixes with white hairs in a strawberry roan?
ANSWER: Chestnut
Thrush is a black, strong smelling infection of the hoof that causes destruction of the frog. Is it caused by aerobic or anaerobic bacteria?
ANSWER: Anaerobic bacteria
A horse’s body fat can be estimated using what method of evaluation?
ANSWER: Calcium and phosphorusBody condition scoring
When driving a horseshoe nail, the nail is started with the flat of the nail oriented in what direction?
ANSWER: The flat side is oriented to the outside.
How old would a horse be with all adult teeth present and Galvayne’s groove beginning to show at the gum margin of the upper corner incisor?
ANSWER: 10 years old