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403 Cards in this Set

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risk factors for dyslipidemia
High blood cholesterol Hypertension
Sedentary life style
what is the progression rate of high cholesterol?
Benefits of lowering blood cholesterol
1 % decrease in cholesterol = a 2% lower risk of CHD
relationship bewtween 1st mi and blood cholesterol
is linear

females seem to be more sensitive to increased levels of cholesterol
Therapeutic Approaches for high TG
Early Identification

Slow Progression

Decrease Risk Factors

Appropriate Drug Therapies
↓ Cholesterol
↓ Triglycerides

Prophylaxis ?? (statins were thought to be safe and there were thoughts to administer them to people without high TG)

slow progression through disease decreasing risk factors and appropriate drug therapies (for instance: increase in physical activity to decrease obesity)
what is the aim of therapies for High TG?
decrease total cholesterol
and decrease TG
total body cholesterol reflects
Dietary intake – 1 gm per day, 30 to 50% of which is absorbed

Endogenous synthesis – 0.6 to 1.0 gm/day.

Of the total (1 + 2) 0.7 to 1.3 gms is secreted into the bile; 50% is reabsorbed

Total body cholesterol = 125 gms (most in cellular membranes)

De novo synthesis by the liver is the major source of cholesterol
how much dietery cholesterol is absorbed daily?
300-500 mg
how much cholesterol is synthesized for the liver daily?
600mg to 1 g daily

it is very variable
important points for cholesterol balance and metabolism
Cholesterol synthesized by the liver, and derived from the diet, contribute to the total body burden of cholesterol.

2. Hepatic cholesterol synthesis is highly variable in response to physiologic factors, genetics and diet
fates of dietary and endogenous cholesterol
750 mg to 1.3g is secreted into the bile and about 50% of this is recovered in the small intestine (enterhepatic cycling) the rest is eliminated in the feces
Total body cholesterol
cholesterol approximates 125 gm (90% of which is localized in cellular membranes)
what is the main source of cholesterol?
the liver
what happens if dietary cholesterol is eliminated
the liver will make more
Where does cholesterol biosynthesis occur
liver and adrenal gland
what is the rate limiting step in the synthesis of cholesterol
HMG CoA reductase
it is a 2 step process
What causes dephosphylation of HMG CoA and how does it effect activity?
increased by insulin (dephosphorylation)

this is the most active form
What causes phosphylation of HMG CoA and how does it effect activity?
by glucagon (phosporylation)

inactive form
what is HMG CoA reductase regulated by
Allosteric by mevalonate

by insulin (dephosphorylation)
by glucagon (phosporylation)
important points for cholesterol biosynthesis
1. The liver is the primary site of cholesterol synthesis.

2. HMG-CoA reductase catalyzes the rate limiting
step in this biosynthetic pathway and is an ideal therapeutic
target for inhibition.

3. This enzyme is highly regulated in response to physiologic, genetic
and dietary factors.
is the rate limitng step reversible?
cholesterol and TG transport
cellular concentrations of cholesterol are in dynamic equalibrium with the transport form encased in lipoprotein coats.
apoprotein component
The apoprotein components play important roles as enzymes or ligands for specific receptors
more protein in the lipoprotein means
that the lipoprotein will be more dense
chylomicrons composition
rich in TG and cholesterol they are the largest in size
VLDL composition
TG and protien and cholesterol next largest in size after chylomicrons
LDL composition
high levels of cholesterol and TG smaller than VLDL
HDL composition
high concentrations of protein and a little bit of cholesterol them smallest out of all of the lipoproteins
peripherial protiens
all lipoprotiens contain
structural proteins and ligands in order to interact with receptors
is the composition of a chylomicron dynamic
yes it changes as it goes through circulation

FFA are continually removed from the chylomicron and taken up by the liver
Exogenous – dietary origin of cholesterol
dietary lipids--> small intestine-->emulsified into cylimicrons (source and fate)--> APO CII and other proteins-->circulataion

as the cylomicrons go through the capillary walls they release FFA in response to endothelial lipoprotein lipases (Apo CII)
Apo CII- activator of capillary lipoprotein lipase
Apo A
Apo A - structural protein
Apo B
Apo B-100 - required for secretion of VLDL, ligand for LDL receptor
Apo E
Apo E – 48 - structural protein/ligand
Exogenous – dietary origin of cholesterol
dietary lipids--> small intestine--> chylomicrons--> Apo CII and other proteins--> chylomicrons release FFA through actions of capillary endothelial lipoprotein lipase--> lipoprotein remnants are removed by the liver
Apo E
Apo E – 48 - structural protein/ligand
Apo B
Apo B-100 - required for secretion of VLDL, ligand
for LDL receptor
Apo CII- activator of capillary lipoprotein lipase
Apo A
Apo A - structural protein
what is a source of chylomicrons
endothial cells
Endogenous Pathway
cholesterol transport
Lipoproteins are synthesized by the liver

VLDL (A-100, ACII, and Apo E)--> lipoprotein lipase release FFA --> IDL-->IDL--lipoportein lipases release more FFA-->LDL--> 50% goes to the liver and 50% to peripherial tissue
is an intermediate lipoprotein that the liver recovers and it is re-packaged into VLDL

most IDL bind hepatic receptors (Apo E)
LDL receptor is mediated by
Apo B-100 is the ligand
increase in LDL concentrations in the blood cause
an increase in the LDL delivered to peripherial tissue
circulating LDL is removed by...
the liver the components are taken up and re-packaged
LDL is predictive of
HDL is protective from
HDL has what flow
LDL is picked up from peripherial tissue and carried back the liver with in the HDL
proteins in the HDL act as
LCAT--> esterfies the cholesterol and stores it as IDL and transports it to the liver
Lecithen-cholesterol acyltransferase facilitates esterfication and transfer of cholesterol
Once free cholesterol is released in the cell, the following responses occur:
Decreased HMG-CoA reductase activity (if sufficent amounts of cholesterol)

Activation of acyl CoA cholesterol transferase for synthesis/storage of cholesterol esters (increase in the enzymes that re-esterfy cholesterol)

Decreased mRNA for LDL receptors (

Decreased expression of LDL receptors (at the protein level)
important points cholesterol transport
LDL transports cholesterol from the liver to extrahepatic tissues. (unidirectional)

HDL transports cholesterol from extrahepatic tissues to the liver.(unidirectioal)

The cellular uptake of these lipoproteins occurs via receptors.

Therapeutic approaches for treating hypercholesteremia alter the secretion of certain lipoproteins and the expression of cellular receptors. (statins cause levels of LDL receptors to change)
What are Potential Therapeutic targets for the Regulation of Cholesterol and Triglyceride Levels?
decrease in cholesterol and TG by lifestyle modifications, medications to stop absorption, blok fat absorption
Atherosclerosis and its complications represent the leading cause of mortality and morbidity in Western Society. Estimates are that approximately 41% of non-accidental deaths are a result of atherosclerosis.
Predisposing Factors for Development and
Progression of Atherosclerosis
Family history
Elevated LDL
Cigarette smoking
Diabetes mellitus Infectious microorganisms
(Chlamyd. pneumon., herpesviruses)
Atherosclerosis definition
A thickening (narrowing of lumen) in large to medium sized arteries of the heart and brain. The thickening is a result of an accumulation of:

Smooth muscle cells
Extracellular matrix
Calcium Necrotic debris
where do the thickening and plaque (atherosclerosis)
The thickening or plaque formation occurs at predictable arterial locations:

Bifurcations, branches or curvatures involving changes in blood turbulence or shear forces
Factors Causing Endothelial Injury
Mechanical forces of blood flow –
Changes in shear force results in increase expression of adhesion molecule genes including selectins, integrins, platelet-endothelial
cell adhesion molecules

Associated changes in permeability-
increase As a result of elevated angiotensin II
decrease Endothelial nitric oxide production
increase Certain lipids such as triglycerides
what are the initial lesions of atherosclerosis caused from
These initial lesions are thought to result from endothelial alterations or injury that may or may not progress
Fatty Streak Formation
This is an event that begins very
Early (12-14 yrs of age). Fatty streak formation results from the following:

Monocytes and T-cells accumulate
In the subendothelial space

Cellular interactions result in
activation and release of pro-
Inflammatory cytokines

Inflammation and LDL oxidation
Initiate oxidized LDL uptake by
monocytes resulting in foam cell formation.

Activated monocytes and foam cells
release cytokines initiating smooth muscle proliferation and migration.
advanced lesions
The progression of fatty streaks initiates responses to isolate the lesion.

Migration and proliferation of
Smooth muscle cells form a
fibrous cap over foam cells and the necrotic core consisting of cell debris, lipid and fibrous tissue

The lesions expand at the margins due to the chronic inflammation.
unstable lesions
Chronic inflammation is associated with continued influx of monocytes
and T-cells.

Activated monocytes, T-cells and
macrophage release enzymes
metalloproteinases, collagenases and other proteinases that initiate
destabilization of the plaque.

