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161 Cards in this Set

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Cushing's Syndrome

-"moon" face with red cheeks

-excessive hair growth may be present

-increased adrenal cortisol production

Nephrotic Syndrome

-edematous and pale face

-swelling first appears around eyes


-severe hyperthyroidism

-dull, puffy faces, edema pronounced around the eyes, does not pit with pressure

-hair and eyebrows are dry, coarse, and thinned

-skin is dry

Parotid Gland Enlargement

-obesity, diabetes, cirrhosis, and other conditions

-swelling anterior of ear lobes and above jaw angles

Parkinson's disease

-Michael J Fox

-decreased facial mobility blunts expression

-decreased blinking and characteristic stare

-flexed forward

-face becomes oily and drooling may occur


-increased growth hormone

-enlarged bone and soft tissue (nose, lips, and ears)

-features appear generally coarsened, prominent jaw

1. Anterior auricular

2. Posterior auricular

3. Occipital

4. Submental

5. Submandibular

6. Tonsillar

7. Superficial Cervical

8. Deep Cervical Chain

9. Posterior Cervical

10. Supraclavicular

Deviated Trachea

Diffuse Enlargement of Thyroid

Single Nodule

Multi-nodular Goiter

Jugular venous distention

-different positions indicate different disorders


-drooping of the upper lid

-damage to oculomotor or sympathetic nerve

Lid Retraction and Exophthalmos

-wide-eyed stare due to retracted lids

-exophthalmos: eyelids protrude forward

-seen in graves disease, tumor or inflammation

-both can be due to hyperthyroidism


-more common in elderly

-inward turning of the lid margin


-margin of the lower lid is turned outward

-exposes palpebral conjunctiva

-causes improper drainage and tearing


-harmless yellowish triangle nodule in the bulbar conjunctiva on either see of the iris



-localized redness from inflammation of the episcleral vessels

-may be nodular or only dilated vessels

Hordeolum/ Sty

-a painful, render red infection in a gland at the margin of the eyelid


-subacute non-tender and usually painless nodule involving a meibomian gland

-points outside the lid

Horizontal Defect

-occlusion of a branch of the central retinal artery or ischemia of the optic nerve

Right eye blindness

-lesion of the optic nerve or eye itself

Bitemporal Hemianopsia

- a lesion at the optic chiasm: only fibers that cross over to the opposite sides

Left Homonymous Hemianopsia

-lesion in the optic tract: fibers from the same side

Homonymous Left Superior Quadrantic Defect

-a partial lesion of the optic radiation in the temporal lobe may involve only a portion of the nerve fibers

Left homonymous hemianopsia

-a complete interruption of fibers in the optic radiation produces a visual defect


-slightly raised, yellowish, well-circumscribed plaques that appear along the nasal portions of one or both eyelids

-lipid disorder


-inflammation of the Lacrimal Sac

-redness, painful, tear duct, infection


-swollen, teary, drainage

-super contagious

Sub Conjunctival Hemorrhage

-sudden increase of pressure in eye

-heavy lifting or coughing

Corneal Injury


Acute iritis

-redness around the iris


-increased interoccular pressure

Corneal Arcus

-thin grayish white arc or circle around the cornea


-in young: hyperlipoproteinemia

Corneal Scar

-a superficial grayish white opacity in the cornea, secondary to an old injury or inflammation


-a triangular thickening of the bulbar conjunctiva that grows slowly across the outer surface of the cornea

Nuclear Cataract

-opacities of the lenses visible through the pupil

-looks whitish gray surrounded by a black rim (with flashlight)

peripheral cataract

-spoke like shadows that point inwards

-gray against black (flashlight)

-black against red (ophthalmoscope)

Horner Syndrome

-disruption in nerve pathway

-the effected pupil, though small, reacts to light and near effort

-ptosis of the eyelid is present

-Horner syndrome: involved iris is lighter in color

Small, Irregular Pupils

-accommodate but do not react to light

-central nervous system syphilis

-Argyll Robertson pupils

Equal Pupils and one Blind Eye

-light directed to non blind eye causes a response in both

-light directed to blind eye causes no response

Dysconjugate Gazy

-left cranial nerve III paralysis

Physiologic cupping

-small whitish depression in the optic disk

-retina vessels appear to emerge

Rings and crescents

-around the optic disk

-developmental variations but are not apart of the disk

-you are seeing white sclera or black retinal pigment

Medullated Nerve Fibers

-irregular white patches with feathered margins

-no pathological significance


-venous stasis leads to engorgement and swelling

-swollen disk with margins blurred

-pink and hyperemic

Cotton-wool patches

-fluffy white patches on retina

-damage to the nerve fibers

Glaucomatous Cupping

-increased pressure leads to increased cupping or backwards depression of the disc and atrophy

