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163 Cards in this Set

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You have two individuals, Jerry and Gary, who are about to run a 5K race. Based on the below values who would you expect to win the race between these two individuals?

Jerry: VO2max = 60 ml/kg/min; Lactate Threshold occurs at 74% of VO2max

Gary: VO2max = 64 ml/kg/min; Lactate Threshold occurs at 68% of VO2max


Energy from the gradient created by the electron transport chain is used to:

Convert NAD to NADH

Energy used directly for muscular contraction occurs via:

Fat Metabolism

If an individual has a VO2 of 5 Liters per minute and a VCO2 of 3.57 Liters per minute, their respiratory exchange ratio (RER) would equal:

~ 0.7

Using direct calorimetry, what is measured to determine energy expenditure


In every bout of acute exercise all three methods of energy production contribute to ATP formation, but the relative contribution of each varies based on


Which of the 3 energy systems would be the primary contributor of ATP while swimming laps in a pool for 15 minutes?


Ryan has been anaerobically training for the last 3 months. Which if the following enzymes would up-regulated as a result of this training?


Which of the following factors would inhibit pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) complex to slow the conversion of pyruvate to acetyl-CoA?

Increased NADH

ATP production from fat is ___________ ATP production from glucose

Slower than

What is the role of oxygen in aerobic metabolism?

It combines with Hydrogen and electrons in the electron transport chain to form water.

During the mobilization stage of fatty acid metabolism:

Triglycerides are broken down into glycerol and 3 fatty acids, which then diffuse into the bloodstream.

Fatty acyl-CoA is broken down into smaller acetyl-CoA’s during:


During the oxidation of one 30-carbon fatty acid how many net total ATP are produced?


VO2 represents:

The amount of oxygen consumed for energy

Which of the following is TRUE regarding the electron transport system?

A chemical and electrical gradient is generated for ATP synthesis

Which of the 3 energy systems would be the primary contributor of ATP during a sprinting across campus to get to your class before the test starts in 1 min.


Jerry is training for the 100-meter dash. During a 400 meter training sprint (~60 seconds), which of the following is the primary energy substrate?


The first step of Krebs cycle is the creation of Citrate from

Acetyl-CoA + Oxaloacetate

Following the uptake of fatty acids into the skeletal muscle cell:

The fatty acid is activated into fatty acyl-CoA and translocated into the mitochondria by carnitine

An individual is exercising at a constant intensity level (6.0 mph on the treadmill). After 30 seconds of exercise (Note: Assume the intensity is below VO2max):

The aerobic energy expenditure is supplemented with anaerobic energy until steady-state VO2 is reached

Which of the following proteins transports fatty acids from the blood into the muscle cells?

S-FABP (Sarcolema Fatty Acid Binding Protein)

Which of the following is the primary hormone for stimulating fatty acid mobilization?


Which of the 3 energy systems would be the primary contributor of ATP while swimming laps in a pool for 15 minutes?


Skeletal muscle uptake of fatty acids is dependent upon:

The rate of blood flow

The concentration of fatty acids in the blood

The rate limiting enzymes of fast glycolysis and the Kreb cycle are _____________ and _____________?

Phosphofructokinase, Isocitrate dehydrogenase

During fast (anaerobic) glycolysis, one glucose molecule would be metabolized to form:

2 lactic acid molecules

Fatty acids are carried in the blood by the protein _______________.


When lactic acid is produced quickly,

Fatigue ensues when levels get high enough

The buildup causes a burning sensation in the muscles

It accumulates in the muscle

The period of heavy breathing after exercise has ended is known by the acronym


Lactate threshold (LT) is defined as the point at which the rate of lactic acid 1? exceeds the rate of lactic acid 2?

1. Produced

2. Clearance

Beta Oxidation occurs:


Krebs Cycle occurs:


Fatty Acid Activation (fatty acid → fatty acyl-CoA) occurs:


Pyruvate → Lactate occurs:


Blood oxygen-carrying capacity

is dependent on blood hemoglobin concentration

Which of the following is NOT TRUE regarding gas diffusion?