The cap thins and may rupture. The
marginal areas are the thinnest and least stable.
thrombus formation
Thinning occurs at margins
where cap formation is not
Hemorrhage occurs from lumen or from microvessels into lumen
Thrombus formation is facilitated
by hypercoagulatory factors:
increase in platelet activity
increase in tissue factor (released from foam cells)
resulting in a small thrombus (unnoticed or unstable angina) or a large thrombus (ischemia or MI)
Summary of Major Athrogenic Events
The oxidation of LDL
Is a critical event in initiation of
The lesion

Oxidized LDL stimulates
monocyte chemotaxis

Monocytes differentiate
Into macrophage which intern-
lize oxidized LDL forming foam

The foam cells contribute to plaque formation by:
- plaque accumulation in the subendothelial space
- an ulcerated, ruptured
plaque/lesion protruding into lumen.
where does plaque accumulation start
in the subendothelial space
oxidized LDL causes
monocytes to become activated to macrophages and engulf the oxidized LDL forming foam cells
activated macrophages cause
and increase in cell permability allowing more LDL to cross the membrance
macrophages + oxidized LDL=
foam cell
important points of arthrosclerosis
Arthrosclerosis is a progressive inflammatory disease.

excessive LDL and chronic inflammation
LDL is a central factor involved in initiation and
progression of atherosclerosis.
therapuetic targets to prevent arthroscerosis
decrease circulating LDL
decrease inflammatory events that occur in the subendothelial layer
Bile Acid Sequestrates
Bile acids are metabolic products of cholesterol essential for dietary fat emulsification and digestion.

The rate of bile acid synthesis is proportional to the rate of bile acid removal. Thus a faster rate of bile acid removal “drives”
the rate of cholesterol conversion to the bile acids.

97% of the bile acids (daily pool 2-3 gms) are recovered by enterohepatic circulation.

Bile acid sequestrants trap bile acids thus interrupting their enterohepatic circulation which stimulates the conversion of cholesterol to bile acids.

trap bile acids irreversibly so more cholesterol is converted to bile acids thus depleting the body stores of cholesterol

Bile acid sequestrants are
anion exchange resins
(exchange bile acids for Cl -)

These agents are not absorbed or digested.
examples of bile acic sequestrates
Cholestyramine (Questran)
Colestipol (Colestid )
Colesevelam (WelChol)
bile is exchanged for what
Cl on the bile acid sepuestrate (remember it is an ion complex)
The physiologic responses to bile acid sequestrants are complex
Increased rate of conversion of cholesterol to bile acids

Increase in number of LDL receptors and increased hepatic uptake of LDL (because depleting body of cholesterol and the liver can bind circulating LDL more efficiently so there is a decreae in LDL)

Increased rate of cholesterol biosynthesis (increase HMG CoA reductase) homeostatic response

Increased rate of bile acid production and increased uptake of LDL
will eventually offset increased production of cholesterol

Overall net result is 20 -25% reduction in LDL cholesterol
adverse effects of Bile Acid Sequestrates
no systemic toxicities because they are not absorbed.
The most common side effects are bloating and constipation. It is recommended that patients increase dietary fiber. The potential of decreased absorption of fat soluble vitamins is a consideration
Drug interations with bile acid sequestrates
The ability of these resins to bind negatively charged
drugs is predictable:
thyroxin, digitalis, glycosides, anticoagulants, propranolol,
tetracycline, furosemide, gemfibrozil, pravastatin,

The interactions can be avoided by taking the drugs 1 hour before or 4 hours after the resin.
The Statins: HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitors
These agents represent a significant advancement in treating
hypercholesteremia. Originally isolated from Penicillium, Asper-
gillus and Monascus.

Selective mechanism of action
Few side effects
MOA of statins
Mechanism of action - the statins are competitive inhibitors of HMG CoA reductase (Ki = 1 nM)
statins inhibit....
HMG Co A reductase preventing the formation of mevlanate
is the reaction speed of statins
Rapid formation of EI complex with dissociation Ki = 1 nM

Forward rate (Kf = 0.019 s-1) to form a tightly bound EI*

Slower reverse rate (Kr = 0.009 s-1)

Overall steady-state inhibition constant of Ki* = 0.1 nM
Other Beneficial Action of the Statins
Endothelial cell function is improved through the statins ability to increase coronary
vasodilatation in response to acetylcholine. The mechanism of action is by stabilization of NO synthase mRNA

Plaque stability is enhanced by inhibition of smooth muscle proliferation.

Decreased inflammation is documented possibly through modulation of inflammatory cytokine release/actions.

Decreased LDL oxidation is partially mediated by the statins

Platelet aggregation is reduced by the statins.
Lovastatin (Mevacor )

Simvastatin (Zocar )

Pravastatin (Pravachol )

Fluvastatin (Lescol )

Atorvastatin (Lipitor )

Rosuvastatin (Crestor )
Important Features of statins
The beta-hydroxy derivative is
the active form

Lovastatin and simvastain are prodrugs

Pravastatin and Atorvastatin
are administered as the Na+
and Ca++ salts respectively

decrease cholesterol synthesis
decrease hepatic cholesterol pool
increase LDL receptor number
absorption and excretion of statins
Diversity in the absorption and excretion of the various statins are prominent. The important points to note are the high degrees of plasma protein binding and the differences in half-lives (Atorvastatin and Rosuvastatin upwards to 20 hrs)

The therapeutic use is for treating hypercholesteremia. The general response 20 to 80 mg/day is a 25% decrease in total cholesterol and 30-35% decrease in LDL cholestrtol. HDL levels may increase up to 10%. These agents can be admin-
istered with resins, fibrates or nicotinic acid

HDL effects are not consistant across statins
adverse effects of statins
Adverse Effects: Generally considered very safe

GI disturbance (10% frequency)

Liver dysfunction ( less than 1%) manifested in increased ALT and AST. Liver function tests are preformed before and 2 to 3 times during the first 6 months of therapy.

Myotoxicity (muscle wasting) evidenced in elevated CPK. This is less rare than the liver dysfunction.

Hepatotoxicity and myotoxicity are observed more often in
patients taking other drugs metabolized by certain P-450
creatine phospho kinase
drugs that Inhibits CYP450 3A4 and their effects on statins
increase serum drug concentration

Clarithromycin, erythromycin, troleandomycin, cyclosporine, fluconazole, itraconazole, ketoconazole, grapefruit juice, verapamil
drugs that Induces CYP450 3A4 and their effects on statins
decrease serum concentrations of statins

Barbiturates, carbazepine, griseofluvin, nafcillin, phenytoin, primidone,rifabutin, rifampin, troglitazone
drugs that Inhibits CYP450 2C9 and their effects on statins
increase serum fluvastatin or rosuvastatin concentrations

Cimetidine, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, fluoxetin, isoniazid, itraconazole, ketokonazole
drugs that Induces CYP450 2C9 and their effects on statins
decrease serum fluvastatin or rosuvastatin concentrations

Barbituates, carbamazepine, phenytoin, primidone and rifampin
grapefruit juce and statins
P4503A inhibition --> in small intestine so the AUC increase

Esterase inhibition--> those drugs that are prodrugs concentrations of the active drug would be decreased.
Inhibitors of Cholesterol Absorption
Ezetimibe (ZETIA®) is an azetidinone originally evaluated as an ACAT (Acyl coenzyme A: cholesterol transferase) inhibitor but was found to efficiently inhibit cholesterol absorption.

This agent is well absorbed following oral administration and undergoes glucuronidation in the intestine to yield the active metabolite. The metabolites undergo extensive intrahhepatic circulation which accounts for the prolonged t1/2 of 22 hrs. Elimination is by fecal route

The side effects are few

Very effective when used in combination with statins (ezetimibe + simvastatin; VYTORIN®)
why does ezetimbe have a half life of 22 hours
enterohepatic cycling
what source of cholesterol does ezetimbe block
is ezetimbe a prodrug
why are the SE of ezetimbe few
because it only targets the enterocytes in the small intestine

(epithelial cells that line the small intestine, they have receptor sites for dietary cholesterol
metabolism of ezetimbe
This agent is well absorbed following oral administration and undergoes glucuronidation in the intestine to yield the active metabolite. The metabolites undergo extensive intrahhepatic circulation which accounts for the prolonged t1/2 of 22 hrs. Elimination is by fecal route.
Statins /Vytorin and Myopathy
10 % of patients complain of muscle pain
is caused from the inhibition of HMG CoA reductase
Effects of CoQ10 Supplementation on Plasma CoQ10 Levels
muscle pain is decreased (44% less muscle pain in the treatment group
Co enzyme Q10
is a product of catabolic metabolism that is dependent/involved in the HMG Co reductase pathway

involved in the electron transport chain at a micochondrail level

without adequerte stores of Q10 electron transport is disrupted and need adequate levels of HMG CoA
melvalonate results in restoration of....
Co enzyme Q10
Nicotinic Acid
It was first reported in 1955 that this
B-complex vitamin reduced triglyc-
erides and cholesterol.

This agent does not directly reduce cholesterol. It is used to lower VLDL
and LDL levels.

The mechanisms by which this agent works are poorly understood:

1. Inhibits mobilization of free fatty acids from liver and peripheral tissues
2. Decreases hepatic synthesis and secretion of hepatic VLDL
3. Decreased VLDL production results in decreased LDL levels
4. The overall result is a significant (upwards to 80% decrease in tirglycerides and upwards to a 15% reduction in LDL. HDL may increase
5. The effects of niacin are amplified when administered in combination
bile acid sequestrants
does nicotinic acid reduce LDL
does nicotinic acid reduce TG
does nicotinic acid increase HDL
nicotinic acid administration and SE
Administered in high doses ( 2 to 6 gms/day divided at each meal.) Rapidly absorbed displaying a half-life of 1 hour.

The side effects are numerous and can be serious:

Abnormal hepatic function manifested in elevated liver function tests (jaundice and elevated ALT/AST)

Intense flushing and pruritis - this tends to decrease with use

Decreased glucose tolerance

Rare effects include cardiac arrhythmias and palpitations

Should not be administered to pregnant women
fibirc acids
Chlofibrate is the prototypical
Fibric acid.