Optic Atrophy

-death to nerve fiber

- loss to the tiny disc vessels

Macular Degeneration

-loss of central visional field

-wet and dry types

Normal Fundus of a fair skinned person

-pale/ reddish

Normal Fundus of a dark skinned person

-pronounced reddish or brownish

Hypertensive Retinopathy

-marked arteriolar-venous crossings changes are seen along interior wall

-also cotton wool spot shown

Hypertensive retinopathy with macular scar

-scattered exudate appears as bursting star

Nonproliferative Retinopathy Moderately Severe

-little tiny red dots: microaneurysms

-white spots: hard exudates

Nonproliferative Retinopathy Severe

-big red dots: large hemorrhage

-white dots: cotton wool patches


-scar tissue

Chondrodermatits Helicis

-chronically inflamed lesion

-tender papule

-ulceration and crusting


-uric acid crystals

-chronic tophaceous gout

Basal Cell Carcinoma

-raised, slow-growing nodule

-rarely metastasizes

-more frequent in fair skinned people over exposes to the sun

Cutaneous cyst

-slow growing, dome-shaped lump on dermis

-epidermoid cyst or pilar cyst

Rheumatoid Nodules

-chronic rheumatoid arthritis

-small lumps on helix or antihelix

-ulcerations from repeated injuries

normal right ear drum

Perforation of the Drum

-holes in eardrum usually from infections of the inner ear

- can be central* or marginal


-chalky white patches with irregular margins

Serous Effusion

-fluid in the ear

-viral upper respiratory infections or sudden change in atmospheric pressure

Acute Otitis Media with Purulent Effusion

-bacterial infection

-eardrum can suddenly rupture

Bullous Myringitis

-viral infection

-painful hemorrhagic vesicles appear on tympanic membrane or the ear canal

Angular Cheilitis

-inflammation and fissuring of the lips

-nutritional deficits, over closure of the mouth, no dentures or no teeth

Actinic Cheilitis

-swollen scaly lip, loss of normal redness

-over exposure to the sun

-fair skin people

Herpes Simplex

-cold sores, fever blisters

-small cluster of vesicles

-healing within 10-14 days


-diffuse, non pitting, tense swelling go the dermis and subQ tissues


-allergic reaction

Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia

-small red spots on lips

-dilated capillaries

Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome

-pigmented spots on lips and skin


Chancre of Syphilis

-firm, button like lesion that ulcerates and may scab

-very infectious

-may resemble carcinoma or herpes

Carcinoma of the lip

-malignant cancer lesion

-scaly plaque, ulcer with or without crust, or a nodular lesion

-fair skin and prolonged sun exposure

Oral Mucosa

-line is caused by chewing

Aphthous ulcer or canker sore

-on labial mucosa

-heals in 7-10 days and may recure

Geographic Tongue

-patches on surface of tongue

-appears smooth with raised boarders

-unknown cause

Hairy Tongue

-caused by antibiotics

-overgrowth of bacteria

Fissured tongue

-scrotal tongue

-increasing age

Smooth tongue

-atrophic glossitis

-deficiency in riboflavin, niacin, folic acid, vit B12, pyridoxine, or iron

-sometimes result from chemotherapy


-autoimmune deficiencies

Hairy Leukoplakia

-white feathery pattern that can not be scraped off

-seen in HIV and AIDS patents

Varicose Veins

Mucous Patch of Syphilis

-painless lesion secondary of syphilis

-highly infectious


-white patches on tongue

-painless, raised, possible malignancy

Tori Mandibulares

-boney growths of the mouth

-typically bilateral and asymptomatic

Carcinoma, Floor of the Mouth

-ulcerated lesion

-redden mucosa suggests malignancy

Large Normal Tonsils

Exudative Tonsillitis

-red throat with white exudates on tonsils

-strept. or mono.


