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117 Cards in this Set

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Someone who feels sad and then happy goes and buys a bunch of stuff what drug would you want to tx them with?
you would want to give an anti-psychotic (lithium, carbamazepine, & valproate)
What drug can you use for simple, complex partial seizures, bipolar disorder, & trigeminal neuralgia
this drug treats tonic-clonic seizures, mood disroders, and if preggo can cause neural tube defects
someone has a tremor and they blame it on the voice in there head what can you give to treat this?
probabaly drug-induced Parkinson's caused by an anti-psychotic, give them an anti-muscarinis "park your mercedes- benz" benztropine
what kind of drug is paroxetine?
serotonin-reuptake inhibitor makes manic worse
Bupropian is what
dopamine and NE re-uptake inhibitor, used for depression and stopping smoking
PCA supplies which regions of the brain
comes off the basiliar at pontomesocephalic junction supplies the thalamus, tedial temporal lobe, splenium of corpus callousoum, para hipo gyrus, fusiform gyrus, & occiptal lobe
anterior chordate artery supplies
is last branch of internal carotid before trifurcation, post limb, gen of internal capsule, optic tract, lateral geniculate body, choroid plexus, uncux, hippocampas, & amygldala
good pic to know
Strict diets to lose weight devoid of a vitamine is likely?
think vegan- B12 cobalamin, causes megaloblastic anemia..take years to see a problem bc tons in the hepatic storage
Most water soluble vitamins flush out the body
FAST except for cobalamin & folate
tibial hematomoa & painful gums in a 79 yo poor woman your thinking?
Vit C defieicieny, ascorbic acid- from fruits (poor homeless ppl wont have that) scurvy: hemorrhage, subperiosteal hematoma, bleed, gingivial swelling
also important to hydroxylase prolyl and lysyl--> precollagen
Folic acid deficicney you would see
megaloblastic anemia & neural tube deficients
Zinc deficiency you would seee
growth retardatsion/infertility and acrodermatitis
2 mutatnt strains no problem, but together they make progeny that becomes virulent this describes
recombination (genetic) 2 viruses must exchange genes for their progeny to change that much
host cell co infected and they exchange whole genome, sudden change describes?
Uptake of naked DNA in prok/euk describes?
inhibition one virus replication and release describes?
describe how morphine works
activates mu opiod receptors, which is a G-protein linked so has many secondary messengers...K+ conductance increase the efflux so you hyperpolarize and terminate pain, close Ca2+
immigrant with fever, rash, face travels to body and lyphadenopathy behind the ears
thinking no vaccine for measle, mumps, rubella, rubella presents with a rash, face--> trunk/extremities...fast spread- no darkening, lymphadenopathy is rubella too which is caused by togavirus!
bean-shape bacteria appears in an army person how did he get this?
nasopharynx--> blod--> choroid plexus--> meninges transmit by respiratory droplets
polydraminiosis appears in pregnant lady what are the likely causes
Gi obsturction (duodenal, esophageal, intestinal atresia) or anencephaly
What is seen with a baby in the womb w renal agenesis?
severe oligohydromanisos ( too low) potter's syndrome
Normal thryoid gland exists in anterior neck lower in fron of the upper trachea & larynx...thyroid gland is an outpouch that descends- remaining forms the
thyroglossal duct
What happens if the thyroid fails to migrate?
you form thyroid in the tongue "linguial thyroid" or "thyroglossal duct"
What should surgeons be catious of when removing a thyroglossal cyst
it may be the only thyroid hormone a child so can cause severe hypothyroidism
Common signs of 3 mo old w hypothyroidism
dry skin, constipated, mass appears in throat, hard to swallow, Macroglossia,
foramen cecum t is a normal remenant of what
thyroglossal duct
Failure of GnRH to migrate from olfactory is
kallman's syndrome
tested fail to migrate to scrotum is
What does sensitivity measure?
#True (+)/ patients w dz. (TP+FP)
ability of test to tell who has the disease good for illnesses that are severe or can be prevented w early tx
What is sepcficity?
more expensive, and how much the test can detect a true negative, TN(TN+FP)
confirmatory test after a + test is seen
3 ways to get Down Syndrome?
1. trisomy 21 -95% cases, meiototis nondisjunction failure of homologous chrom to seperate (always maternal)
2. unbalanced robertsonian translocation- 2-3% DS, 46 chromosome an extra chrom
3. mosaicism: patient has 2 cell lines one normal and one with DS
genetic imprinting and partial deletion are example for which disease
prader-willi and angelman
uniparental disomy is what and give an example
2 copies from one parent and none from the other--> complete hyatidform mole
21 yo fasting w jaundice and an increased amount of unconjugated bilirubin is
what happens with gilbert syndrome
you decrrease UDP glucornyl transferase or decr in bilirubin uptake, increasing inconjugated amount and usually onset w stress/fasting
What is AST:ALT in an alcholic w hepatitis
What is AST/ALT in a person w viral hepatitis
What is suppression?
mature defense mechanisms, voluntarily withholding an idea or feeling from conscious awareness ( not thinking about boards till later)
What is repression?
involuntary withholding an idea or feeling from conscious awareness- rape forget about it until see it on tv
what is humor?