Clofibrate (Atromid-S  )

Gemfibrozil (Lopid )

Fenofibrae (Tricor  ) – newest
agent in this class

Note that all these agents resemble,
In part, short-chain fatty acids.

The acids are the active forms of these drugs (pKa=3.5). Ester hydrolysis of Atromid and Tricor yield active drug
fibric acids that are prodrugs
fibric acids are first line treatment for what patients
those with high TG
MOA of fibric acids
Mechanisms of Action: There numerous and complex mechanisms of action that can be summarized as follows:

Stimulation of fatty acid oxidation in liver and muscle via interactions with the Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptors (PPAR).

2. Stimulate lipoprotein lipase activity through interactions with CII & CIII resulting in mobilization of free fatty acids from liver and peripheral tissues

Increase efficiency of hepatic uptake of lipoproteins

Decreased hepatic synthesis and increased oxidation of fatty acids

The cumulative result is decreased VLDL production with slight decrease in cholesterol. Thus, these agents are useful in lowering triglyceride levels.
fibric acids andPeroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptors (PPARS)
PPARS are a family of nuclear receptors or transcription factors, some of which play major roles in lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. The subtypes of most importance to our interests are PPAR and to a lesser extent PPAR. These proteins function as soluble receptors which bind ligands such as fatty acids, prostaglandins or certain drugs like the fibric acids.

cause and increase in enzymes that increase fatty acid oxidation and decrease fatty acid synthesis
fibric acid absorption and excretion
Absorption and excretion - all are well absorbed, display a
high degree of protein binding and undergo enterohepatic
circulation. The half-lives range from 1-5 hours
SE of fibric acids
GI discomfort
Transient elevations in ALT/AST values
Flu-like symptoms when used in combination with statins
Can produce cholelithiasis (Clofibrate) (gallstones)
Can enhance the actions of warfarin (competitive protein binding)
Not for use in patients with hepatic or renal dysfunction
Not for use in children or pregnant women
what is the livers response to low LDL (chronically)
Increase of LDL receptors (cellular response) to harvest LDL cholesterol (indirect action)
why is it important to check vitamin D levels in regards to dyslipidemia?
Hypothyroidism and low vitamin D levels increase the risk of statinassociated
myalgia and myopathy; measure thyroid function (TSH) and
vitamin D in patients with myalgia while on statin therapy

vitamin D supplements may help get rid of the muscle pain
management of myalgia in regards to statins
Concurrent use of CoQ-10
- Alternate day dosing of long half life statins (e.g., atorvastatin,
- Using an NSAID or other analgesic should not be recommended
can paitents with myalgia be on a statin
can patients the have myopathy be on a statin
Monitoring for statins
are statins ok with a fibrate?
↑ myopathy risk if given in combination with a fibrate (especially
gemfibrozil) and possibly niacin
what cyp enzyme are lovastatin and simvastatin metabolized by?
what combinations should be avoided with lovastatin and simvastatin?
Simvastatin and lovastatin are metabolized by the CYP3A4:
weaker inhibitors of CYP3A4 and dose limitations
Weaker inhibitors have specific dose limitations with certain statins:
− Amiodarone or verapamil: Max dose of simvastatin is 20 mg/daily
and lovastatin is 40 mg/day
− Cyclosporine: Max dose of simvastatin is 10 mg/day, lovastatin is
10 mg/day, and rosuvastatin is 5 mg/day
− Gemfibrozil: Max dose of simvastatin is 10 mg/day lovastatin is 20
mg/day and rosuvastatin is 10 mg/day (can use a different statin or a different fibrate)
contraindications of statins
Contraindications: Pregnancy, active liver disease
comments on statins
stellar study
rank of statin potency
doubling the dose of a statin produces and additional ___% decrease in LDL from baseline or an additional ___ mg/dL LDL drop
10 mg/dL
atorvastatin starting dose and usual dosing range
starting: 10,20,40
range: 10-80
Fluvastatin starting dose and usual dosing range
starting: 20,40
range: 20-40
slow release fluvastatin starting dose and usual dosing range
starting: 80
range: 80
lovastatin starting dose and usual dosing range
starting: 20
range: 10-80
ext-release lovastatin starting dose and usual dosing range
starting: 20,40,60
range: 10-60
pravastatin starting dose and usual dosing range
starting: 40
range: 10-80
rosuvastatin starting dose and usual dosing range
starting: 10, 20
range: 5-40
simvastatin starting dose and usual dosing range
starting: 20,40
range: 5-80
do you have to start with the lowest dose when starting a statin?
no start with the approved starting doses that will produce the desired LDL reduction
When lipid-lowering drug therapy is used in any moderately high,
high, or very high risk patient intensity should be sufficient to attain a ____ %LDL-C reduction
atrovastatin dose per day and LDL reduction percentage
dose: 10
lovastatin dose per day and LDL reduction percentage
dose: 40
pravastatin dose per day and LDL reduction percentage
dose: 40
simvastatin dose per day and LDL reduction percentage
dose: 20-40
Fluvastatin dose per day and LDL reduction percentage
dose: 80
rosuvastatin dose per day and LDL reduction percentage
dose: 5-10
when should lovastatin, simvastatin and fluvastatin be taken?
Lovastatin, simvastatin and fluvastatin must be dosed in the
evening to maximize effect:
- Diurnal rhythm of cholesterol production with maximum
cholesterol production nocturnally
- Long half life statins (atorvastatin, rosuvastatin) and pravastatin
can be dosed any time of the day
how should IR lovastatin be taken?
Immediate-release lovastatin requires administration with food to
assure sufficient absorption
When are cholesterol levels at their peak?
Diurnal rhythm of cholesterol production with maximum
cholesterol production nocturnally
a new statin that will be marketed in 2010
Pitavastatin (Livalo) has been approved by the FDA in 1 mg, 2 mg
and 4 mg doses; but, will not be marketed until 2010
what are Bile Acid Sequestrants (a.k.a. Resins) effects on TG
increase TG because they increase the production of VLDV
what is the safest drug class in pregnancy for dyslipidemia
bile acid sequestrants
bile acid sequestrants place in therapy
SE of bile acid sequestrants
constipation and GI upset (both are common)
monitoring for bile acid sequestrants
Fasting lipid panel [same for all dyslipidemia drugs]
drug interactions and bile acid sequestrants
Colestipol and cholestyramine:
o Can directly bind other drugs and ↓ their absorption
o Should be administer 2 hr after or 2-6 hrs before other drugs
Bind acidic drugs

what are the 2 responses to bile acid sequestrants?
an increase in HMG CoA--> increase production of VLDL--> Increase in LDL

Increase in LDL receptors on the liver (this response dominates and therefore LDL is ultimately decreased)
bile acid sequestrats contraindications
bodies pharmochological changes to bile acid sequestrants
decrease LDL (20%)
increase in TG
no change to HDL
what are the 2 formulations of bile acid sequestrants
Colestipol (generic, Colestid®): 2-16 gm (tabs) 1 to 2
1 gm tabs, 5 gm powder 5-30 gm (powder) 1 to 4

Cholestyramine (generic,
4 gm powder
4-24 gm 1 to 6

Colesevelam (WelChol®):
625 mg tabs
4-7 tabs 1 to 2
what should you recomend to the patient when taking bile acid sequestrants?
lots of water and fiber to prevent constipation
what is the other FDA approved use of colesevalam
Of note, colesevelam is also approved by the FDA to lower glucose in
patients with type 2 diabetes

doesn't cause hypoqlycemia because it is a gradual reduction
Niacin (a.k.a. Nicotinic Acid)Place in therapy:
physiological effects of niacin
decrease LDL (20%)
increase HDL (best increase)
decrease TG (20-50%)
what vitamin is niacin
where is niacin metabolized
SE niacin
does the flusing casued by niacin decrease over time
Frequency and intensity of flushing caused by niacin can be ameliorated by:
what causes the flushing (niacin)
release of PG D2
comments on the niacin products that claim to be no flush
Note: Inositol hexanicotinate is sold as “no-flush” or “flush-free” niacin, but
is does not improve lipid concentrations, appears not to be absorbed
(hence the lack of flushing) and should not be used to treat dyslipidemia

monitoring and niacin
should you use niacin in patients with severe or frequent gout?
no because it increases uric acid concentrations
drug interactions and niacin
contraindications and niacin
comments on niacin
[IR] (generic) niacin
[IR] (generic)
Start at 100 mg BID-TID, ↑ by 100 mg/dose weekly, target
1500-3000 mg/day. Poor tolerability, lowest hepatotoxicity.
Slow-release [SR]
(Nicobid®, Slo-
Start at 250 mg daily, slowly ↑ by 250-500 mg/weekly,
target 1000-2000/day BID. Good tolerability, highest
hepatotoxicity risk.
what niacin formulation hs the highest hepatotoxicity risk
Slow-release [SR]
(Nicobid®, Slo-
Extended-release [ER]
(Niaspan®) niacin
Start at 500 mg QHS, ↑ by 500 mg/dose weekly, target
1000-2000 mg QHS. Best tolerated, lowest