Diffusion can occur only if there is a pressure gradient and the flow is from low pressure to high pressure.

Oxygen (O2) consumption in a working muscle will ________________ as a result of _________________ metabolism resulting in a(n) _________________ in tissue partial pressure of O2.

Increase, Increased, Decrease

Which of the following factors DO NOT determine the force of a muscular contraction?

The amount of force that the individual motor units are stimulated to generate

The DRIVE for respiration is due to changes in:

Partial pressures

Carbon dioxide (CO2) production in the working muscle will ________________ as a result of _________________metabolism resulting in a(n) _________________ in tissue partial pressure of CO2.

Increase, Increased, Increase

Calcium ions, responsible for turning on muscle contraction, are stored in the _________.

Sarcoplasmic Reticulum

Ventilatory regulation appears to be most sensitive to which of the following chemical stimuli?


In a chocking individual, the partial pressure of oxygen (PO2) and the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PCO2) in arterial blood would _________ and ___________, respectively.

Decrease, increase

During expiration

air moves out of the lungs because of a pressure gradient between the intrapulmonary pressure and atmospheric pressure

The Bohr Effect impacts the relationship between which of the following physiologic variables?

Oxygen and Hemoglobin

Which of the following are TRUE regarding initial muscle length?

Optimal length is approximately 20% above resting length

During exercise, the oxygen diffusion capacity increases dramatically because

lower venous O2 content increases the PO2 gradient

Vesicles in the synaptic knob (very end of the axon) of a motor neuron contain _________, which is released into the ___________.

Acetylcholine, synaptic cleft

Forced expiration is the result of activating the following muscles:

Abdominals and Internal intercostal muscles

Hemoglobin’s affinity for oxygen (O2) does what as partial pressure of oxygen (PO2) does what

increase, increases

Under normal resting conditions at sea level, approximately 25% of the oxygen being transported on hemoglobin is dissociated for internal respiration, leaving about 75% in reserve and returning to the lungs


The all or none principle states that if the membrane potential reaches or exceeds threshold that an action potential will occur


A partial pressure gradient of 40 mmHg will facilitate a more rapid diffusion of oxygen across the respiratory membrane compared to a partial pressure gradient of 60 mmHg


The primary difference between motor neurons is the level of myelination


-90 mV is considered hyperpolarization of the membrane potential


As lung volume increases, lung pressure decreases (and vice versa).


The "unloading" portion of the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve has a steeper slope than the "loading" portion.


During the sliding filament theory, myosin pulls the actin towards the center of the sarcomere


A muscle fiber can be innervated by more than one motor neuron


A-VO2Difference is a direct index of tissue (aka. Muscle) oxygen extraction from the blood.


Repolarization occurs due to the opening of what(1) gated channels and causes the ion to what(2) the cell.

1. K

2. Leave

Resting membrane potential for a motor neuron is what(1) and an action potential occurs if this increases to what (2)

1. -70mv

2, -55mv


speed up chemical reactions by lowering the activation energy that is required


is the sum of all energy transformations (chemical reactions) in the body

Energy is needed for...

growth and repair of tissues

active transport of substances across cell membranes

muscle contraction and force production

The process of converting ADP to ATP by the addition of a phosphate group is called


Which of these sets of factors determines the rate of ATP production?

substrate availability, enzyme activity

How do products of a metabolic pathway typically help control the rate of the chemical reactions?

negatively feed back on the rate-limiting enzyme

When ADP accumulates, what is the effect on the rate of metabolic chemical reactions?

speed them up

What enzyme catalyzes the conversion of glucose to glucose-6-phosphate?


In the presence of oxygen, what enzyme catalyzes the conversion of pyruvate into acetyl-CoA?

Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex (PDH)

What enzyme catalyzes the conversion of fructose-6-phosphate into fructose 1,6 biphosphate?

Phosphofructokinase (PFK)

The primary function of Kreb's cycle is to make...

High energy carrying compounds

With one turn of Kreb's cycle what products are produced


What are the three processes required to oxidatively produce energy from carbohydrates?

Glycolysis, Kreb's cycle, Electron transport chain

NADH that go to the electron transport chain are converted into how many ATP?


