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80 Cards in this Set

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Disorder is delay in triggering the pharyngeal swallow.

What postures in x-ray?
Chin down
Disorder is delay in triggering the pharyngeal swallow.

What sensory techniques in x-ray?
sour bolus
Disorder is delay in triggering the pharyngeal swallow.

What swallow maneuvers in x-ray?
Disorder is delay in triggering the pharyngeal swallow.

What to try in therapy?
TTS, Sk Sw
Disorder is delay in triggering the pharyngeal swallow.

What to try in x-ray?
Sour bolus
Disorder is reduced bilateral pharyngeal contraction.

What postures to try in x-ray?
Lying down
Disorder is reduced bilateral pharyngeal contraction.

What swallow maneuvers to try in x-ray?
Effortful swallow
Disorder is reduced bilateral pharyngeal contraction.

What to try in therapy?
Masako maneuver
Disorder is reduced UES opening.

What postures to try in x-ray?
Head rotation
Lie down (hmmm)
Disorder is reduced UES opening.

What maneuvers to try in x-ray?
Disorder is reduced UES opening.

What to try in therapy?
Disorder is reduced airway entrance closure.

What postures to try in x-ray?
Chin down
Disorder is reduced airway entrance closure.

What swallow maneuvers to try in x-ray?
Disorder is reduced airway entrance closure.

What to try in therapy?
Disorder is reduced airway entrance closure.

What sensory techniques to try in therapy?
Disorder is reduced bilateral pharyngeal contraction.

What sensory techniques to try in x-ray?
Disorder is reduced UES opening.

What sensory techniques to try in x-ray?
Disorder is reduced lingual elevation.

What postures to try in x-ray?
Chin up
Disorder is reduced lingual elevation.

What sensory techniques to try in x-ray?
Disorder is reduced lingual elevation.

What maneuvers to try in x-ray?
Disorder is reduced lingual elevation.

What to try in therapy?
Palatal augmentation prosthetic
ROM exercises
Disorder is reduced tongue base movement.

What to postures to try in x-ray?
chin down
lie down (hmmm)
Disorder is reduced tongue base movement.

What sensory techniques to try in x-ray?
Disorder is reduced tongue base movement.

What maneuvers to try in x-ray?
Effortful swallow
Disorder is unilateral pharyngeal wall paresis.

What postures to try in x-ray?
head turn
Disorder is reduced tongue base movement.

What to try in therapy?
effortful swallow
Disorder is unilateral pharyngeal wall paresis.

What sensory techniques to try in x-ray?
Disorder is unilateral pharyngeal wall paresis.

What maneuvers to try in x-ray?
Disorder is unilateral pharyngeal wall paresis.

What to try in therapy?
Effortful swallow
Masako maneuver
Disorder is reduced laryngeal elevation.

What postures to try in x-ray?
Lie down (or head rotation)
Disorder is reduced laryngeal elevation.

What sensory techniques to try in x-ray?
Disorder is reduced laryngeal elevation.

What maneuvers to try in x-ray?
Disorder is reduced laryngeal elevation.

What to try in therapy?
Disorder is apraxia of swallow.

What postures to try in x-ray?
Disorder is apraxia of swallow.

What sensory techniques to try in x-ray?
sour bolus
Use spoon to increase downward pressure on tongue
Disorder is apraxia of swallow.

What maneuvers to try in x-ray?
Disorder is apraxia of swallow.

What to try in therapy?
TTS or nothing at all
Disorder is unilateral tongue paralysis.

What postures to try in x-ray?
Head tilt. Chin up ok
Disorder is unilateral tongue paralysis.

What maneuvers to try in x-ray?
sk-sw. or none.
Disorder is unilateral tongue paralysis.

What sensory techniques to try in x-ray?
Disorder is unilateral tongue paralysis.

What to try in therapy?
ROM & resistance exercises
augmentation prosthetic
Disorder is delayed oral onset.

What postures to try in x-ray?
Disorder is delayed oral onset.

What sensory techniques to try in x-ray?
Sour bolus
Increase downward pressure on tongue with a spoon
Disorder is delayed oral onset.

What maneuvers to try in x-ray?
Disorder is delayed oral onset.