Rx only
Brand only
does the metabolic by-product of niacin, nicotinamide cause hepatoxicity?
no it is the activation of the pathway

the nonconjugated pathway
Fibric Acid Derivatives (Fibrates) place in therapy
pharmocological actions of fibrates
no change in LDL
increase in HDL (20%)
decrease in TG be 50%
how do firates work
they inhibit the export of VLDL from the liver
SE fibrates
monitoring of fibrates
drug interactions with fibrates
statin + gemfibrozil increases risk of...
rhabdomyolysis because utilize the same metabolic pathways
Much higher risk than fenofibrate)
Competes With
Statins for UGT____ and _____
UGT 1A1 and 1A3
statins utilize UGT ____ and ____
1A1 and 1A3
fenofibrate primarily utilezes UGT ____ and ____ for metabolism
1A9 and 2B7
this is not a primary pathway for statins so they are less interations
is glycuronidation a CYP pathway?
no it is a clearance pathway
contraindications and fibrates
Active liver disease, gallbladder disease, severe CKD (should be renally adjusted)
comments on fibrates
what fibrate is the safest
dosing considerations for fibrates
Dose fibric acid derivatives based on kidney function:
100% of
dose GFR >90)
~ 67% of
highest dose (GFR 60-90)
~ 33% of
highest dose (GFR 15-59)

(generic, Lopid®)
600 mg BID (GFR >90)
600 mg daily (GFR 60-90)

Avoid both when GFR <15
When do you avoid fibrates in CKD
when gfr is less than 15 mL/min
can serum creatinine increase while on a fibrate
Some patients experience and increase in serum creatinine that does
not indicate kidney damage; this reverses when the fibrate is stopped
What happens in patients with TG over 500 when they start a fibrate
Patients with very high TG values (≥ 500 mg/dL) usually have an ↑ in LDLC
after starting a fibric acid derivative
primary prevention
Reducing the risk of a first CV event(s), in a patient
without a history of atherosclerotic vascular disease

No CV event has occured just trying to prevent the first event
secondary prevention
Reducing the risk of a CV event(s), in a patient with a
history of atherosclerotic vascular disease

trying to prevent further events
general recommendations from AHA in CV disease prevention guidelines for primary prevention of CV events
smoking cessation = yes
physical activity = yes
weight managment = yes
healthy eating plan = yes
BP control = yes
lipid managment = yes
DM management = yes
antiplatelet therapy = sometimes
ACE inhibitors/B-blockers = no
general recommendations from AHA in CV disease prevention guidelines for secondary prevention of CV events
smoking cessation = yes
physical activity = yes
weight managment = yes
healthy eating plan = no
BP control = yes
lipid managment = yes
DM management = yes
antiplatelet therapy = yes
ACE inhibitors/B-blockers = yes
Diet and Lifestyle for CV Risk Reduction (American Heart Association, 2006): Goals
Diet and Lifestyle for CV Risk Reduction (American Heart Association, 2006): recommendations
Diet and Lifestyle for CV Risk Reduction (American Heart Association, 2006): physical activity
Physical activity: Consistently encourage patients to accumulate a
minimum of 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity on most,
and preferably all, days of the week

make realistic goals for the patient and start out slow
AHA – Guidelines for CVD Prevention in Women
Menopausal therapy - Hormone therapy and selective
estrogen-receptor modulators (SERMs) should not be used for
the primary or secondary prevention of CVD (Level A)

HRT can increase the risk of a CV event
Initiate risk factor assessment At age 20
Reynolds risk calculator
Predicts: CHD, ischemic stroke, CV death
Risk factors utilized:
Sex, age, smoking, SBP, TC,
HDL, hsCRP, familial premature heart disease

Projection timeframe: 10-yr risk, and projections for advancing age

Developed: - Originally in ~25,000 women
starting in 1992, followed for
10 years
- Later in ~10,000 men starting in 1995, followed for 10 years
Other Comments:
- May better categorize women, and “moderate risk” patients
- Requires hsCRP to be drawn
- Not widely utilized as risk tool
Frammingham risk calculator
predicts: Hard CHD (MI or coronary death)

risk factors utilized: Sex, age, smoking, SBP, HDL

projection timeframe: 10 years

developed: 2489 men, 2856 women in Frammingham, MA.
followed for 12 years starting in 1958
Modified during ATP III

other comments:
gold standard for estimating CV risk
uncertain population similarities now vs. then
is the reynolds risk calculator online only?
the most recent guidelines (2001)
is family hx considered in the risk factors in the frammingham calculator
is the hsCRP necessary to calculate the reynolds risk
Emerging risk factors for inclusion in risk assessment tools:
U.S. Preventative Services Task Force (USPSTF) - Ann Intern Med 2009 Oct
o 17,802 participants from 216 countries; 5-yr study, median follow-up ~1.9 yrs
• Antiplatelet therapy is the primary strategy to inhibit platelet aggregation and
minimize risk of thrombosis (vessel occlusion) that can occur secondary to AVD
• Platelet activation is the final step of thrombosis development in AVD
• Anticoagulant drugs (e.g., warfarin) should not be used for this particular purpose
(but might be used in patients for other indications)

doesn't reduce plaque formation just prevents final event of the clot
should anticoagulants be used to reduce the risk of a CV event
no antiplatelet drugs should be used
Low-dose Aspirin
Mechanism of Action (simplified version) of ASA
what does ASA inhibit
Benefits – Reducing CV Events with ASA
the risk with ASA is...
increased risk of bleed
how does ASA reduce risks in men
CV events is reduced
MI events are reduced
Stroke risk is not significantly reduced
how does ASA reduce risks in women
CV events is reduced
MI events are not significantly reduced
Stroke risk is reduced
at what frammingham score should all patiens be on ASA
greater than or equal to 10%
when men should be on ASA based on their age and frammingham score
age 10 year risk
45-59 > or = 4%
60-69 > or = 9 %
70-79 > or = 12%
when women should be on ASA based on their age and frammingham score
age 10 year risk
55-59 > or = 3%
60-69 > or = 8%
70-79 > or = 11%
has the FDA approved the indication of ASA reducing the risk of first MI in moderate risk patients

FDA Warns Bayer Over Claims on 2 Aspirin Products
ASA risks
• Bleeding related complications
o Major bleeding: Serious GI bleeding from gastric ulcers, hemorrhagic stroke,
decrease in hemoglobin ≥ 2 mg/dL
o Risk Factors for major GI bleeding from low dose aspirin:
ASA dosing
o Enteric coating minimizes dyspepsia, but not risk for GI toxicity
o Low-dose therapy minimizes bleeding risks
how is a ulcer caused from ASA
PG is inhibited
what is the best option to reduce risk of GI blee from ASA
Clopridogrel (Plavix®)
is an alternative for patients with aspirin allergy

o Inhibits platelet aggregation by inhibiting adenosine diphosphate
is similar to clopidogrel, but not used because of a higher risk of fatal
thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
Prasugrel (Effient®)
is a new antiplatelet agent with a similar mechanism to
o Only indicated in acute coronary syndrome (ACS) managed with
percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI)
Combination therapy with aspirin:
o Not recommended in primary prevention patients because of a significant
increased risk of bleeding
o May be used in certain secondary prevention patients that have recently
experienced an acute myocardial infarction
Omega-3 Fatty Acids proposed benefits
o Proposed benefits:
names of benificial omega 3 fatty acids
EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) & DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) shown to
confer the most benefit
recommendations for Omega 3 fatty acids
Primary Prevention of AVD A variety of preferably oily fish
at least twice/week

Secondary Prevention of AVD 1g/day of EPA + DHA; oily fish preferred, but supplements are an alternative

Triglyceride lowering 2-4g/day of EPA + DHA,
provided as capsules
Resources for Omega-3 Fatty Acids & CVD:
Antioxidant vitamins and CV risk reduction
o Beta-carotene, Vitamin C, Vitamin E theoretically can reduce oxidation of
LDL-C and reduce atherosclerosis
Folic Acid and CV risk reduction
o Meta-analysis of 12 trials showed no benefit on CV events or all-cause
mortality (JAMA 2006;296:2720-6)
o Secondary Prevention Patients: the AHA strongly recommends influenza
immunization with inactivated vaccine as a component of comprehensive care

o Immunization with live, attenuated vaccine is contraindicated for persons with cardiovascular conditions

with AVD strongly encourage, but the live vaccine is contraindicated
o A manifestation of systemic atherosclerotic vascular disease (AVD)
o Affects approximately 5 million Americans
o Many patients with PAD have not been diagnosed with this condition
o Likelihood of PAD increases in the presence of other CV risk factors
o CV disease is the cause of death in approximately 75% of patients
Clinical presentation PAD
o Asymptomatic initially, followed by pain and discomfort later
o Two common characteristics:
what is the primary indicator of PAD
Intermittent claudication
Diagnosis PAD
o Peripheral neuropathy, arthritis, and deep venous thrombosis must be ruled out
before diagnosing PAD
o The ankle-brachial index (ABI) is used to diagnose PAD:

ratio of different pressures
the pressures should be the same
In PAD the pressure in the ankle will be lower

Do the test on both sides of the body
Goals of therapy PAD
o Increase maximal walking distance, duration and pain free walking
o Control co-morbidities (e.g., hypertension, dyslipidemia, smoking, diabetes) that
increase risk of complications
o Improve quality of life
Non-pharmacologic therapy PAD
o Exercise (walking programs, aerobic exercise):
− Increases pain free walking
− Decreases onset of intermittent claudication
− Improves other comorbidities and/or CV risk factors
o Surgical interventions (revascularization procedures or amputation)

rehilbilitation and help regain mobility
Pharmacotherapy PAD
Treat specific comorbidities/CV risk factors:
Antiplatelet therapy to reduce risk of CV events inPAD
Pharmacotherapy for symptoms of intermittent claudication PAD
81–325 mg daily

Irreversibly inhibits
COX in platelets and
prevents formation
of thromboxane A2

SE: GI upset; bleeding

contraindication: bleeding
Active bleeding; hemophilia;

