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46 Cards in this Set

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Cranial Cavity
Houses the brain. Lined with meninges.
Vertebral Cavity
Houses the spinal cord. Lined with meninges.
Thoracic Cavity
Has three smaller cavities - the pericardial cavity and two pleural cavities.
Abdominopelvic Cavity
Inferior to the diaphragm.
The organs located inside the thoracic cavity and abdominopelvic cavity.
Sagittal Suture
Unites two parietal bones.
Coronal Suture
Unites frontal and parietal bones.
Lambdoid Suture
Unites the two parietal bones to the occipital bone.
External Occipital Protuberance
Prominent bony landmark on the occipital region of the skull (hits pillow when body lies supine)
Mandible - the ramus, body and angle
Ramus - vertical portion
Body - horizontal portion
Angle - area where ramus meets the body
Mastoid Process
Prominent bony landmark situated posterior to the ear
Carpals, Tarsals and Digits
Wrist - Carpal
Foot - Tarsals
Fingers and Toes - Digits
Image differences between X-Ray and MRI
X-Ray - Bones are black
MRI - Bones are white
Occurs about 6 days after fertilization
Yolk Sac
The site of early blood formation, and gives rise to gonadal stem cells (spermatogonia & oogonia)
The Placenta
Forms during the embryological period (3rd month)
The Placental Barrier
Chorionic villi extend into maternal blood filled intervillous spaces - maternal and fetal blood vessels do not join and blood does not mix
The Fetus Development Stage
Week 9 until birth
Maternal changes during prenancy
Increase in cardiac output and heart rate
non-membranous sac with 2 centrioles - move chromosomes during cell division
Rough ER
has ribosomes - transports new proteins
Cell Membrane Functions
Does not synthesize proteins
Stratum Basale
Combination of Merkel cells, melanocytes, keratinocytes and stem cells that divide repeatedly.
Epithelial tissue only (ectodermal origin)
Layer of connective tissue (mesodermal origin) with nerves, muscle and blood vessels
Layer of adipose and areolar tissue, fat storage and blood vessels, nerve endings
Arrector Pili
Smooth muscle in dermis that contracts with cold or fear, forms goosebumps as hair is pulled vertically
Papillary Region (top 20% of dermis)
anchors epidermis to dermis, contains capillaries that feed epidermis and contains Meissner's corpuscles (touch) and free nerve endings (pain and temperature)
Location of glands of the skin
found in dermis, specialized exocrine glands: sebaceous (oil) glands
The role of the epiphyseal plate in bone growth
The growth in length of a long bone involves interstitial growth of cartilage on the epiphyseal side of the epiphyseal plate and replacement of cartilage with bone by endochondral ossification on the diaphyseal side of the epiphyseal plate.
Spongy Bone
Has low density; large spaces visible to the naked eye
Fusion of the digits if apoptosis doesn't proceed normally
Smooth Muscle
Embyonic origin from lateral plate-spanchnic mesoderm
Muscle contraction (step #2)
Acetylcholine (ACh) released
from neuronal terminals into
Synpatic clefts
Clostridium tetanii
bacterium that attacks Central Nervous System
blocking the actions of Gamma Amino Butyric Acid (GABA)
percentage of total blood volume occupied by red blood cells
Tissue hypoxia
cells not getting enough O2
Function of the Pericardium
confinement of the heart to the mediastimun while allowing freedom of movement
ventricular diastole
Ventricles relax, blood fills ventricles through A-V valves
ventricular systole
Ventricles contract, blood pumped into aorta and pulmonary trunk through SL valves
No smooth muscle
Lymphatic Capillaries in GI tract
lacteals - contain chyle (fat)
Thymus Gland
Primary lymphatic organ
Lymph Nodes
masses of lymphatic tissue covered by capsule
Lymphatic Nodules
accumulation of lymphatic tissue not surrounded by a capsule
Breast cancer affects this node
axillary lymph nodes and lymphedema of the arm