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93 Cards in this Set

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young adult after illness, fast, stress, exercise - elevated unconjugated bilirubin.
Disease: Gilbert's Syndrome
Mecdhansim is decreased UDPGT - AR D/O
Tx: None its fine
episodic blood diarrhea
increased alk phos
joint pain
ulcerative colitis
ulcerative colitis is associated with what hepatobiliary D/O
primary sclerosing cholangitis
histological description of sclerosing cholangitis
inflammation and fibrosis of itnra and extrahepatic bile ducts
what cancers are at increased risk w/ FAP?
colon cancer
gastric cancer
duocenal cancer
thyroid cnacer
CNS tumors
childhood hepatoblastomas
chromosomal problem with FAP?
mutated APC tumor suppressor gene on Chrom. 5
what is misoprostol MOA and use?
prostaglandin E1 analog used for NSAID ulcer prevention and as a medical abortificant.
it activates dissolution of collagen bundles and increases submucosal water content of cervix while potentiating oxytocin
AB toxin that binds and inactivates ribosomes?
where found?
Shiga toxin
shigella and E coli O157:H7
diffuse abdominal pain and rebound tenderness of RLQ top two on DDx?
appendicitis and ectopic pregnancy
what is most ischemic bowel from? where at?
emboli at SMA
OR calculation?
Relative risk calculation?
attributable risk calcuation?
A/A+B - C/C+D
absolute risk reduction?
reduction in risk w/ Tx relative to placebo
number needed to treat calculation
1/(Absolute risk reduction)
immune complex mediated HSN reaction involving mucocutaneous surfaces and potentially fatal?
Steven's Johnson Syndrome
common (4) drugs precipitating Steven Johnson Syndrome
vessel disease associated with HBV?
Polyarteritis Nodosa
decreased aFP in pregnancy?
Down's Syndrome
severe HTN in head, upper torso, upper extremities and Ascending aortic dissection. Pathology?
coarctation of aorta
muscles that attach to humeral head?
teres minor
action of supraspinatus?
assists deltoid in abduction
action of teres minor
adduct and lateral rotate upper arm
action of infraspinatus
lateral rotation
Birbeck granules are.....
tennis racket shaped granules in the cytoplasm of Langerhans cells
Langerhans cells found....
all layers of epidermis
Langerhans cells derived from? for what purpose?
bone marrow
they are APC's for the skin
what is seen on a muscle biopsy of a patient with ALS?
atrophy from decreased neuronal input will result in decreased preexisting cell mass
eosinophilic intracytoplasmic inclusions?
negri bodies - rabies
difference between bullous pemphigoid and pemphigus vulgaris?
bullous pemphigoid is from an antibody to hemidesmosomes that anchor the cell to basement membrane. The bullae they form are hard to rupture and DO NOT leave a scar when gone
Pemphigus vulgarus is an antibody at desmoglein 3 of a desmosome whose bullae are easily ruptured and leave a scar
function of a meissner corpuscle?
light touch and position
function of pacini's corpuscle?
vibration and pressure
motor function of median nerve?
Oaf - 3 thenar muscles - opponens pollicis, abductor pollicis brevis, flexor pollicis brevis
sensory function of median nerve?
palmar lateral side of hand up to the middle of the 4th digit
dorsal aspect of the digits distal to proximal IP joing on same digits
sensory for anatomic snuffbox?
radial nerve
primary biliary cirrhosis
what are microglia?
CNS macrophages that ar from circulating macrophages which are from mesoderm
what can make a blood smear have a blue-ish look?
reticulocytes still have some clumped nuclear material
Southern blot
DNA probe for DNA
Northern blot
DNA probe for RNA
Western blot
labeled Ab for protein
MR, growth retardation, seizures, fair skin, eczema, musty BO
deficient phenylalanine dehydroxylase or dihydroptean reductase so that phenylalanine can not be converted to tyrosine
treatment of phenylketonuria?
no phenylalanine and more tyrosine in diet
mostly from adenosine deaminase deficiency which is for purine salvage so decreased T and B cell production.
also from defective IL2 receptors or failed MHC II antigen synthesis
adenosine deaminase deficiency - related disease?
MR, self mutilation, aggresssion, hyperuricemia, gout, choreoathetosis.
Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome
HGPRT deficiency which leads to decreased/0 purine salvate and excess uric acid
X linked recessive
Dark connective tissue, pigmented sclera, arthritis when adult, black urine when standing?
alkaptonuria - deficient homogentistic oxidase for tyrosine degradation
subluxated lenses, premature vascular disease, early death, MR, osteoperosis, tall, kyphotic
AR D/O of deficient cystathionine synthase leading to increased homocysteine and decreased cystathionine
failure to thrive, jaundice, hepatomegaly, infantile cataracts, MR