Considered first line
Clopiogrel/Plavix and PAD
75 mg daily

Inhibits binding of
ADP analogues to
its platelet receptor
causing irreversible
inhibition of platelets

SE: Chest pain; purpura;
generalized pain;

contraindication: Active pathological
bleeding (i.e., peptic ulcer,
intracranial hemorrhage)

Alternative first-line
agent when aspirin
is not tolerated or is
Ticlopidine and PAD
250 mg BID

SE: Leukopenia; rash;
neutropenia; agranulocytosis;
aplastic anemia

contraindications: Active bleeding; hemophilia;

a minor player

Use clopidogrel first
due to toxicity with
(Aggrenox) in PAD
25/200 mg BID

Unknown, may act
by inhibiting platelet

SE: Angina; dyspnea;
hypotension; headache; dizziness

contraindications: Active bleeding;
ischemic heart
disease (“coronary
steal syndrome”)

no clear role
(Pletal) in PAD
100 mg BID

inhibitor, suppresses
platelet aggregation;
direct artery vasodilator

SE: Fever: infection;

contraindications: All heart failure
patients (will
decrease survival;
is a Black Box

always use with an
antiplatelet agent (only used to treat symptoms)
(Trental) in PAD
400 mg TID

Alters RBC flexibility;
decreases platelet
adhesion; reduces
blood viscosity;
decreases fibrinogen

SE: Dyspnea; nausea;
vomiting; headache;

contraindications: Recent retinal or cerebral
hemorrhage; active bleeding

Good evidence
supports not using
it for intermittent
claudication (lack of
monitoring therapy for PAD
(in addition to those for controlling risk factors):
o Exercise treadmill to assess walking duration, distance, pain onset
o Repeat ABI at each visit to evaluate progression of disease
o Reinforce adherence and assess for drug-related adverse effects
in a normal myocardium
in myocardium, preferred energy source = free fatty acids (FFAs)

ATP is used for contraction
in a hypoxic myocardium
ischemia → inhibition of pyruvate dehydrogenase

More FFA are utilized for energy and their by-products inhibit pyruvate DH as a result lactate is formed causing acidosis

glucose is not used as a energy source
ATP is then utilized to restore homeostasis

less ATP is avaliable for contraction
FFAs → more ATP/molecule than glucose BUT use more O2/ATP (15% more O2 is utilized)

FFA is less efficient than glucose
sympathetic activation →
TG hydrolysis--> increase FFA

cell becomes more and more reliant on FFA
↓ glucose oxidation (myocardium)→
↑ lactic acid formation
--> tissue acidsis
--> ATP diverted from contraction/relaxation--> ionic homeostasis
Partial fatty acid oxidation (pfox) inhibitors
drug-induced activation of pyruvate dehydrogenase + inhibition of fatty acid β-oxidation
→ switches substrate utilization from FFAs → glucose
--> decrease in O2 required per ATP formed, decrease lactate formation
--> increase cardiac myocyte function in ischemia (because using less 02 and lactate being formed so ATP won't be redirected to restore homeostasis
what is the main effect of pfox inhibitors
switch substrate utilization to glucose from FFA therefore FFA by-products do not inhibit pyruvate DH so lactate is not formed therefore more ATP for contraction and not homeostasis restoration
new developments for CPT-1
Companies are developing drugs that inhibit carnitine palmitoyl-transferase 1 (CPT-1), the
primary transporter for long chain FFAs into the mitochondrion, in an attempt to move ATP
formation towards glucose in ischemic myocardium
Late sodium channel inhibitors
Ranolazine (Ranexa)

inhibitor of late Na currents (Inal)--> prevention of Ca overloading of ischemia myocytes
what happens to Na channels during ischemia
• ischemia → prolonged opening of fast Na+ channels
↓ Na+/K+-ATPase activity
--> increase intracellular Na concentrations

↓ ATP availability → ↓ Ca++-ATPase activity in SR
--> increase cystolic Ca concentrations

↑ intracellular [Na+] → reversal of Na+/Ca++ exchanger
-->increase cytoslic Ca concentrations
↑ cytosolic [Ca++]
↑ contraction (during systole) & decrease relaxation --> increase 02 compsumption

therefore decrease coronary blood flow because blood vessels are compressed

some myocardial contraction during diastole
SE effects of Late sodium channel inhibitors
• dizziness
• headache
• constipation/nausea
• interacts with inhibitors of CYP3A4, e.g., diltiazem, ketoconazole, grapefruit juice
• prolongs QT interval (→ dysrhythmias (Torsades)???)
contraindications of late sodium channel inhibitors
liver failure
e.g., aspirin
clopidogrel (Plavix®)
heparin (Liquaemin®)
low molecular weight heparin (enoxaparin (Lovenox®), dalteparin (Fragmin®))
• prevent thrombus formation

used for unstable angina
a condition where blood flow (O2) is restricted to a part of the body
cardiac ischemia
lack of blood flow and oxygen to the heart muscle•
Coronary Artery Disease
• Also referred to as coronary heart disease
(CHD) or ischemic heart disease (IHD)
• Leading cause of death in both men and
women in the United States
CAD encompasses
– Chronic Stable Angina (CSA)
– Vasospastic angina
– Acute coronary syndrome (ACS)
significant CAD
– At least a 70% diameter stenosis of at least one major
epicardial artery segment
– Or > 50% stenosis of left main coronary artery
chronic stable angina
• Approximately 9.1 million Americans have Angina (NHIS
and NCHS 2005 data)
• Angina pectoris
– Chest pain caused most often by myocardial anoxia as a result
of occlusion of the coronary arteries from either atherosclerosis
or spasm
• Stable angina
– Chest pain or discomfort that occurs when the heart is working
harder than usual and is relieved by rest or medication
• Clinical features of CSA
– Reversibility of symptoms
– Repetitiveness of anginal attacks
– Over months to years
3 factors of CSA
– Reversibility of symptoms
– Repetitiveness of anginal attacks
– Over months to years
Vasospastic angina
Also referred to as Prinzmental’s or variant
• Spasm of the coronary artery causing ischemia
– Possibly from endothelial dysfunction
– Paradoxical response to agents that normally cause
• Typically at rest in the early morning

different from classic because not caused by overexertion

not because of atheroscolsis

CCB can make better
Acute coronary syndrome (ACS)
what you are trying to prevent
• Myocardial Infarction (MI)
• Unstable Angina
– Prolonged angina at rest (> 20 minutes)
– Recent angina (within 2 months) marked limitations in
– Increase in severity of Angina to CCS IV based on
what gender is heart disease more prevalent in

NHANES study

prevalence increases with age
what arteries does CAD usually affect
left coronary artery

occasionally the right coronary artery
Pathophysiology of CAD
increased LDL--> fatty streaks--> plaques-->increasing plaque--> obstructive artherslerotic plaque--> plaque fissure or errosion in thrombus--> unstable angina/acute MI/death

endothelial dysfunction--> remodeling--> exertional angina
what percentage of occlusion induces exertional angina?
greater or = to 50-70%
what can be changed to increase oxygen supply
coronary blood flow
O2 extraction
O2 availability
what can be changed to decrease O2 demand
wall tension
Modifiable Risk factors of MI
curent smoker
former smoker
abdominal obesity
psychosocial (ie: depression)
vegatables and fruits daily
moderate alcohol intake
ApoB/ApoA ratio (5:1) (this is the biggest player ApoA--> HDL, ApoB-->LDL
typical angina
– Substernal chest discomfort with a characteristic
quality and duration
– Provoked by external or emotional stress
– Relieved by rest or nitroglycerin

comes on quickly and then goes away
atypical angina
– Substernal chest discomfort with a characteristic
quality and duration
– Provoked by external or emotional stress
– Relieved by rest or nitroglycerin
– Meets 2 of the above characteristics

women present in this fashion and it may be why they are under diagnosed
noncardiac angina
– Meets 1 or none of the typical
Class I angina
Ordinary physical activity does not cause angina, such as
walking and climbing stairs. Angina with strenuous or rapid or prolonged exertion at work or recreation.
Canadian Cardiovascular Society Functional
Angina Classification
I Ordinary physical activity does not cause angina, such aswalking and climbing stairs.

Angina with strenuous or rapid or prolonged exertion at work or recreation.

II Slight limitation of ordinary activity. Walking or climbing stairs rapidly, walking uphill, walking or stair climbing after meals, or in cold or in wind, or under emotional stress, or only during the few hours after awakening.

III Marked limitation of ordinary physical activity. Walking one or two blocks on the level and climbing one flight of stairs in
normal conditions and at normal pace.

IV Inability to carry on any physical activity without discomfort, angina symptoms may be present at rest.
Canadian Cardiovascular Society Functional
Angina Classification
I Ordinary physical activity does not cause angina, such aswalking and climbing stairs.

Angina with strenuous or rapid or prolonged exertion at work or recreation.

II Slight limitation of ordinary activity. Walking or climbing stairs rapidly, walking uphill, walking or stair climbing after meals, or in cold or in wind, or under emotional stress, or only during the few hours after awakening.

III Marked limitation of ordinary physical activity. Walking one or two blocks on the level and climbing one flight of stairs in
normal conditions and at normal pace.

