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29 Cards in this Set

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nature of MR (4)
1.Disorder evident in childhood

2. Below-average intellectual and adaptive functioning

3. Range of impairment varies greatly across persons so it is hard to assign impairment

4.Language/communication deficits most obvious
Adaptive functioning =
degree to which you have difficulties in day-to-day activities
MR and the DSM (3)
1. IQ below 70
2. concurrent deficits or impairments in 2 or more areas of adaptive functioning
3. MR must be present before 18
2-3% of the pop. has IQs below the cutoff but the prevalence rate for MR is 1% because...
we must also consider ADAPTIVE functioning in the diagnosis
MR is coded on whichever axis...
4 levels of MR
mild (50-55 to 70)
moderate (35-40 to 50-55)
severed (20-25 to 35-40)
profound (20-25)
all levels CORRELATE with adaptive functinoing but not perfectly, in the MILD range...
adaptive funcitoning makes the most difference in diagnosis
% in each level
mild 85%
moderate 10%
severe 3-4%
profound 1%
AAMR now the AAIDD promotes...(4)
1. defining MR based on "level of assistance required"
2. emphasis on treatment being "funcitonal adaptability and skills training"
3. grouping limitations in adaptive skills into 3 areas
4. since adaptive skills can be taught, MR can be cured to some degree
gender differences
more in males

ratio 6:1 (mild MR only)
MR and alcohol
relation when alcohol intake is LOW is not clear

Kids who parent’s drank 2-3 glasses of wine a week were “less anxious”, kids were okay because mother was emotionally calm
MR and neglect
neglect is associated with decreases in brain function
down syndrome =
trisomy 21

1/4 of all MR cases
Absence of enzyme that enables you to metabolize phenylalanine
75% of MR cases are caused by...
cultural familial reasons

*abuse, neglect, social deprivation
*mild level of MR & good adaptive skills
3 levels of treatment
primary (healthcare)
secondary (school, stimuli)
tertiary (behavioral intervention, communication training, community support)
normalization =
adaptive skills
1. Teach needed skills to foster productivity and independence

2. Educational and behavioral management

3. Living and self-care skills via task analysis

4. Communication training – often most challenging treatment target!
Pervasive Developmental Disorders

*problems with language/comm, socialization, and cognition
a group of conditions that involve delays in the development of many basic skills, most notably the ability to socialize with others, to communicate, and to use imagination. Children with these conditions often are confused in their thinking and generally have problems understanding the world around them
Pervasive =
problem's span the person's entire life and across contexts
autism (3)
1. Problems in socialization and social function

2. Problems in communication – 50% never acquire useful speech;

*Echolalia or other blocks on interpersonal communication, e.g., unwillingness to talk

3. Restricted patterns of behavior, interests, and activities

*Maintenance of sameness, DONT LIKE CHANGE
Stereotyped and ritualistic behaviors
impaired social interaction
1. multiple nonverbal behaviors
"eye to eye gaze"
2. failure to develop peer relations
3. doesnt share enjoyment/interest with others
4. lack of reciprocity
communication impairments
1. doesnt speak
2. dont initiate or sustain convo
3. repetitive language
4. no make believe play
*rare condition
*affects 2 to 20 persons for every 10,000
*develop before 36 months
autism and IQ
*50% have IQs in the severe to profound range of MR
*25% in the mild to moderate range
*rest of ppl are in the boderline to average IQ range
Asperger's Disorder (4)
1. Such persons show significant social impairments

2. Restricted and repetitive stereotyped behaviors

3. May be clumsy, and are often quite verbal (i.e., pedantic speech)

4. Do not show severe delays in language and other cognitive skills – IQ often in average range
Prevalence of Asperger's Disorder

**There is talk of eliminating or merging this disorder with something else
Affects about 1 to 36 persons per 10,000 people
autism and vaccines
*NO evidence of relationship

*chance of illness is higher if you DO NOT vaccinate
Treatment of PDDs (3)

* no complete effective treatment exists
1. Psychosocial behavioral treatments
*Skill building and treatment of problem behaviors
*Communication and language problems
*Address socialization deficits
*Inclusion seems important
*Early intervention is critical

2. Biological and medical treatments unavailable

3. Integrated treatments:
***the preferred model
Focus on children, families, parents, schools, and the home, Build in community and social support