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34 Cards in this Set

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7 DNA Viruses
2. Herpes
3. Hep A
4. Adenovirus
5. Pox
6. Parvo
7. Papilloma
8. Polyoma
5 characteristics of DNA viruses with exception
1. They are HHAPPPPy viruses
2. dsDNA except Parvo
3. Linear except papilloma, polyoma(circulars) and Hep A DNA
4. Icosahedral except Pox
5. Replicate in the nucleus except Pox(RNAP)
The DNA virus with RT?
Hep B, all the rest use their own template
Parvoviruses(3) NE
1. NE ssDNA
2. Replicates in erythrocyte precursors
3. 5th Slap Cheek fever, anemia, aplastic sickle cell, hydrops fetalis

My blood got hot when I didn't make par
Unable to form or regenerate tissue
Excessive accumulation of fluid in tissues of cavities
Papilloma virus NE(4)
1. circular dsDNA
2.Plantar, and anogenital warts
3 Cervical and penile carcinoma
4. Vaccine Gardacil
Polyoma virus(3) NE
1. Circular dsDNA
2. progressive multifocal leukoececephalopathy (PML) in HIV patients
3. BK = Black kidney need for transplantation
Poly's kidney is black
Adenovirus NE (4)
1. Linear dsDNA
2. Febrile pharygitis = sore throat
3. Pneumonia
4. Conjunctivitis
Hepadenovirus NE(3)
1. Circular dsDNA
2. HBV(Hep B)
3. Replicates with RT
Herpes viruses E(7)
1. Linear dsDNA
2. HSV-1 = oral
3. HSV -2 = genital
4. CMV
5. EBV
6. VZV
7. HHV-8 = kaposis sarcoma
HSV 1 and 2 oncome and tx
1. Acute or latent
2. Latent not tx by acyclovir b/c no thymidine kinase
1. Above waist
2. Gingivostomatosis
3. Keratoconjunctivitis
4. Temporal Encephalitis
5. Herpes Labialis
1. Below waist
2. Herpes Genitalis
3. Neonatal
4. Can cause meningitis
Test for Herpes
1.Tzank heavens I don't have herpes or chicken pox
2. Cowdry A inclusions
1. Lots of white pustules on the tounge
2. Occurs in children with decreased immune
Vesicular lesions(3)
1. HSV 1 and 2
2. Traditional cold sore
3.Fluid is filled with virus
Herpetic Whitlow (2)
1. HSV 1 and 2
2. Virus can get under the skin and cause a lesion
What is a koliocyte?
A squamous cell, often binucleate and having a perinuclear hole, characteristic of genital warts
HSV 1 and 2 and their neural Dz counterparts
1. HSV 1 = encephalitis
2. HSV 2 = encephalitis
What is erythema?
Redness of the skin caused by dilatation and congestion of the capillaries, often a sign of inflammation or infection
What is Varicella?(4)
1. Chicken pox
2. Rash
3. Latent in neurons can emerge later
4. Live vaccine
What is Herpes Zoster?(4)
1. Shingles
2. Reactivate chicken pox, follows dermatomal distribution
3. Tx with acyclovir
4. AIDS patients get this a lot
Cytomegalo virus (CMV) (4)
1. Owls eyes inclusions
2. A TORCHeS virus
3. Negative Monospot Mononucleiosis
4. Microcephaly
C = congenital and M for Mono
Heterophile test(4), does what and what are the causes
1. Monospot test
2. Epstein Barr is most common cause of +
3. CMV for -
4. Uses sheeps blood
Classic CMV case
1. Retinitis in an AIDS patient
2. Person cannot read the newspaper or has trouble driving
Epstein Barr Virus(5)
1. + Mono
2. Interstitia pneumonitis
3. Burkitts lymphoma
4. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
5. Hairy cell leukoplakia of tounge(AIDS)
1. Kissing Dz
2. Lymphadenopathy
3. Hepato and splenomegaly
1. Kaposis sarcomma
2. More in AIDS
3. Infects B cells
4. Bruising patches
Variola Virus
1. Small pox
2. Eradicated with Vaccina virus
Vaccina Virus
1. Its vaccine eradicated smallpox
2. Cowpox = milkmaids blisters
Pox viruses(3) E
1. Largest
2. Replicate in cytoplasm
3. linear dsDNA
Molluscum Contagiousum(2)
1. Umbilicated lesion with central depression
2. Don't pox the pimple
TORCHeS viruses
1. Cross the placenta
Others(parvo, listeria, entero)
Herpes and HIV