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75 Cards in this Set

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إرث irTH
Inheritance heritage estate of inheritance. It's good to be meek because the irTH Earth is your inheritance. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
صراح SuraaH
Pure unadulterated clear distinct manifest. When Sarah finally decided it was clear that she wanted to date with Matt she got into his Saab ص and told. She sighed ح however when Matt told her he'd been studying Shar'ia and this SuraaH Sura says I'm in charge of you. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
حبس يحبس الحبس Habasa yahbus al-Habs
To confine jail hold in keep back. Calvin sighed ح when had to confine Habasa Hobbes even though he thought it was a sin س. He knew he was vicious and would end up getting jailed if he got out. He explained to him that yahbus you bus criminals to the pen where they give you the death sentence. You don't want that Habs Hobbes. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
الحبس Habs
masdar of to confine jail hold in keep back. حبس يحبس الحبس Habasa yahbus al-Habs. To confine jail hold in keep back. Calvin sighed ح when had to confine Habasa Hobbes even though he thought it was a sin س. He knew he was vicious and would end up getting jailed if he got out. He explained to him that yahbus you bus criminals to the pen where they give you the death sentence. You don't want that Habs Hobbes. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
حجز يحجز الحجز Hajaza yaHjiz al-Hajz
To detain arrest imprison. The old timey police used to arrest detain imprison everyone they found at Hajaza the jazz club because everyone knows those people are dopers. Keep yaHjiz your jazz to yourself they would say as they rounded them up. We arrest anyone who listens to Hajz the jazz. they would just sigh ح while they were getting rounded up. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
الحجز al-Hajz
masdar of to detain arrest imprison. حجز يحجز الحجز Hajaza yaHjiz al-Hajz. To detain arrest imprison. The old timey police used to arrest detain imprison everyone they found at Hajaza the jazz club because everyone knows those people are dopers. Keep yaHjiz your jazz to yourself they would say as they rounded them up. We arrest anyone who listens to Hajz the jazz. they would just sigh ح while they were getting rounded up. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
قبض يقبض القبض على QabaDa yaQbud al-QabD
Arrest to seize take grab constipate opress someone or something. Why did you get arrested grabbed by the cops? qa I baDa and Allah على is mad at me. But I won't get arrested again. I say yaQ yuck when I see bud as in weed. Qa cause I know being bD bad will just get you arrested. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
القبض على al-qabD
masdar of to arrest to seize take grab constipate opress someone or something. قبض يقبض القبض على QabaDa yaQbud al-QabD. Arrest to seize take grab constipate opress someone or something. Why did you get arrested grabbed by the cops? qa I baDa and Allah على is mad at me. But I won't get arrested again. I say yaQ yuck when I see bud as in weed. Qa cause I know being bD bad will just get you arrested. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
ألقى القبض على alaqaa al-QabD
To arrest so. I got arrested because I'm an alqaa holic and Qabd because I'm bad. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
برثن ج براثن burTHun baraaTHin
Claw talon. The field mice's babies were sick of hiding in the cold ground and they complained to their mother. She said you'd rather be in here being like burTHun brrr than being in the claw talon of an owl because you baraaTHin bear a thin resemblance to a snack to an owl. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
براثن baraaThin
plural claw talon. برثن ج براثن burTHun baraaTHin. Claw talon. The field mice's babies were sick of hiding in the cold ground and they complained to their mother. She said you'd rather be in here being like burTHun brrr than being in the claw talon of an owl because you baraaTHin bear a thin resemblance to a snack to an owl. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
إستقر في يستقر في الإستقرار istaqara yastaqirru alistiqraar
To settle down stay in a place. To seek or ask to be settled A family was driving across the country when suddenly they heard a noise. The asked the dad who was driving what was that? He said istaqara it's the car. It died so let's just settle down stay here. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
عذر يعذر العذر المعذرة عن في 'aDara ya'dir al-'uDr al-ma'Dira
To forgive excuse عن في s.o. for sth. I -- adore you so it is easy to forgive -- you dear even that -- odor -- my dear. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
عذر ج اعذار 'udr a'daar
Excuse. One of the masdars from عذر 'aDara. When you make a bad 'udr odor you can use the dog as an excuse but you should head for a'daar a door before someone figures it out. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
اعذار a'daar
plural excuses. عذر ج اعذار 'udr a'daar. Excuse. One of the masdars from عذر 'aDara. When you make a bad 'udr odor you can use the dog as an excuse but you should head for a'daar a door before someone figures it out. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
معذرة ma'Dira
One of the masdars of Excuse excusing forgiving. عذر يعذر العذر المعذرة عن في 'aDara ya'dir al-'uDr al-ma'Dira To forgive excuse عن في s.o. for sth. I -- adore you so it is easy to forgive -- you dear even that -- odor -- my dear. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