-redden throats without exudate

-can be caused by several bacterial or viral infections


-dull throat with gray exudate

-airway may become obstructed

Thrush on the Palate


-treatment with antibiotics or corticosteroids or AIDS

-yeast infection

Kaposi Sarcoma


-deep purple colored lesions

-may be raised or flat

Fordyce Spots (granules)

-normal sebaceous glands that appear as small yellowish spots in the buccal mucosa or on the lips

Koplik Spots

-early stages of measles

-small white specks that resemble grains of salt on a red background


-small red spots that result when blood escapes from capillaries into the tissues

-accidental biting of the cheek or infection causing decrease in platelets


-chewing tobacco

-thick white patches may lead to cancer

Marginal Gingivitis

-redden and swollen


-can lead to gingivitis

-not brushing teeth

Acute Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis

-accompanied by fever, malaise, and enlarged lymph nodes

-red, painful gums bleed easily, foul breath

-adolescence and young adults

Gingival Hyperplasia

-gums swollen that then cover teeth

-causes include Dilantin therapy, puberty, pregnancy, and leukemia

Pregnancy Tumor

(Epulis, pyogenic Granuloma)

-localized gingival enlargement

-tumor like mass

-1% of pregnancy

Attrition of Teeth, Recession of Gums

-worn down chewing surfaces due to overuse

Erosion of Teeth

-by chemical action


Abrasion of Teeth with Notching

-biting nails or chipping teeth

Hutchinson Teeth



-Anterior Deltoid, pectorals major, coracobrachialis, biceps brachii


-Latissimus dorsi, trees major, posterior deltoid, triceps brachii

Abduction- away

-supraspinatus, middle deltoid, serratus anterior


-pectoralis major, coracobrachialis, latissimus dorsi, teres major, subscapularis

internal rotation

-subscapularis, anterior deltoid, pectorals major, teres major, latissimus dorsi

External Rotation

-infraspiatus, teres minor, posterior deltoid

overall shoulder rotation

1. tests abduction and external rotation

2. tests adduction and internal rotation

Acromioclavicular joint

-crossover test

Rotator cuff

-if patient can't hold arm fully abducted at shoulder level then positive test indicating rotator cuff tear

-second picture shows a positive test

Muscle Strength Tests

1. supraspinatus strength= weakness is positive rotators cuff

2. infraspinatus strength= weakness is possible rotator cuff tear or bicipital tendinitis

3. forearm supination= psi indicates inflammation of the long head of the biceps tendon and possible rotator cuff tear

Dislocated Shoulder

Elbow flexion

-biseps brachii, brachialis, brachioradialis

Elbow Extension

-Triceps brachii, anconeus


-biceps brachii, supinator


-pronator teres, pronator quadratus


-Flexor carpi radialis, flexor carpi ulnaris


-Extensor carpi ulnaris, extensor carpi radialis longus, extensor carpi radialis brevis


-flexor carpi ulnaris


-flexor carpi radialis





Abduction and adduction


Carpal tunnel test

Finger adduction

opposition of thumb

Acute Rheumatoid Arthritis

-chronic inflammation of synovial membranes with secondary erosion of adjacent cartilage and bone

-damage to ligaments and tendons


Chronic Rheumatoid Arthritis

-chronic inflammation of synovial membranes with secondary erosion of adjacent cartilage and bone

-damage to ligaments and tendons



-degenerative and progressive loss of cartilage within the joints, damage to underlying bone, and formation of new bone at the margins of the cartilage


Chronic Tophaceous Gout

-deformities of longstanding chronic tophaceous gout

-can mimic rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis


Dupuytren Contracture

-thickened plaque overlying the flexor tendon

trigger finger

-painless nodule in flexor tendon in the palm near the metacarpal tendon

Thenar Atrophy

-eroding tissue in the hand

-suggest carpal tunnel syndrome

Ganglion cyst

-along the tendon sheaths or joint capsules

1. Normal

2. Scoliosis

3. Kyphosis

4. Lordosis

Spinal Flexion

-sternocleidomastoid, scalene, prevertebral muscles

Spinal Extension

-splenius capitis and cervicis, small intrinsic neck muscles

Spinal Rotation

-sternocleidomastoid, small intrinsic neck muscles

Lateral Bending

-scalenes and small intrinsic neck muscles

Hip and knee Flexion


Hip extension

-Gluteus Maximus

Hip Adduction

-adductor brevis, adductor longus, adductor magnus, pectineus, gracilis

Hip Abduction

-gluteus medius and minimus

External Rotation

-internal and external obturators, quadratus femoris, superior and inferior gemelli

Internal Rotation

-gluteus medius and minimus

Acute Gouty Arthritsi

Flat Feet

Hallux Valgus


Morton Neuroma

ingrown toenails

Hammer Toe



Plantar Wart

Neuropathic Ulcer

Subtalar Joint

Metatarsophalageal joint