classic galactosemia from an absent galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase inherited in AR DO pattern
galactose in blood and urine. infantile cataracts, difficulty tracking objects as child, no development of social smile
galactokinase deficiency so galactitol accumulates.
is an AR DO and mild.
enzyme associated with fructose intolerance? and why a problem?
decrease in Aldolase B so increased fructose 1 phosphate stays around and this decreases the amount of free phosphate available for glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis
Maple Syrup Urine Disease.
leads to?
problem with alpha ketoacid dehydrogenase leading to a decrease in branched chain amino acid metabolism. (Leucine, Isoleucine, and Valine) in urine
retinoblastoma gene product does what?
binds to E2F transcription factor and keeps the cell cycle in quiescent stage. if it is mutated then the cells go on and divide and stuff
Rb gene associations?
Cyanide poisoning - MOA?
modifies iron in cytochrom oxidase of mitochondria which interrupts the ETC and halts cellular respiration.
bright red arteries and veins on fundoscopic exam? WITH burnt almond breath?
cyanide poisoning
treatment for cyanide poisoning?
give nitrites - induce methemoglobinemia to bind cyanide (it prefers it) then sulfates to coat it and get rid of it
SAM is what and good for what?
activated methionine and is good for donating methyl groups
cells requiring sodium for glucose uptake?
enterocytes and neurons
cells with glut 2 receptors? and why?
hepatocytes and beta cells.
GLUT 2 is a high capacity, low affinity and those cells don't want to do what they do (glycogenolysis, release insulin) unless sufficient glucose is around
cells with glut 4 receptors?
adipose and myocytes
muscle spasms, myopathy, ataxia, generalized seizures, intellectual deterioration, hearing loss.
Mitochondrial inheritance.
Myoclonic Epilepsy with Ragged Red Fibers
retinoblastoma gene product does what?
binds to E2F transcription factor and keeps the cell cycle in quiescent stage. if it is mutated then the cells go on and divide and stuff
Rb gene associations?
Cyanide poisoning - MOA?
modifies iron in cytochrom oxidase of mitochondria which interrupts the ETC and halts cellular respiration.
bright red arteries and veins on fundoscopic exam? WITH burnt almond breath?
cyanide poisoning
treatment for cyanide poisoning?
give nitrites - induce methemoglobinemia to bind cyanide (it prefers it) then sulfates to coat it and get rid of it
SAM is what and good for what?
activated methionine and is good for donating methyl groups
cells requiring sodium for glucose uptake?
enterocytes and neurons
cells with glut 2 receptors? and why?
hepatocytes and beta cells.
GLUT 2 is a high capacity, low affinity and those cells don't want to do what they do (glycogenolysis, release insulin) unless sufficient glucose is around
cells with glut 4 receptors?
adipose and myocytes
inheritance of Duchenne and Becker Muscular dystrophy?
Xlinked recessive
V2 effects?
V2's in the kidney to increase water permeability and reabsorption at the collecting tubules
action and use of bethanechol
direct cholinomimetic for postop and neurogenic ileus and urinary retention
action and use of carbachol
direct cholinomimetic used for glaucoma, pupillary constriction and decreased intraocular pressure
action and use of pilocarpine
direct cholinomimetic used for stimulating sweat, tears and saliva
which of the direct cholinomimetics is resistant to AcHE
Pilocarpine and bethanechol
4 most common anticholinesterases and their uses?
Neostigmine - post-op/neurogenic ileus and urinary retention, MG, post op reversal of NM blockade
Pyridostigmine - long term MG Tx
Edrophonium - MG Dx
Physostigmine - glaucoma and Atropine OD
post op NM blockade reversal
used for Atropine OD
Physostigmine - crosses BBB
alpha hemolytic means?
partial hemolysis, green zone
S pneu or viridan strep
G+, cat-, beta hemolytic cocci?

bacitracin sensitive? resistant?
Group A - Strep pyogenes - bacitracin resistant
Group B - S agalacticae - bacitracin sensitive
G+ rods?
G+ anaerobic rod?
G+, cat-, alpha hemolytic cocci?

optochin resistant
optochin sensitive?
Strep Pneu - optochin sensitive
viridans strep - optochin negative
type of second messenger G protein for the alphas, betas, D, H, V receptors
kiss &kik until sik of sex
alpha1,2, beta 1,2 M1,2,3, D1,2, H1,2, V1,2
Q = Phospholipase C cleavage of IP3
I=decreased adenyl cyclase-> decreased cAMP and PKA
S=increased adenylyl cyclase
action and use of methacholine
direct cholinomimetic for asthma challenge test
G+ catalase - cocci
G+ catalase + cocci
G+, Cat -, gamma hemolytic cocci
what does gamma hemolytic mean?
no hemolysis
G+, Cat+, Coag- cocci

novobiocin resistant
novobiocin susceptible
Staph epidermis - sensitive
Staph saprophyticus - resistant