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21 Cards in this Set

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Heard over all lung fields
Wheezes (sibilant wheeze)
Muscular spasm, fluid, or mucus in larger airways, causing turbulence
Rhonchi (sonorous wheeze)
Inflamed plerua, parietal pleura rubbing against visceral pleura
Pleural fiction rub
Loud and high-pitched with hollow quality. Expiration lasts longer than inspiration
Loud bubbly sounds heard during inspiration; not cleared with coughing
Coarse crackles
Best heard over trachea; created by air moving through trachea close to chest wall
Created by air moving through large airways
Primarily heard over trachea and bronchi; if loud enough, can be heard over most lung fields
Rhonchi (sonorous wheeze)
Has grating quality heard best during inspiration; does not clear with coughing; heard loudest over lower lateral anterior surface
Pleural fiction rub
Lower, more moist sounds heard during middle of inspiration; not cleared with coughing
Medium crackles
Best heard over lung's periphery (except over scapula); created by air moving through smaller airways
Medium-pitched and blowing sounds of medium intensity. Inspiratory phase is equal to expiratory phase.
Heard over anterior lateral lung field (if patient is sitting upright)
Pleural fiction rub
Best heard posteriorly between scapulae and anteriorly over bronchioles lateral to sternum at first and second intercostal spaces
Random, sudden reinflation of groups of alveoli; also related to increase in fluid in small airways
Crackles (rales)
Loud, low-pitched, continuous sounds heard more during expiration; sometimes cleared by coughing. Sounds like blowing air through fluid with a straw
Rhonchi (sonorous wheeze)
Short, interrupted crackling sounds heard during end of inspiration, expiration, or both. May or may not change with coughing
Fine crackles
High-pitched, musical sounds like a squeak heard continuously during inspiration or expiration. Do not clear with coughing
Wheezes (sibilant wheeze)
Soft, breezy, and low-pitched sounds. Inspiratory phase is 3 times longer than expiratory phase
High-velocity airflow through severly narrowed or obstructed bronchus
Wheezes (sibilant wheeze)
Most common in dependent lobes; right and left lung bases
Crackles (rales)