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16 Cards in this Set

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Class IA - moderate Na channel block, K block, prolonged APD, dissociates with intermediate kinetics, can induce torsade de pointes
ganglion-blocking --> reduces vasc R --> hypotension
2nd or 3rd choice for sustained vent arrhythmias assoc w/ MI
irreversible lupus-like syndrome
Class IA - moderate Na channel block, K block, prolonged APD, dissociates with intermediate kinetics, can induce torsade de pointes
blocks alpha-adren --> vasodilation --> hypotns, reflex tachy
blocks muscarinic --> tachycardia
ppt digoxin toxicity, thrombocytopenia
Class IA - moderate Na channel block, K block, prolonged APD, dissociates with intermediate kinetics, can induce torsade de pointes
highest intensity of anti-muscarinic activity
not 1st line b/c negative inotropic actions may --> CHF even w/o prev hx
adverse effects - urinary retention (CI in males w/ BPH), dry mouth, blurred vision, constipation, worsening of glaucoma
class IB - mild Na channel block, shorten APD, dissociate fast
orally ineffective b/c high 1st pass met
suppresses electrical activity of depolarized arrhythmogenic tissues - most effective in arrhythmias assoc w/ depolarization - ischemia or digoxin tox
agent of choice for termiantion of vent tachycardia and to prevent vent fib after cardioversion
least cardiotoxic
most adverse effects are neurologic
class IB - mild Na channel block, shorten APD, dissociate fast
effective orally, resistanc to 1st pass
tx vent arrhythmias
off label - relief of chronic pain
neuro side effects
class IC - marked Na channel block, minimal effect on APD, dissociate slow, increase mortality from cardiac arrest or arrhythmic sudden death in pts w/ recent MI
tx supraventricular arrhythmias
class IC - marked Na channel block, minimal effect on APD, dissociate slow, increase mortality from cardiac arrest or arrhythmic sudden death in pts w/ recent MI
structurally similar to propranolol, weak beta-blocking activity
metallic taste
may exacerbate arrhythmias --> constipation
class IC - marked Na channel block, minimal effect on APD, dissociate slow, increase mortality from cardiac arrest or arrhythmic sudden death in pts w/ recent MI
used for vent arrhythmias but withdrawn
propranolol acebutolol, esmolol
class II - beta blockers
diminished cardiac work --> reduced myocardial O2 demand
prevents recurrent infarction and sudden death in pts w/ acute MI
tx supraventricular and ventr arrhythmias casued by symp stimulatino, prevents vent fib
esmolol - tx acute arrhythmias during surgery
negative inotrope - may induce/worsen HF
class III, K+ channel blocker, prolongs APD and refractory period
100% bioavailable
nonselective beta-blocker, racemic mix of d and l - l has beta-adrenergic activity
tx v-arrhyths
maintians sinus rhythm in a-fib
tx supravent and vent arrhythmias in peds
may --> torsade de pointes
class III, K+ channel blocker, prolongs APD and refractory period
tissue levels even after a year
substrate for CYP3A4 - cimetidine increases levels b/c blocks CYP, rifampicin induces CYP so levels drop, inhibits other cytocrhomes to elevate levels of digoxin, warfarin
blacks Na and K channels and alpha and beta adrenergic receptors adn Ca channels --> bradycardia
low incidence of torsade de pointes
tx lifethreatening or recurring vent arrhyths, supravent arrhyths, adjuvant tx to decrease uncomfortable discharges of implanted cardioverter-defibs
side effets: bradycardia in pts w/ SA/AV node disease
fatal pulmonary fibrosis
abn liver fxn, hepatitis, photodermatitis - grayish blue skin discoloration corneal microdeposites --> blindness, neuro probs, thyroid dysfxn
dofetilide, ibutilide
class III, K+ channel blocker, prolongs APD and refractory period
ibutilide = IV
dofetilide = oral
restore normal sinus rhythm in A-fib or flutter
side effects: prolonged QT and torsade de pointes
verapamil, diltiazim
type IV - Ca channel blockers
dont use nifedipine b/c --> reflex tachycardia
depresses SA and AV nodes directly
tx supravent and vent arrhythmias
miscellaneous antiarrhythmics
2 types of receptors:
A1 in myocardium --> neg inotropic, chronotropic, and dromotropic
A2 in endothelium/vasc --> coronary vasodilation
enhances K conductance --> slowed conduction
converts paroxysmal supravent tachy --> sinus rhythm
prevents torsades de pointes, tx digoxin induced arrhythmias
tx hypokalemia that --> ectopic pacemaker activity, esp during digoxin tx