IV Inability to carry on any physical activity without discomfort, angina symptoms may be present at rest.
Angina class II
Slight limitation of ordinary activity. Walking or climbing stairs
rapidly, walking uphill, walking or stair climbing after meals, or
in cold or in wind, or under emotional stress, or only during the few hours after awakening.
Angina class III
Marked limitation of ordinary physical activity. Walking one or
two blocks on the level and climbing one flight of stairs in
normal conditions and at normal pace.
Angina class II
Slight limitation of ordinary activity. Walking or climbing stairs
rapidly, walking uphill, walking or stair climbing after meals, or
in cold or in wind, or under emotional stress, or only during the few hours after awakening.
Canadian Cardiovascular Society Functional
Angina Classification
I Ordinary physical activity does not cause angina, such aswalking and climbing stairs.

Angina with strenuous or rapid or prolonged exertion at work or recreation.

II Slight limitation of ordinary activity. Walking or climbing stairs rapidly, walking uphill, walking or stair climbing after meals, or in cold or in wind, or under emotional stress, or only during the few hours after awakening.

III Marked limitation of ordinary physical activity. Walking one or two blocks on the level and climbing one flight of stairs in
normal conditions and at normal pace.

IV Inability to carry on any physical activity without discomfort, angina symptoms may be present at rest.
angina class IV
Inability to carry on any physical activity without discomfort, angina symptoms may be present at rest.
Angina class III
Marked limitation of ordinary physical activity. Walking one or
two blocks on the level and climbing one flight of stairs in
normal conditions and at normal pace.
Canadian Cardiovascular Society Functional
Angina Classification
I Ordinary physical activity does not cause angina, such aswalking and climbing stairs.

Angina with strenuous or rapid or prolonged exertion at work or recreation.

II Slight limitation of ordinary activity. Walking or climbing stairs rapidly, walking uphill, walking or stair climbing after meals, or in cold or in wind, or under emotional stress, or only during the few hours after awakening.

III Marked limitation of ordinary physical activity. Walking one or two blocks on the level and climbing one flight of stairs in
normal conditions and at normal pace.

IV Inability to carry on any physical activity without discomfort, angina symptoms may be present at rest.
angina class IV
Inability to carry on any physical activity without discomfort, angina symptoms may be present at rest.
SAQ (seattle angina questionare) angina classifications
severe--> over 2 year period mortality rate increases by 20%
Angina class II
Slight limitation of ordinary activity. Walking or climbing stairs
rapidly, walking uphill, walking or stair climbing after meals, or
in cold or in wind, or under emotional stress, or only during the few hours after awakening.
Angina class II
Slight limitation of ordinary activity. Walking or climbing stairs
rapidly, walking uphill, walking or stair climbing after meals, or
in cold or in wind, or under emotional stress, or only during the few hours after awakening.
Canadian Cardiovascular Society Functional
Angina Classification
I Ordinary physical activity does not cause angina, such aswalking and climbing stairs.

Angina with strenuous or rapid or prolonged exertion at work or recreation.

II Slight limitation of ordinary activity. Walking or climbing stairs rapidly, walking uphill, walking or stair climbing after meals, or in cold or in wind, or under emotional stress, or only during the few hours after awakening.

III Marked limitation of ordinary physical activity. Walking one or two blocks on the level and climbing one flight of stairs in
normal conditions and at normal pace.

IV Inability to carry on any physical activity without discomfort, angina symptoms may be present at rest.
SAQ (seattle angina questionare) angina classifications
severe--> over 2 year period mortality rate increases by 20%
Angina class III
Marked limitation of ordinary physical activity. Walking one or
two blocks on the level and climbing one flight of stairs in
normal conditions and at normal pace.
Angina class II
Slight limitation of ordinary activity. Walking or climbing stairs
rapidly, walking uphill, walking or stair climbing after meals, or
in cold or in wind, or under emotional stress, or only during the few hours after awakening.
Angina class III
Marked limitation of ordinary physical activity. Walking one or
two blocks on the level and climbing one flight of stairs in
normal conditions and at normal pace.
Angina class III
Marked limitation of ordinary physical activity. Walking one or
two blocks on the level and climbing one flight of stairs in
normal conditions and at normal pace.
angina class IV
Inability to carry on any physical activity without discomfort, angina symptoms may be present at rest.
angina class IV
Inability to carry on any physical activity without discomfort, angina symptoms may be present at rest.
SAQ (seattle angina questionare) angina classifications
severe--> over 2 year period mortality rate increases by 20%
angina class IV
Inability to carry on any physical activity without discomfort, angina symptoms may be present at rest.
SAQ (seattle angina questionare) angina classifications
severe--> over 2 year period mortality rate increases by 20%
Canadian Cardiovascular Society Functional
Angina Classification
I Ordinary physical activity does not cause angina, such aswalking and climbing stairs.

Angina with strenuous or rapid or prolonged exertion at work or recreation.

II Slight limitation of ordinary activity. Walking or climbing stairs rapidly, walking uphill, walking or stair climbing after meals, or in cold or in wind, or under emotional stress, or only during the few hours after awakening.

III Marked limitation of ordinary physical activity. Walking one or two blocks on the level and climbing one flight of stairs in
normal conditions and at normal pace.

IV Inability to carry on any physical activity without discomfort, angina symptoms may be present at rest.
SAQ (seattle angina questionare) angina classifications
severe--> over 2 year period mortality rate increases by 20%
Angina class II
Slight limitation of ordinary activity. Walking or climbing stairs
rapidly, walking uphill, walking or stair climbing after meals, or
in cold or in wind, or under emotional stress, or only during the few hours after awakening.
Angina class III
Marked limitation of ordinary physical activity. Walking one or
two blocks on the level and climbing one flight of stairs in
normal conditions and at normal pace.
angina class IV
Inability to carry on any physical activity without discomfort, angina symptoms may be present at rest.
SAQ (seattle angina questionare) angina classifications
severe--> over 2 year period mortality rate increases by 20%
Non-Atherosclerotic Causes of Chest Pain
must rule these out
treatement goals of angina
ACC/AHA Evidence Based Medicine Ranking
Criteria classes
I Conditions for which there is evidence or general agreement that a given procedure or treatment is useful and effective.

II Conditions for which there is conflicting evidence or a divergence of opinion
about the usefulness/efficacy of a procedure or treatment.

IIa Weight of evidence/opinion is in favor of usefulness/efficacy. (RTC lots of trials)

IIb Usefulness/efficacy is less well established by evidence/opinion. (few clinical trials and mixed results)

III Conditions for which there is evidence that the procedure/treatment is not
useful/effective and in some cases may be harmful.
(expert opinions)
ACC/AHA Evidence Based Medicine Ranking
Criteria levels
A Data from multiple randomized clinical trials with large patients populations.

B Data from a limited number of randomized trials, small patient populations,
careful analyses of nonrandomized studies, or observational registries.

C Expert consensus was the primary basis for the recommendation
Hemodynamic Effects of Anti-Ischemic Medications B-blockers
decrease **heart rate, decrease systolic pressure, increase leftm ventricular volume, decrease contractility
Hemodynamic Effects of Anti-Ischemic Medications nitrates
increase HR, decrease systolic pressure, **decrease left ventricular volume, no change in contractility
Hemodynamic Effects of Anti-Ischemic Medications dihydropyridines CCB
increase HR, ** decrease systolic pressure, no change or decrease in left ventricular volume
Hemodynamic Effects of Anti-Ischemic Medications non-dihydropyrindines
** decrease HR, decrease systolic pressure, no change or decrease in left ventricular volume, no change or decrease in contractility
Hemodynamic Effects of Anti-Ischemic Medications ranolazine
no change in HR, systolic pressure, left ventricular volume, no change or increase in contraction
• First line for chronic stable angina
• Decrease myocardial oxygen consumption by ↓ HR, ↓
BP, ↓ myocardial contractility
• Can use cardioselective or non-selective agents
– Cardioselective (preferred): Metoprolol, atenolol, bisoprolol
– Non-cardiosective: Propranolol, nadolol
• Never use agents with intrinsic sympathomimetic activity
(ISA) such as acebutolol
• Key points of beta-blockade therapy
– Need enough blockade to blunt the HR response when
physiologically stressed
– Sufficient blockade results in optimal ↓ cardiac demand
– Side effects can limit the ability to titrate the dose
– Low doses are better than no doses
key points b-blockers
– Need enough blockade to blunt the HR response when
physiologically stressed
– Sufficient blockade results in optimal ↓ cardiac demand
– Side effects can limit the ability to titrate the dose
– Low doses are better than no doses
b-blocker survival benefit
6% reduction in 2nd MI or myocardial death
selective beta blockers
non-selective b-blockers
how many times a day is atenolol doses for beta receptor blockade
ACC/AHA 2007 Recommendations B-blockers
Class I recomendations

Beta-blockers as initial therapy in the absence of contraindications in all patients who have had a myocardial infarction (MI), acute coronary syndrome (ACS), or Left ventricular systolic dysfunction
(LVSD) with or without heart failure (HF) symptoms
( level A)

In hypertensive patients with CAD it is appropriate to treat initially with beta-blockers and ACE inhibitors (ACE-I) and then add other medications to achieve target blood pressure goals (level C)
• First line for vasospastic angina
– Dilate coronary and systemic arteries
– ↑ coronary blood flow
– ↓ myocardial oxygen consumption

best vesodilators, decreae demand on heart
dihydropyridines CCB
– Can be safely used in combination with beta-blocker therapy
– Do not use immediate release nifedipine for CSA
– Medications: Nifedipine, amlodipine
non-dihydropyridiness CCB
Avoid use in combination with beta-blocker therapy (↓ HR)
– Medications: Diltiazem, verapamil
DCCB pharmacologic effects
increase or no change in HR and contractility, increase ** vascular dilation, increase coronary flow, increase or no change in neurohormonal activation

increase HR, increase or no change in contractility, increase in neurohormonal activation, increase ** in vascular dilation, increase coranary flow
NDCCB pharmacological effects
decrease HR and contractility, increase in neurohormanal activation, vascular dilation, coronary flow

decrease in HR, ** decrease contractility, increase in neurohormanal activation, vascular dilation, coronary flow
ACC/AHA 2002 Recommendations CCB
class I recommendations