هرب يهرب الهرب الهروب المهرب الهربان haraba yahrub al-harab al-huruub al-mahrub al-harabaan
To flee escape desert. If there is a -- horrible thing or -- you rob someone flee flee -- the rob -- who rob you or who -- may rob you. Do it because I put a -- horror ban on you. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
هرب harab
Fleeing escaping. One of the masdars from هرب. If you're an abused child you make like harab the arab and escape flee on a camel. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
هروب huruub
Fleeing escaping. One of the masdars from هرب. If you're an abused child you flee to Queen Sheba in the desert and hide behind huruub her robe. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
مهرب mahrub
Fleeing escaping. One of the masdars from هرب. I'm an abused child so I'll flee to Queen Sheba and hide behind her robe until you get mahrub my robe because I'll be royalty and make it so no one can do that again. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
هربان harabaan
Fleeing escaping. One of the masdars from هرب. If you're an abused child you fly to Queen Sheba to let her know of that sort of hara horror so she can baan ban it. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
أيقن يقن الإيقان ب
To ascertain make sure be sure be certain of something. -- I can only believe in things I can ascertain make sure of be certain of. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
مصير ج مصاير maSiir maSaayir
Development progress place at which one arrives outcome destiny future. The messenger went back to his Roman general to give him the progress utcome development of the war. He sobbed ص maSiir my sir no maSaayir my Sire it's not progressing well so please don't kill the messenger. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
مصاير maSaayir
plural developments progress places at which one arrives outcomes destinies. مصير ج مصاير maSiir maSaayir
اعتنق يعتنق الإعتناق
To embrace adopt be converted take up. He went to the quack dr to get -- a tonic to help him embrace adopt be converted take up being good. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
انتصب ينتصب الإنتصاب
To rise up straighten up stand up get on one's feet be raised appointed. -- you sob? No rise up straighten up get on your feet! 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
تحية ج تحيات تحايا taHiya taHiyaat taHaayaa
Greeting salutation salute cheer. The chauvinistic Sergeant refused to give a greeting salutation salute cheer taHiya to a هي who was aat an officers' position that's why she decided ta sing Haayaa by Outkast to get his attention. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
تحيات taHiyaat
Greetings salutations salutes cheers. One of the plurals تحية taHiya. The chauvinistic Sergeant refused to give a greeting salutation salute cheer taHiya to a هي who was aat an officers' position. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
تحايا taHaayaa
One of the plurals تحية taHiya. The chauvinistic Sergeant refused to give a greeting salutation salute cheer to a female officer until she decided ta sing Haayaa By Outkast to get his attention. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
عدس ج عدسات 'adasa 'adasaat
Lens magnifying glass. You look like an -- odd blank with those giant lenses on. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
كميرة ج كميرات kamiira kamiiraat
Camera. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
هتف يهتف الهتف hatafa yahtif al-hatf
To shout rejoice cheer applaud ل ب someone jeer boo praise. When you've had hatafa had a tough day you want to laugh Ha ه or growl like a tiger ت about yahtif your tiff you had with your boss or take your hatf hat off and scream on the phone. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
يهتف yahtif
He it shouts rejoices cheers applauds ل ب someone jeers boos praises. When you've had a tough day you want to laugh Ha ه or growl like a tiger ت about yahtif your tiff you had with your boss and scream on the phone. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
هتف hatf
Shouting rejoicing cheering appluading ب ل jeering boing praising. When you've had a tough day you want to laugh Ha ه or growl like a tiger ت about yahtif your tiff you take your hatf hat off and scream on the phone. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
عدم يعدم العدم 'adima ya'dam al-'adam
To be deprived devoid lack lose miss disappear. The scarecrow was deprived devoid lacked a brain which made him 'adima a dim guy. He says I envy ya'dam your damn brain. I feel so 'udm a dum because I don't have 'adam a damn brain. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
يعدم ya'dam
He it deprives is devoid lacks loses misses disappears. Active of عدم adima. The scarecrow was deprived devoid lacked a brain which made him a dim guy. He says I envy ya'dam your damn brain. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
عدم ج أعدام 'adam a'daam
Non- un- in- dis- lack nonexistence nothing nothingness. 'adam is lacking a rib becuase Eve deprived him of it. God said I gave you a wife. Adam replied I want a'daam a damn rib! 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
أعدام a'daam
lacks nonexistences nothings nothingnesses. Plural of عدم 'adam. 'adam is lacking a rib becuase Eve deprived him of it. God said I gave you a wife. Adam replied I want a'daam a damn rib! 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