What to try in therapy?
TTS or nada
Disorder is reduced velopharyngeal closure.

What postures to try in x-ray?
Disorder is reduced velopharyngeal closure.

What sensory techniques to try in x-ray?
Disorder is reduced velopharyngeal closure.

What swallow maneuvers to try in x-ray?
Disorder is reduced velopharyngeal closure.

What to try in therapy?
Palatal lift or palatal obturator
Disorder is reduced airway closure.

What postures to try in x-ray?
Disorder is reduced airway closure.

What sensory techniques to try in x-ray?
Disorder is reduced airway closure.

What swallow maneuvers to try in x-ray?
Disorder is reduced airway closure.

What to try in therapy?
Effortful breath hold
Disorder is unilateral oral and pharyngeal paralysis.

What postures to try in x-ray?
Head tilt, chin up (seems risky)
Disorder is unilateral oral and pharyngeal paralysis.

What sensory techniques to try in x-ray?
Disorder is unilateral oral and pharyngeal paralysis.

What swallow maneuvers to try in x-ray?
Disorder is unilateral oral and pharyngeal paralysis.

What to try in therapy?
Masako, effortful swallow
Disorder is reduced tongue coordination.

What postures to try in x-ray?
Chin up.
Disorder is reduced tongue coordination.

What sensory techniques to try in x-ray?
Disorder is reduced tongue coordination.

What swallow maneuvers to try in x-ray?
Chin down is good posture for _____, _____, _____, ____, and ______.
reduced airway entrance closure,
reduced TB posterior motion
unilateral laryngeal dysfunction (see p 181)
reduced laryngeal closure
Head up is good for ____, ____, ____, and ____.
inefficient oral transit,
reduced tongue coordination,
unilateral oral and pharyngeal paralysis (Paresis?)
reduced lingual elevation
TTS is good for ____, ____, and ____.
apraxia of swallow
delayed oral onset
Sour bolus is good for ____, ____, and ____.
Swallowing apraxia
Delayed oral onset
Suck-swallow is good for ____, ____, ____, and ____.
Reduced OT elevation
Unilateral OT paralysis
Unilateral Oral and Pharyngeal Paralysis
Supraglottic Swallow is good for ____, ____, and ____.
Reduced OT elevation
Reduced OT coordination
Lying down is good for ____, ____, ____, and ____.
Reduced bilateral pharyngeal contraction
Reduced UES opening
Reduced TB movement
Reduced Laryngeal elevation (hmm)
Effortful swallow is great for _____, _____, _____, and _____.
Reduced bilateral pharyngeal contraction
Reduced TB movement
Unilateral pharyngeal wall paresis (therapy)
Unilateral oral and pharyngeal paralysis.
Head rotation is good for ____, ____, and ____.
Reduced UES opening
Unilateral pharyngeal wall paresis.
Unilateral laryngeal dysfunction
Mendelsohn is good for ____ and ____.
Reduced laryngeal elevation
Reduced UES opening
Shaker is good for ____ and ____.
Reduced UES opening
Reduced laryngeal elevation
Falsetto is good for ____ and ____.
Reduced laryngeal elevation
Reduced UES opening
Super-supraglottic swallow is good for ____, ____, and ____.
Reduced airway entrance closure
Reduced laryngeal elevation
Reduced airway closure
For what disorder is there really nothing to try during x-ray?
Reduced velopharyngeal closure.
Palatal augmentation/obturation prosthetics are good for ____, ____, and ____.
Reduced OT elevation
Unilateral OT paralysis
Reduced velopharyngeal closure
Range of motion exercises are good for ____, ____, ___
reduced OT coordination
reduced OT elevation
unilateral tongue paralysis
Increased pressure on tongue is good for ___ and ___.
Apraxia of swallow
Delayed onset of oral swallow
Effortful swallow is good for ____, ____, and ____
unilateral oral and pharyngeal paralysis (in therapy)
reduced bilateral pharyngeal contraction
reduced TB retraction
Masako is good for ____, ____, ____, and ____.
Unilateral oral and pharyngeal paralysis
unilateral pharyngeal wall weakness
reduced bilateral pharyngeal contraction
Reduced TB movement
Resistance exercises are good for ____ and ____.
Reduced OT coordination
Unilateral OT paralysis