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33 Cards in this Set

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Oxytocin (what is brand)
Oxytocin (indications)
Stimulate labor
Oxytocin (assessment)
Assess fetal maturity, presentation, uterine contractions; position patient on side; monitor maternal BP/pulse; monitor fetal HR; monitor for signs of water intoxication; monitor electrolytes; monitor contraction pattern; assess I/O’s; perform vaginal examinations; monitor for N/V, headache, hypotension; assess fetal status; if hyperstimulation-give oxygen with face mask;
Prostaglandin E2 (what is brand)
Prepidil; Cervidil
Prostaglandin (Indications)
To ripen (soften and thin) cervix , lowers the dose of oxytocin needed, shortens induction time;
Prostaglandin E2 (side effects)
Headache; N/V; diarrhea; fever; hypotension; tachysystole; hyperstimulation of uterus; fetal passage of myonium;
Prostaglandin E2 (nursing implications)
Informed consent ; have patient maintain supine position with lateral tilt or side-lying position for 2hrs. after insertion
Methylergonovine (what is brand)
Methylergonovine (action)
Directly stimulates uterine and vascular smooth muscle;
Methylergonovine - nursing implications
Monitor BP before-don’t give if >140/90 mm Hg; monitor vaginal bleeding, uterine tone & for signs of ergotism-cold/numb fingers/toes, chest pain, N/V, headache, muscle pain, weakness;
Methylergonovine - side effects
Hypertension; N/V; headache; dizziness; tinnitus; dyspnea; hypotension; arrhythmias; chest pain; palpitations; cramps; diaphoresis;
Metoclopramie (what is brand)
Metoclopramie - use
Treatment/prevention of nausea/vomiting; stimulates motility of upper GI tracts and accelerates gastric emptying;
Metoclopramie - nursing implicaitons
Assess for N/V, abdominal distention, bowel sounds prior to and after admin.; assess for extrapyramidal side effects; monitor for tardive dyskinesia; monitor for neuroleptic malignant syndrome; assess mood;
Butorphanol ( what is brand)
Butorphanol - action/use
Relieve moderate to severe labor pain and post-operative C-section pain; less respiratory depression/nausea/vomiting; alters perception of and response to painful stimuli;
Butorphanol - side effects
Confusion; sedation; drowsiness; headache; dizziness; nervousness; sweating; maternal palpitations/tachycardia; bradycardia; transient-nonpathologic sinusoidal-like FHR rhythm; respriratory depression; N/V; difficulty with urination;
Assess respiratory status, assess pain; assess BP/HR/pulses before and during; assess level of sedation-if RR<10;
Sodium Citrate ( what is brand)
Sodium Citrate - action/use
Neutralizes stomach acid prior to C-section
Sodium Citrate - nursing implications
Assess for signs of alkalosis; monitor I/O’s; monitor electrolytes; monitor for fluid overload; Diarrhea; fluid overload; hypernatremia; hypocalcemia; metabolic alkalosis; tetany;
Meperidine (what is brand)
Meperidine - use
Relieve moderate to severe pain associated with labor or other operative procedures;
Meperidine - nursing implications
assess BP/HR/Pulses/Respirations before admin.-if RR <12 assess respiratory depression
Ondasetron (what is brand)
Ondasetron (use)
Prevention of nausea/vomiting for C-sections;
Ondasetron - nursing implications
Headache; dizziness; drowsiness; fatigue; constipation; diarrhea; abdominal pain; increased liver enzymes; extrapyramidal reactions;
Assess for N/V, abdominal distention, BS prior to and after admin.; assess for extrapyramidal effects;
Cefazolin (what is brand)
Cefazolin - use
Infection prophylaxis for C-sections
Nursing implications
Assess for signs of infection; obtain history of reactions to penicillin/cephalosporins; obtain culture and sensitivity before giving; monitor labs-kidney/liver;
Hydromorphone Hydrochloride (what is brand)
Hydromorphone hydrochloride - use
Moderate to severe labor pain and post op pain after C-section;
Hydromorphone hydrochloride - nursing implications
Assess pain prior and during admin.; assess BP/HR/Pulses/Respirations before admin.-if RR <12 assess respiratory depression; assess bowel function; monitor for signs of toxicity-have Narcan available. assess FHR and pattern and uterine activity before and during admin