CCBs (never immediate release nifedipine) and/or long-acting
nitrates for reduction in symptoms when beta-blockers are
contraindicated (level B)

CCB and/or long-acting nitrates in combination with beta-blockers
when initial treatment with beta-blocker alone is not successful (level B)

CCBs and/or long-acting nitrates as a substitute for beta-blockers if
initial treatment with beta-blockers leads to unacceptable side effects
(level C)

Class IIa recomendations
Long-acting nondihydropyridine CCB instead of beta-blockers
as initial therapy
(level B)
• First line as needed for immediate relief of angina
• Second to Third line for chronic maintenance therapy for stable
• Dilate systemic and coronary arteries resulting in venous pooling of blood (↓ cardiac work and chamber size)
• Contraindicated with PDE-5 inhibitors (e.g., sildenafil, vardenafil, tadalafil) extreme hypotension
• Key points of quick acting nitroglycerin (NTG)
– Sublingual tablets most frequently used (buccal or lingual spray available)
– 75% have pain relief in 3 minutes
– 15% have relief in 5 to 15 minutes
– Directions
• Dissolve 1 SL tablet (0.4 mg) under tongue or in buccal pouch at the first sign of an anginal attack
• If symptoms have not improved after 5 minutes emergency medical
services (EMS) should be contacted
• Continue to take additional SL tablets until EMS arrives (1 tablet every five minutes up to a total of 3 tablets)

ususally add ons to chronic therapy
quickly vasodilates
new bottle every 6 months
chronic nitrate therapy
Key points of chronic maintenance nitrate
– Available in immediate release, sustained
release, and transdermal products
– Nitrate Tolerance
• Develops with chronic use
• Mechanism is debated
– All patients on chronic nitrate therapy need a
nitrate free period of at least 8 hours (12 hours is best)

used in addition to CCB or B-therapy
Nitrate products
Nitroglycerine (SL, Buccal, spray, Ointment, IV, patch, oral sustained release)

isoosorbide dinitrate (oral and sustained release)

isosorbide mononitrate (oral and sustained release)
ACC/AHA 2002 Recommendations nitrates
class I recomendations

Sublingual NTG or NTG spray for the immediate relief of angina (level B)

CCBs (never immediate release nifedipine) and/or long-acting
nitrates for reduction in symptoms when beta-blockers are
(level B)
CCB and/or long-acting nitrates in combination with beta-blockers
when initial treatment with beta-blocker alone is not successful
(level B)
CCBs and/or long-acting nitrates as a substitute for beta-blockers if
initial treatment with beta-blockers leads to unacceptable side effects
(level C)
ranolazine MOA
inhibits the late inward NA current preventing Na and CA overload resulting in diastolic relaxation

effects the cardiac cycle
ranolazine trials
– Primary Outcome
• Increase in exercise duration time
– Primary Outcomes
• Increase in exercise duration time
• Delayed time to angina symptoms
• Delayed time to ST depression
– Secondary Outcomes
• Reduction in angina episodes per week
• Reduction in nitroglycerin (NTG) use per week

– Angina Episodes per week
– NTG use per week
• MERLIN-TIMI-36 (long term)
– No difference in Primary CV composite endpoint
– Recurrent Ischemia
• 16.1% placebo vs. 13.9% ranolazine (p = 0.03)
– Arrhythmia on Holter monitor
• 83.1% placebo vs. 73.1% ranolazine (p < 0.001)
– No significant ECG changes
– Most common ADE’s: dizziness, constipation, peripheral edema
ACC/AHA 2007 Recommendations ranolazine
there are no recomendations for the use of ranolazine

Class IIB recomendations
Metabolic agents (e.g., ranolazine) may be used where available as
add on therapy, or as substitution therapy when conventional drugs
are not tolerated
(level B)
• Indicated for
– CSA patients
– On beta-blockers and/or CCBs and nitrates
– Symptomatic
• Inhibits the late inward sodium channel
• Optimal Patients
– Intolerance to beta-blockers
– Patients with low heart rates or blood
• Avoid use with concomitant medications known
to prolong QTc Intervals
• Dosing: 500 mg po BID (Max 1000 mg po BID)

add on therapy
developement of ischemia causes
↑ O2 demand
• Heart rate
• Blood pressure
• Preload
• Contractility
↓ O2 supply

all of the above causes Ca overload

use B-blockers, nitrates and CCB to prevent
consequences of ischemia
• Electrical instability
• Myocardial dysfunction
(↓systolic function/
↑ diastolic stiffness)

all of the above causes compression of nutritive blood vessels
CSA Dx-->
treat with a b-blocker and if symptoms presist treat with long acting nitrate or CCB and if symtops still presist add the opposite of previosly added and then consider revascularization

all patients should be on NTG PRN

all meds should be titrated up before adding another agent

All patients should be on ASA
antiplatelet therapy
• ACC/AHA Recommendation in 2007:
– ASA 75 – 162 mg daily for patients with CSA
• American College of Chest Physicians
– ASA 75 – 162.5 mg daily for patients with CSA
• Antithrombotic Trialists’ Collaboration:
– 7 clinical trials in CSA/CAD
– 144/1448 (9.8%) vs. 208/1472 (14.1%) of vascular
events in antiplatelet treated vs placebo, respectively
CAPRIE trial
Clopidogrel versus Aspirin in Patients at Risk of Ischemic Events;
no change in events
CURE trial
Clopidogrel in Unstable Angina to Prevent
Recurrent Events;

no change in events
MATCH trial
Management of Atherothrombosis with Clopidogrel in High-risk Patients;
Clopidogrel and
Aspirin versus Aspirin Alone for the Prevention of Atherothrombotic Events;
palvix + ASA
doubled the risk of bleeding in the CHARISMA trial
ACC/AHA 2007 Recommendations ASA
class I recommendations

Aspirin 75 to 162 mg in the absence of contraindications (level A)
Use of warfarin in conjunction with aspirin and/or clopidogrel is associated with an increase risk of bleeding and needs to be closely monitored (level B)

Class II a recommnedations
Clopidogrel when aspirin is absolutely contraindicated (level B)

class IIb recommendations
Low-intensity anticoagulation with warfarin in addition to aspirin (level B)
Lipid-lowering Therapy
• All patients with CAD should be on LDL-C
lowering therapy to reduce risk of CV
• Statin therapy is preferred
– Capable of a 30-40% LDL-C reduction

If baseline LDL-C is < 100 mg/dL still start
statin therapy unless contraindicated
NCEP ATP III Goals (2004 Update) cholesterol
very high risk LDL < 70
High risk LDL < 100
ACC/AHA 2007 Recommendations dyslipidemia
class I recomendations

Low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) lowering therapy should
be targeted to a goal of at least < 100 mg/dL and if on the treatment LDL-C is > 100 mg/dL then therapy should be intensified
(level A)
In moderate to high-risk patients using LDL-C lowering therapy it is recommended to use therapy capable of achieving a 30-40%
reduction in LDL-C levels (level A)
Daily physical activity and weight management are recommended for
all patients (level B)
Dietary therapy for all patients should include intake of saturated fats (<7% total calories), trans-fatty acids, and < 200 mg cholesterol daily)
(level B)
Triglycerides (TG) are 200 to 499 mg/dL then non-HDL-C <130 mg/dL (level B)
TGs > 500 mg/dL therapeutic options to lower TGs (niacin or fibrates) should be initiated prior to LDL-C targeted therapy with a non-HDL-C goal of < 130 mg/dL
(level C)
Drug combinations are beneficial for patients on lipid lowering therapy who are not able to achieve and LDL-C < 100 mg/dL
(level C)

Class IIa recomendations
Reasonable to target LDL-C to < 70 mg/dL or use high-dose statins (level A)
If choose a LDL-C goal of < 70 mg/dL then titrate drug to achieve this goal taking in account possible S/Es and cost. If goal of < 70 mg/dl is
not achievable based on initial LDL-C levels then target a 50% ↓ (level C)
Baseline LDL-C is 70 to 100 mg/dL it is reasonable to treat to a LDL-C goal of < 70 mg/dL
(Level B)
Adding plant stanol/sterols (2gm/d) and/or viscous fiber (>10 gm/d) is reasonable to further lower LDL-C (level A)
TGs are 200 to 499 mg/dL then it is reasonable to target a non-HDL-C of < 100 mg/dL
(level B)
Therapeutic options to reduce non-HDL-C (after LDL-C lowering therapy) are Niacin or Fibrates
(level B)
ACC/AHA 2007 Recommendations ASA
class I recommendations

Aspirin 75 to 162 mg in the absence of contraindications (level A)
Use of warfarin in conjunction with aspirin and/or clopidogrel is associated with an increase risk of bleeding and needs to be closely monitored (level B)