What is the first step of the Kreb's cycle?

Oxaloacetate + Acetyl-CoA = Citrate

What is the rate limiting enzyme of Kreb's cycle?

Isocitrate dehydrogenase

Carbohydrates are stored in the body as...


In the presence of oxygen, the final product of glycolysis is


During exercise, what shuttle is used to transport hydrogens from the cytosol into the matrix of the mitochondria?

Intracellular lactate shuttle

What is the role of OXYGEN in aerobic metabolism?

It combines with Hydrogen and electrons in the electron transport chain to form water.

The electron transport chain...

Pumps positive charged hydrogen ion outside of the mitochondrial matrix

The total net ATP yield (i.e. usable ATP) from aerobic metabolism of glucose is _____ ATP.


At the end of the electron transport chain hydrogen ions move back across the membrane down their concentration gradient and the _______________ enzyme allows for the transfer of energy to ADP, forming ATP.

ATP synthase

Under resting conditions, the ATP-PCr system plays which role?

replenishing cellular ATP reserves

The net ATP production from anaerobic glycolysis if you start with glucose is

2 ATP, which occur in the cytoplasm

The anaerobic glycolytic system would be the primary source of ATP for which running event?

800m (1/2 mile) run

In the absence of oxygen, the final product of glycolysis is

lactic acid

The ATP-PCr system would be the primary ATP source for which event?

50m sprint

Which of the following statements is true regarding the relative roles of fat, carbohydrate, and protein as energy sources for cellular metabolism?

Fat cannot provide all of the energy required for high-intensity muscular activity because the rate of energy release from fat is too slow

The best indicator of cardiorespiratory endurance is

VO2Max treadmill test

The respiratory exchange ratio (RER) is defined as the ratio between the:

amount of CO2 produced and the amount of O2 consumed during metabolism

The difference between the oxygen required during a given rate of steady-state work and the oxygen actually consumed is referred to as the:

oxygen deficit

VO2max represents:

The maximal amount of oxygen consumed for energy

Using indirect calorimetry, what is measured to determine energy expenditure?

VO2 and VCO2

During a recent laboratory assessment, your client’s oxygen consumption was 2.3 L/min and the carbon dioxide produced was 2.1 L/min. What is the client’s RER?


Based on your answer for the previous question where you calculated RER, which substrate is primarily being used for that activity.


Carbohydrate oxidation yields ________ kilocalories per molecule of oxygen consumed compared to kilocalories produced during fat oxidation.


Only about 60% of the energy gained during metabolism of carbohydrates and fats is used to produce ATP.


Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune disorder classified as a neuromuscular disease. Myasthenia gravis occurs when antibodies in the body attack, block, and/or destroy neurotransmitters receptors found at the neuromuscular junction. What neurotrasmitter is being block in individuals suffering from this disease?


Differentiation of motor neuron action potential velocity is dependent on:

axon diameter

The site of impulse conduction from one neuron to another is called a(n)


Which of the following statements is true concerning the cell membrane of a resting neuron?

The resting membrane potential of a typical neuron is about -70 mV.

Fluctuations in IPSP and EPSP that cause a localized change in a neuron's membrane potential, which may or may not spread over the entire cell membrane, is called

graded potential

Synaptic knobs house numerous vesicles, or sacs, filled with chemicals known as


The site of impulse conduction from a neuron to a muscle fiber is called a

neuromuscular junction

Swiftly and immediately after an action potential occurs the cell returns close to it's resting membrane potential through:

the potassium channels opening potassium leaving the cell

DEPOLARIZATION of a motor neuron is caused by the opening of _______ gated channels, while REPOLARIZATION of a motor neuron is cause by the opening of _______ gated channels.

