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72 Cards in this Set

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A computer system only recognizes
When in use, software is temporarily stored in
memory or RAM
Errors in a software program are referred to as
When a programmer checks to see if a program functions and then corrects errors it is known as:
For a program to be read by the CPU, it must be loaded into
memory or RAM
When reading a program, the CPU ____ instructions from the program
fetches and executes
Machine language uses
numeric code
Typical computer programming languages used today include all of the following EXCEPT
machine language
Java is referred to as
high-level language
A compiler is
the most common type of translator program
Programs now resemble ________ much more than in the past
natural language
_______, common in today's software, supplement(s) the help files
online help
Minor revisions in software are reflected in the use of
decimal numbers
A major upgrade or revision of software is of:
whole numbers
An EULA stands for:
end-user license agreement
A campus or a mid-size company may purchase _______ so all users have legal access to the software
volume licenses
Nearly all commercial software is
Software that is free to everyone is known as:
public domain software
Integrate software packages generally include all EXCEPT a:
web browser
The primary application suite on the market is:
Microsoft Office
Operation systems and utility programs are in a class of software known as:
system software
What handles communication between the CPU and the disk drive(s)?
the operating system
The program that allows I/O devices to communicate with the computer is known as a(n)?
device driver
______ is when the operating system is loaded into RAM
The ______ is the front-end of a program and how a user works with the software
user interface
GUI refers to
graphical user interface
What is the name of the operating system rarely found on desktop PCs but used in servers and high-end workstations
What is the platform-neutral programming language that can run on Windows, Macintosh or UNIX?
Electronic marks put on a disk as tracks and sectors are known as:
A group of sectors is known as a:
Microsoft Works and Apple Works are examples of
integrated software
the common term pronounced "wizzy-wig" stands for:
what you see is what you get
What is the term for now words will appear on a page?
text formatting
The alignment of text on a line is referred to as
When both margins are straight and smooth, the document contains
full justification
The two primary companies developing OpenType font formats are Microsoft and
What type of font looks fine on a monitor but is not smooth when printed?
Bitmapped font
Printer fronts are stored in the
ROM of the printer
Digital references include all EXCEPT
What is essential for a computer to recognize handwriting?
Sophisticated software
Most professional typesetters use a minimum of _________ dpi for printing top-quality desktop publishing work
A form of digital paper that looks and feels somewhat like real paper is known as:
A1, B3, and BB20 are examples of
worksheet addresses
=SUM(B1:B8) is an example of
types of charts that can be created in a spreadsheet program include all EXCEPT a ________
In general, computer modeling is the use of computers to create:
abstract models
Leaning how to fly a jet through use of a computer system is known as:
a computer simulation
A realistic term that captures the idea that the information that comes out of a computer system is only as good, accurate and valid that goes into it is known as:
A computer agent is designed to _________, as well as to respond to commands and notice user patterns
print information
A potentially new development of a computer that is able to sense the emotional sate of the user and respond are:
affective computers
Pixels are primarily controlled by the
Software that allows a user to paint pixels on the screen using a pointing device is known as
painting software
simple pictures or maps are created by
bitmapped graphics programs
When a program assigns 8 bits of a pixel, that pixel can display one of up to _______ colors/shades of grey.
The density of pixels on a screen is known as
A digital photograph is a:
bitmapped image
Programs such as apple iPhoto and Microsoft PictureIt! are examples of:
photo management software
bitmapped files are usually:
large in size
software that stores lines and shapes rather than individual pixels is known as:
vector graphics software
________ is built into many high-end output devices
Software that can create art that a designer can rotate, view from a variety of angles and take two-dimensional "snapshots" of the best views is known as:
3-D modeling software
CAD software is primarily used in:
CAD stands for:
computer-aided design
CAM stands for:
computer-aided manufacturing
The free add-on program to PowerPoint that makes it possible to publish video presentations to the web is called
Usually, ________ video is transferred through FireWire
What is the process that condenses files to be stored in less space and therefore, sent faster
data compression
All EXCEPT ____ can squeeze music files to a fraction of their original size
Music that plays on a computer, such as a radio station, but is never downloaded is known as:
Historically, the term "hypertext" was used when textual information was linked in _________ ways
When a document or media is to be accessed and read from beginning to end, it is known as:
MIDI stands for
Musical Instrument Digital Interface