Class II a recommnedations
Clopidogrel when aspirin is absolutely contraindicated (level B)

class IIb recommendations
Low-intensity anticoagulation with warfarin in addition to aspirin (level B)
ACE-Is role in preventing CV events
• The ACC/AHA 2002 guidelines recommended:
– ACE-I’s in patients with CAD or other vascular disease (Class
IIa, Level B)
– Recommendation based on HOPE trial
• Two major clinical trials not included in the 2002 guidelines were
assessed for the 2007 guidelines:
• An exact mechanism of action that explains the benefit of ACE-I
therapy in CSA is unknown
– Inhibition of ACE results in
• Vasodilation
• Diuresis
• Anti-remodeling
Lipid-lowering Therapy
• All patients with CAD should be on LDL-C
lowering therapy to reduce risk of CV
• Statin therapy is preferred
– Capable of a 30-40% LDL-C reduction

If baseline LDL-C is < 100 mg/dL still start
statin therapy unless contraindicated
NCEP ATP III Goals (2004 Update) cholesterol
very high risk LDL < 70
High risk LDL < 100
ACC/AHA 2007 Recommendations dyslipidemia
class I recomendations

Low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) lowering therapy should
be targeted to a goal of at least < 100 mg/dL and if on the treatment LDL-C is > 100 mg/dL then therapy should be intensified
(level A)
In moderate to high-risk patients using LDL-C lowering therapy it is recommended to use therapy capable of achieving a 30-40%
reduction in LDL-C levels (level A)
Daily physical activity and weight management are recommended for
all patients (level B)
Dietary therapy for all patients should include intake of saturated fats (<7% total calories), trans-fatty acids, and < 200 mg cholesterol daily)
(level B)
Triglycerides (TG) are 200 to 499 mg/dL then non-HDL-C <130 mg/dL (level B)
TGs > 500 mg/dL therapeutic options to lower TGs (niacin or fibrates) should be initiated prior to LDL-C targeted therapy with a non-HDL-C goal of < 130 mg/dL
(level C)
Drug combinations are beneficial for patients on lipid lowering therapy who are not able to achieve and LDL-C < 100 mg/dL
(level C)

Class IIa recomendations
Reasonable to target LDL-C to < 70 mg/dL or use high-dose statins (level A)
If choose a LDL-C goal of < 70 mg/dL then titrate drug to achieve this goal taking in account possible S/Es and cost. If goal of < 70 mg/dl is
not achievable based on initial LDL-C levels then target a 50% ↓ (level C)
Baseline LDL-C is 70 to 100 mg/dL it is reasonable to treat to a LDL-C goal of < 70 mg/dL
(Level B)
Adding plant stanol/sterols (2gm/d) and/or viscous fiber (>10 gm/d) is reasonable to further lower LDL-C (level A)
TGs are 200 to 499 mg/dL then it is reasonable to target a non-HDL-C of < 100 mg/dL
(level B)
Therapeutic options to reduce non-HDL-C (after LDL-C lowering therapy) are Niacin or Fibrates
(level B)
ACE-Is role in preventing CV events
• The ACC/AHA 2002 guidelines recommended:
– ACE-I’s in patients with CAD or other vascular disease (Class
IIa, Level B)
– Recommendation based on HOPE trial
• Two major clinical trials not included in the 2002 guidelines were
assessed for the 2007 guidelines:
• An exact mechanism of action that explains the benefit of ACE-I
therapy in CSA is unknown
– Inhibition of ACE results in
• Vasodilation
• Diuresis
• Anti-remodeling
ACE Inhibitor Mechanism of Action
inhibits angiotensin I from going to angiotensin II
therefore increases vasodilation, Increase bradikinin, increases NO, natriu.diuresis, anti-remoldeling

actions through AII receptor anit-proliferation, cell defferntiation, and tissue repair
Myocardial Tissue Seletivity ACE-Is
Quinapril > benazepril > ramipril > perindopril
> lisinopril > trandolapril > enalapril >fosinopril > captopril

EUROPA= perindopril
PEACE= trandolapril
What trial had the best managed patients in regards to ACE
therefore ability to prove benefits was less likely
HOPE trial (ACE)
14.0% ramipril
vs. 17.8%
(p < 0.001)

all patients should have been on ASA only 76% were

it was easier to show benefits of therapy because patients were poorly managed

Primary outcomes
CV death, nonfatal MI, stroke
EUROPA trial (ACE)
again poorly managed patients

primary outcomes
CV death, nonfatal MI, cardiac arrest with successful resuscitation
perindopril vs.
9.9% placebo
(p = 0.003)
PEACE trail (ACE)
best managed pateints so hard to show benefits

primary outcomes
CV death, nonfatal MI, revascularization
ACC/AHA 2007 Recommendations ACE
Class I recomendations

with beta-blockers and ACE inhibitors (ACE-I) and then add other medications to achieve target blood pressure goals
(level C)
ACE-Is in all patients with left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) < 40% and in those with hypertension, diabetes, or chronic kidney disease (CKD)
(level A)
ACE-Is in all patients unless considered low risk (LVEF > 40% with well controlled cardiovascular (CV) risk factors and s/p
(level B)

Class IIa recomendations
ACE-I in low risk patients with mildly reduced or normal LVEF in whom
CV risk factors are not controlled and revascularization has not been
performed (level B)
showed that ARBS are just as good as ACEs, but do not use in combination
ACC/AHA 2007 Recommendations ARBS
class I recomendations

Angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB) are recommended for patients
who have hypertension, have indications for but are intolerant to ACE-I, have heart failure, or have had a MI with and LVEF < 40% (level A)

class IIB recommendation
ARBs may be considered in combination with ACE-Is for HF due to LVSD (level B)
Can CCB therapy prevent CV
events in patients with CSA
either as initial therapy or as
add on therapy?
• Three major clinical trials not included in the 2002 guidelines were
assessed for the 2007 guidelines:
• Mechanism of action that explains the benefit of CCB therapy in
decreasing atherosclerotic formation is not well developed
• Thought to be related to improvement in endothelial nitric oxide
release, resulting in the avoidance of atheroma formation in the
– CAMELOT only positive study
– Limitations of study comparison secondary to patient populations
included in each study and differences in primary endpoints
is there evidence to supprt CCB role to prevent CSA events
no they are used in CSA to treat symptoms
ACC/AHA 2002 Recommendations CCB
class I recommendations

CCBs (never immediate release nifedipine) and/or long-acting nitrates for reduction in symptoms when beta-blockers are contraindicated
(level B)
CCB and/or long-acting nitrates in combination with beta-blockers when initial treatment with beta-blocker alone is not successful (level B)
CCBs and/or long-acting nitrates as a substitute for beta-blockers if initial treatment with beta-blockers leads to unacceptable side effects (level C)

class IIa recomendations
Long-acting nondihydropyridine CCB instead of beta-blockers
as initial therapy
(level B)
is dipyridamole recommended for CSA
is chelation therapy recommended for CSA
ACC/AHA 2002 Recommendations others for CSA
class I recommendations

Blood pressure goals according to JNC-7 of < 140/90 mmHg or
< 130/80 mmHg for patients with diabetes or chronic kidney disease
(level A)
Aldosterone blockade is recommended for use in post-MI patients without significant renal dysfunction (Scr < 2.5 mg/dL in men and
< 2.0 mg/dL in women) or hyperkalemia (K+ < 5.0 mEq/L) who are already receiving therapeutic doses of an ACE-I or beta-blocker, have LVEF < 40%, and have either Diabetes or HF
(level A)
Annual influenza vaccine in all patients with Cardiovascular disease (level B)
• Treatment Arms:
– PCI (+/- stent) + Optimal
Medical Therapy (OMT)
– OMT alone
• Eligible patients:
– Stable CAD
• CCS I-III Angina
• Stable post MI
• Asymptomatic with objective
myocardial ischemic findings
• Primary Endpoint
– Nonfatal MI
– All-cause mortality
• Median follow-up: 4.6 years

stable CAD patients
these were maximally mangaed patients
Optimal Medical Therapy CSA
• Antiplatelet therapy
– ASA 81 – 325 mg/day or
– Clopidogrel 75 mg/day
(on both if had PCI)
• Angina medications (Alone or in combination)
– Metoprolol succinate
– Amlodipine
– Isosorbide mononitrate
• Angiotensin blocking therapy
– Lisinopril or
– Losartan
• Lipid lowering therapy
– Simvastatin +/- ezetimibe
– Goal LDL-C level of 60 to 85 mg/dL
– Following LDL-C goal achievement went to secondary goal of raising
HDL-C (Exercise, niacin ER, and fibrate alone or combination)

very aggressive treatment
COURAGE: Cumulative Event Outcomes
Death, MI was not significant

revascularization was significant
Pharmaceutical Care Card for CSA
A = Aspirin and Antianginal therapy
B = Beta-blocker and Blood pressure
C = Cigarette smoking and Cholesterol
D = Diet and Diabetes
E = Education and Exercise
medication monitoring CSA
Gage the effectiveness of therapy
– Vital Signs
– Use of sublingual nitroglycerin (refills?, weekly use?)
– Adverse effects
– Electrocardiogram if needed
– Exercise tolerance testing has limited value (b-blocker will reduces ability, gives idea of stenosis)
b-blocker target HR for CSA
55-70 bpm
in the liver cholesterol is converted too...
cholic acid a bile acid that is abundant

adds a COOH group to cholesterol
what are signs of avd?
Coronary artery disease (angina, MI, sudden cardiac death)
Symptomatic Carotid artery disease (stroke, TIA)
Abdominal aortic aneurysm
when do you use ASA in primary prevention patients
when farmingham score is > or = 10%
primary prevention of avd patients and omega-3
a variet of preferably oily fish at least 2/weekly
secondary prevention of avd and omega-3
1g/day of epa+dha; oily fish preferred but supplements are an alternative
TG lowering for avd and omega-3
2-4g/day of epa+dha, provided as capsules