Sodium, Potassium

The primary mechanism responsible for maintaining the resting membrane potential and establishing the ion concentration gradient of a neuron is

active pumping of sodium ions and potassium ions across the neuronal membrane by the sodium-potassium pump

A muscle contraction ends when

no more action potential are being sent

no more ATP is present

calcium is returned to the sarcoplasmic reticulum

According to the size principle, which motor unit will be recruited first for a task?

the motor unit with the smallest motor neuron

Type I muscle fibers:

have a high oxidative capacity

A single motor nerve and all of the muscle fibers that it supplies are referred to as a

motor unit

The active binding sites to which myosin heads attach during muscle contraction are found:

on the actin filament

Muscle contraction requires energy. Which of the following is (are) correct?

ATP provides the energy leading to relaxation between the myosin heads and the actin binding sites

When the myosin head pulls the thin filament toward the center of the sarcomere, the tilting action of the head is known by this special term: _______________.

power stoke

Type II fibers:

typically have more fibers per motor unit

If a type I fiber and a type II fiber of the same size are stimulated side by side

they will generate the same amount of force

Which is the correct order of events in a muscle contraction?

action potential travels down T-tubuals, Ca2+ released, cross-bridging, Ca2+ gathered in

During expiration,

air moves out of the lungs because of a pressure gradient between the intrapulmonary pressure and atmospheric pressure

What is the partial pressure of oxygen at a barometric pressure of 727 mmHg?

152 mmHg

At sea level and under resting conditions, a typical partial pressure for oxygen in the alveoli is approximately:


The percentage of saturation in arterial blood under resting conditions is


What factors are associated with the dissociation of oxygen from red blood cells?

increased PO2 gradient, increased acidity, decreased pH, increased temperature

Which of the following is a TRUE statement regarding diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide across the respiratory membrane?

CO2 diffuses rapidly across the membrane in spite of a relatively small pressure gradient

The partial pressure in exercising muscle will...

decrease as metabolic demand and oxygen usage increases

Carbon dioxide is transported in the blood principally as


A typical partial pressure for oxygen in resting muscle is


The primary function of the cardiovascular system is

ensuring that there is adequate blood flow throughout the circulation to meet the metabolic demand of the tissues

The volume of blood pumped by the heart per minute is referred to as

Cardiac Output

During exercise, blood flow

is shunted toward exercising tissue

Stroke volume equals


When exercise is initiated, or if exercise is at low intensity, heart rate first increases due to

a decrease in parasympathetic nervous stimulation

Blood flow to all body parts is regulated largely by

the sympathetic nervous system

Skeletal muscles receive approximately _____% of the total cardiac output under resting conditions, but they can receive as much as ______% of cardiac output during heavy endurance exercise.

15; 80

Determinants of stroke volume (SV) include

the aortic or pulmonary arterial pressure

ventricular distensibility and contractility

the volume of venous blood returned to the heart

The fact that an increase in end-diastolic volume can cause a related decreases in end-systolic volume to increase SV of the heart is an illustration of...

the Frank-Starling mechanism

Inactivation of the PDH complex

Increase ATP

Increase NADH

Increase acetyl CoA

Activation of PDH complex

Increase calcium

Increase pyruvate

Increase insulin

ATP-PCr: Oxygen, end product, substrate

No oxygen

No end product

Substrate: Creatine Phosphate

Anaerobic oxygen, end product, substrate

No oxygen

End Product: Lactic acid

Substrate: Glucose/glycogen

Aerobic oxygen, end product, substrate


End product: CO2

Substrate: Glucose/glycogen

ATP-PCr system duration

3 - 15 seconds

Anaerobic system duration

30sec - 3min

Aerobic system duration

Greater than 3 minutes


Helps Acyl-CoA get into the inner membrane

RER (Respitory Exchange Ratio)


Steady State

oxygen demand = oxygen consumption

Axon Hillock

Summation occurs


towards -100mv
(Becoming more negative)


towards 20mv

(Becoming more positive)


Back towards -70mv


Anchors myosin


Anchors actin


Covers up binding sites for myosin

Pulmonary Ventilation

move air into and out of lungs

Pulmonary Diffusion

Gas exchange in the lungs between the lungs and blood


How we carry CO2 and O2 in the blood

Capillary Gas Exchange

Movement of gases between blood and active tissues

Fick Equation

VO2 = a - VO2difference * Q

Cardiac output equation

Q = HR * SV