حز يحز الحز Hazza yaHzz al-Hazz
To make an incision slit notch. Whenever you find a dead body in your house you need to check if it Hazza has a slit anywhere on the body otherwise yaHz you has a vampire in your Hazz house. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
حز ج حزوز Hazz Huzuuz
Incision slit notch. Masdar from حز. Whenever you find a dead body in your Hazz house you need to check if it has a notch slit incision on the neck. It might be a vampire. Ew Huzuuz whose ooze is this? 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
حزوز Huzuuz
Incisions slits notches. Plural of حز Hazz Whenever you find a dead body in your house you need to check if it has a notch slit incision on the neck. It might be a vampire.. And you need to figure out Huzuuz whose ooze is all over the place? 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
نجا ينجا النجاة najaa yanjaa an-najuu an-najaah
To save be saved rescue be delivered survive live. If you're about to fall off a cliff you can be saved by someone if they najaa nudge yanjaa ya in the jaw. If I najaah nudge ya it may save your life rescue you. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
ينجا yanjaa
He it saves is saved rescued is delivered. If you're about to fall off a cliff you can be saved by someone if they nudge yanjaa ya in the jaw. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
نجاة najaah
Escape flight deliverance rescue salvation redemption safety. If you're about to fall off a cliff you can be saved by someone if they najaah nudge ya it may save your life rescue you. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
فرن ج أفران furn afraan
Oven baking oven. Lucky says you can bake a furn in your oven or afraan a frond palm leaf. They're good. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
أفران afraan
Ovens baking ovens. Plural of فرن furn. Lucky says you can bake a fern in your oven or afraan a frond palm leaf. They're good. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
خبث يخبث الخبث الخباثة KHabuTHa YaKHbuTh al-KHubTH al-KHabaaTHa
To be bad wicked evil malicious vicious. Don't go into that evil booth KHabuTHa because the booth is evil and malicious and YaKHbuth yuck the booth will kill you and get your guts all over the place. It's not a KHbuTH cool booth it makes so much blood you KHabaaTHa could bathe in it. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
يخبث YaKHbuTh
active it is bad wicked evil malicious vicious. خبث يخبث الخبث الخباثة KHabuTHa YaKHbuTh al-KHubTH al-KHabaaTHa. To be bad wicked evil malicious vicious. Don't go into that evil booth KHabuTHa because the booth is evil and malicious and YaKHbuth yuck the booth will kill you and get your guts all over the place. It's not a KHbuTH cool booth it makes so much blood you KHabaaTHa could bathe in it. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
خبث KHubTH
Badness wickedness malignancy malice malevolence viciousness. One of the masdars from خبث KHabuTHa. bad wicked evil malicious vicious. خبث يخبث الخبث الخباثة KHabuTHa YaKHbuTh al-KHubTH al-KHabaaTHa. To be bad wicked evil malicious vicious. Don't go into that evil booth KHabuTHa because the booth is evil and malicious and YaKHbuth yuck the booth will kill you and get your guts all over the place. It's not a KHbuTH cool booth it makes so much blood you KHabaaTHa could bathe in it. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
قذارة QaDaara
Dirtiness uncleansliness impurity filthiness squalidness. All the boys wanted to go out with Dara girl from high school QaDaara because Dara had a reputation for a bit of dirtiness filthiness to her. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
عرف يعرف التعريف 'arrafa yu'arrif at-ta'riif
To announce inform advise introduce define determine explain. Logical II. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
تعريف ج تعريفات تعاريف ta'riif ta'riifaat ta'aariif
Announcement notification communication information introduction definition identification. Masdar from عرف II. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
تعريفات ta'riifaat
Announcements notifications communications informations introductions definitions identifications. One of the plurals of تعريف ta'riif the Masdar from عرف II. People liked Einstein ع because he wasn't always making announcements that he knows عرف I all the information and all the definitions of everything. Other countries would have thrown Ta'riifaat tariff at us. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
تعاريف ta'aariif
Announcements notifications communications informations introductions definitions identifications. One of the plurals of تعريف ta'riif the Masdar from عرف II. People liked Einstein ع because he wasn't always making announcements that he knows عرف I all the information and all the definitions of everything. Or they might have tried to ta'aar tie a weight around him and let him sink to aariif a reef. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
في كل لحظة fi kul laHZa
Must mean in every instance. The mean teacher thinks fii kul laHza in every laughter of a child in every instance they are doing something bad. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
سيل ج سيول sayil suyuul
Flood inundation torrential stream. One of the masdars from سال saala. When prohibition finally ended you could sayil sail through a flowing flood torrential stream of alcohol. A lot of religious people didn't like it and wanted to su sue because they thought it would ruin the yuul yule holiday with everyone drunk. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
