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70 Cards in this Set

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advocate (v.)
to speak out in favor of something; publicly recommend or support

authority (n.)
the power to make decisions, to tell others what to do.

bitterly (adv.)
strongly and with a lot of bad feelings

acı acı;acı olarak
candidate (n.)
someone who wants to be chosen, especially in an election, for a position

coalition (n.)
a group of several different groups or countries that are working together to achieve a certain goal.

contest (v.)
to challenge; oppose (an action, decision, or theory) as mistaken or wrong

election (n.)
a process in which people choose officials

inaugurate (v.)
to bring into public office; to start formally

açılış yapmak;
policy (n.)
an approved way for approaching a certain kind of situation

poll (v.)
to find out a small group's opinion so that you can guess what a much larger group thinks

anket yapmak;
accuse (v.)
to say that someone did something wrong (e.g., committed a crime)

itham etmek;suçlamak
allegedly (adv.)
according to what people say, although there is no proof

açıkça; 'dığı ileri sürülen; iddia edildiğine göre
civil (adj.)
involving a dispute between two citizens, not a criminal charge

convict (v.)
to decide that someone is guilty of a crime; declare (someone) to be guilty of a criminal offense

suçlu bulmak;mahkum etmek
guilty (adj.)
responsible for doing something bad

guilty ;
offense (n.)
a specific act that breaks the law

peer (n.)
a person who is one's social equal; a person of the same age, status, or ability as another specified person

suspect (n.)
someone who, in the opinion of the police, might have committed a certain crime

verdict (n.)
a judgment in a court case

fikir; jüri kararı
witness (v.)
to see something, especially a crime, happen

şahit olmak
apprehend (v.)
to capture; understand or perceive

ascertain (v.)
to make sure of

aslını öğrenmek
bureaucratic (adj.)
related to a large organization with a lot of complicated procedures

bürokrasi ile ilgili
condemn (v.)
to speak out against something in very strong terms; express complete disapproval of

ayıplamak;kınamak;mahkum etmek
evidence (n.)
something that makes the truth of a statement seem more likely

implicate (v.)
to suggest that someone was involved in a crime or other wrong behavior; convey (a meaning or intention) indirectly through what one says

inquiry (n.)
an investigation; an act of asking for information

intrusively (adv.)
in a way that brings an unwanted person or thing into someone else's affairs

seize (v.)
to take something against its owner's will

el koymak;zorla almak
surveillance (n.)
a process of watching something or someone for a long time, usually because the person is suspected of something

gözetim;göz altında bulundurma
analyze (v.)
to examine something by looking at its parts

analiz etmek;incelemek
assail (v.)
to attack or criticize forcefully

contrary (adj.)

hypothesize (v.)
to make a guess, the correctness of which will eventually be investigated systematically.

hipotez kurmak;
impair (v.)
to make something less effective than usual

azaltmak;güçsüz bırakmak
inference (n.)
a conclusion drawn from evidence

objectively (adv.)
based on unbiased standards, not on personal opinion

objektif olarak;tarafsızca
suspicious (adj.)
believing that something is wrong; acting in a way that makes people believe you have done something wrong

tolerate (v.)
to avoid getting upset about something

hoşgörmek;müsamaha etmek
versus (prep.)
against (esp. in sports and legal use)

aleyhinde; -e karşı
bribery (n.)
giving money or other gifts to a government official or other person in authority in order to get special privileges

cynically (adv.)
disrespectfully; emphasizing the weaknesses of otherwise respected things

alaycı bir şekilde;küçümseyerek
erode (v.)
to wear away and become smaller

erozyona uğratmak;aşınmak
evade (v.)
to get away from something that tries to catch you

kendini kurtarmak (bir yükümlülükten);yakayı kurtarmak
grotesque (adj.)
Extremely unattractive, in a way that catches a lot of attention; comically or repulsively ugly or distorted

güldürecek kadar acayip
integrity (n.)
personal honesty and good character

prevalent (adj.)
common; easy to find because it exists in great amounts

yaygın;hüküm süren
reform (v.)
to make big improvements (something, typically a social, political, or economic institution or practice)

yeniden biçimlendirmek
scandal (n.)
a case of wrongdoing that hurts someone's reputation

unmask (v.)
reveal; expose something that is hidden

foyasını ortaya çıkarmak
abduction (n.)
kidnapping; the action or an instance of forcibly taking someone away against their will

adam kaçırma
coerce (v.)
to force; to put pressure on someone to do something

baskı yapmak;zorlamak
detain (v.)
to prevent someone, for a relatively short time, from going on their way

deviant (adj.)
in a style that is not normal and is offensive to many

alışılmışın dışında;olağan dışı
distort (v.)
to twist or misrepresent; to make something seem different from what it really is

başka anlam vermek;biçimini bozmak
intentionally (adv.)
on purpose, not by accident

piracy (n.)
stealing a ship or taking the ship's cargo; the unlawful copying of books, CDs, etc.

predicament (n.)
a difficult situation, one that is hard to get out of

açmaz;çıkmaz;kötü durum
smuggle (v.)
to illegally bring things into a country

gizlice çıkarmak;kaçakçılık yapmak
villainy (n.)
Exceptional badness, as demonstrated by many serious evil deeds

addictive (adj.)
making someone want it so much that the person feels ill without it

alışkanlık yapan;bağımlılık yapan
ticaret birliği; kartel
concentrated (adj.)
strong because large amounts are in a certain space

interdict (v.)
to keep something from reaching a certain place; prohibit or forbid

yasak etmek;yasaklamak
juxtapose (v.)
place next to one another

birbirine yakın koymak;
misconception (n.)
a mistaken belief; a view or opinion that is incorrect because it is based on faulty thinking or understanding

yanlış anlama;kavram hatası;
modify (v.)
make small changes in order to get a certain result

biraz değiştirmek;değiştirmek
potent (adj.)
powerful; having great power, influence, or effect

iktidarlı;etkili;ikna edici
residual (adj.)
left behind after most of a thing has gone

subtly (adv.)
in a quiet, hard-to-notice way

açıkgöz bir şekilde;kurnazca