سيول suyuul
Floods inundations torrential streams. Plural from سيل sayil which is one of the masdars from سال saala. When prohibition finally ended you could sayil sail through a flowing flood torrential stream of alcohol. A lot of religious people didn't like it and wanted to su sue because they thought it would ruin the yuul yule holiday with everyone drunk. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
سيلان sayalaan
Flowing flow running liquidification gonorrhea. One of the masdars from سال saala. During prohibition they thought it was a sin س to saala sell alcohol or to let it flow. so they made them freeze al the kegs. Once they were flowing running again you could sayalaan sail on flowing streams of booze. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
تسآل tasaal
Asking inquiring requesting demanding عن about. One of the masdars from سأل saa'la. It's a sin س so when he saa'la saw Allah and asked him if he eats ham ء he tried to deny it. Eating and even tasaal to sell ham is a sin so think carefully about this question. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
طاهر ج أطهار Tahir aThaar
Clean pure modest virtuous. If you're an old timey villain all you want to do is find some pure modest virtuous girl Tahir tie her to the train tracks while laughing ه aThaar at her. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
أطهار aThaar
Clean pure modest virtuous things. Plural of طاهر Tahir. If you're an old timey villain all you want to do is find some pure modest virtuous girl and and tie her to the train tracks while laughing ه aThaar at her. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
تسامى يتسامي التسامي tasaama yatasaamy at-tasaamy
To elevate rise go beyond tower above. Oh God don't tasaama toss him in hell but elevate raise him up to heaven. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
مساحة ج مساحات misaaHa misaaHaat
Place surface area survey. According to every available survey when Palestinians think of the place surface area of where they used to live they misaaHa miss her. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
فرض ج فروض farD furuuD
Duty notch incision. Masdar from فرض faRaDa. Arabs think it is your duty never to farD fart in public even to the extent that they'll put a notch incision in their gut to relieve the pressure furuuD for it's rude to fart in public. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
فروض furuuD
Duties notches incisions. Plural of فرض farD which is masdar of فرض faRaDa. Arabs think it is your duty never to fart in public even to the extent that they'll put a notch incision in their gut to relieve the pressure furuuD for it's rude to fart in public. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
عادي يعادي المعاد 'aady yu'aady al-muadiin
To treat like an enemy feud counteract disobey. The monster's newly built wife treated him like an enemy feuded disobeyed him because he was an 'aady oddy. She said muadiin my religion told me to treat him like that. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
معاد muadiin
Hostile antagonistic anti- in compunds. Masdar from عادي 'aady. The monster's newly built wife treated him in an antagonistic hostile way and was anti-monster. She said muadiin my religion told me to treat him like that. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
عاضد يعاضد المعاضدة العضاد 'aaDada ya'aaDid al-mu'aaDada al-'aDaad
To aid assist back advocate. Every kid needs -- a dada to support aid back and advocate for them. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
معاضدة mu'aaDada
One of the masdars for help aid assistance backing. عاضد يعاضد المعاضدة العضاد 'aaDada ya'aaDid al-mu'aaDada al-'aDaad
عضاد 'aDaad
One of the masdars for help aid assistance backing. عاضد يعاضد المعاضدة العضاد 'aaDada ya'aaDid al-mu'aaDada al-'aDaad
مارد ج ماردون مردة مراد maarid maariduun marada murraad
Defiant rebel insurgent demon devil refractory. -- me read book about satanism and now Im a defiant rebel -- marauder who is -- more rad than everyone else. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
ماردون maariduun
one of the plurals for rebels insurgents demons devils. مارد ج ماردون مردة مراد maarid maariduun marada murraad. Defiant rebel insurgent demon devil refractory. -- me read book about satanism and now Im a defiant rebel -- marauder who is -- more rad than everyone else. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
مردة marada
one of the plurals for rebels insurgents demons devils. مارد ج ماردون مردة مراد maarid maariduun marada murraad. Defiant rebel insurgent demon devil refractory. -- me read book about satanism and now Im a defiant rebel -- marauder who is -- more rad than everyone else. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
مراد murraad
one of the plurals for rebels insurgents demons devils. مارد ج ماردون مردة مراد maarid maariduun marada murraad. Defiant rebel insurgent demon devil refractory. -- me read book about satanism and now Im a defiant rebel -- marauder who is -- more rad than everyone else. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab
تصاغر يتصاغر التصاغر taSaaGara yataSaagir at-taagir
To grovel become small humble prove oneself contemptible. The old timey villagers are so afraid of the villain that every time he starts taSaagara to cigar as in smoke a cigar in front of them they sob ص grovel and beome small. 49 4 Feb 09 Vocab