appreciating the amusement nature of anxiety making it light
Describe altruism
guilty feelings are alleviated with generosity towards others
What is isolation
describing a hard time w no emotion connection, seperate feelings from a horrible event
what is the only class of antibody that crosses the placenta?
some dopamine drugs block the interfindibular area what would this cause in a patient?
galactorrhea & lacrimation, heavy breasts, sexual dysfunction
which hormones use the JAK/STAT pathway
GH & prolactin!
mutation of germline RET effects?
adrenal medulla (pheochromoctyoma) parathyroid (3/4th pharyngeal pouch), & parafollicular cells derived from neural crest cells (4t/5th pouches)
MEN are unique because
all derived from neural crest cells, remember MEN 2A= parathyroid, pheochromocytoma, & medullary thyroid cancer (parafollicular C Cells)
MEN 2B= pheochromocytoma & oral mucosa & medullary thyroid cancer
Decribe the role of histones in Huntington's Disease
hypermethylated histones bind to DNA and prevent transcription and production of neurotrophic factors
What ae histones?
small proteins complex with DNA make some genome unavailable for transcription
adrenal cortex develops from the
adrenal medulla develops from the
ectoderm (neural crest cells)
Whats the genetic inheritance for sickle cell anemia
autosomal recessive
erythrocytes get their energy with which 2 pathways
glycolysis and shunt (HMP)
HMP- makes NADPH to prevent damage & G6PD is the rate-limiting enzyme in this reaction
How is hydrogen peroxide reduced in RBC?
with glutathione peroxidase and oxidizes with glutathion and regnerated which produces one NADPH
So which 2 mechanisms would present with problens in RBC?
G6PD deficiency
glutathione (wouldn't make NADP& glutathione)
increase amount of damage
RMP at -70 mantained by
a lot of K+ conductance and some Na+ conductance
K= -80 mV
Na= +60 mV
Pt presents with reduced vision in the R eye, and exam shows R. hemanymous hemaniopa, with direct light on R pupil dilates, but indirect it constrict whats the likely area injured
optic tract
what is hemanymous hemaniopa
vertical loss of vision on same side in both eyes
if it was a lateral geniculate nucleus lesion what would you see
contralateral homonymous hemaniopa but pupil reflex would be intact
why does the marcus-gun pupil form with optic tract lesion
because this is a combination of nasal & temporal fibers going to the back and the nasal carries pretectal nucleus fibers to pupil
what would visual cortex lesion present with
contralateral homonymous hemaniopa w macula sparing but light reflex would be normal
pt w lesion under arm, seizures, and history of that mom had skin cancer what embryological derivative did the lesion develop from?
neural crest cells, melanoma is the 3rd common cancer to mestastize to the brain
name the order of common metastasis to the brain
lung, breast, melanoma
where do mealnocytes come from?
neural crest cells
50 yo presents w this and recurrent gum bleeding what are you thinking?
50 yo presents w this and recurrent gum bleeding what are you thinking?
Aeur rod, AML (M3 AML) accumulate myeloblasts in Bone marrow..stain with MPO..crystals aggregate= auer rods
Which chromosomes characterize acute promyelocytic leukemia
t (15;17) the translocation of the retinoic acid RAR on chrom 17 to chrom 15, RAR disruption blocks maturation of& promyelocyts accumulate...numerous primary granules incr DIC tx: trans-retinois acid
describe conversion disroder
sudden loss of sensory/motor from stress etc. common in females but no pathophysiology is present (all labs normal) pt can be indifferent to symptom
Describe what controls the symptoms of jetlag in the hypothalamus?
suprachiasmatic nucleus detect photosensitivie from the retina and controls pineal gland to release melatonin and cortisol during day time from ACTH
24 yo w headaches, visual changes and you see an intracranial calcified mass..remove it and see cystic space w brown rich cholesterol what other structure shares origin with this?
pituitary gland, its a craniopharyngioma derived from Rathke's pouch remnants
Benign tumor seen in children and adults MC supratentorial tumor
what embryo layer does the Rathke's pouch develop from
ectoderm invaginates and protrustion forms anterior pit
What does the posterior pituitary gland develop from?
neurhyphosis from the neuroectoderm
retrograde studies are more likely to have
recal biasis
Whats the problem w recall studies?
people who had adverse effects are more likely to recall the risk factors they were exposed to than people who didnt have adverse effects
4 yo w difficult walking and cells show radiation-induced genetic mutation whats the likely problem?
ataxia-relangiectasia defect in ATM gene codes for DNA repair enzymes, see cerebellar defects, spider angioma, & igA def...
an older pt comes in w visual disturbances you check and see yellow 1.5 mm diameter on the macula what kind of visual disturbances are they having?
central scotoma
what is central scotoma
any visual defect surrounded by relatively unimpaired field of vision
macular degeneration causes
central vision loss usually age related
3 mo old w recurrent vomiting & when seend he has pancreas in his duodenum what hapened?
ventral portion of pancreas ringed around the duodenum
how does pancreas development start off
dorsal bud is behind the stomach/duodenuma and ventral bud is in front, it then rotates behind and sits there
what does the ventral pancreatic bud develop into
uncinate process
someone with a gap in the long arm of the X arm will probably present with
macroorchidism (enalrged testes), long face w a large jaw, large everted ears, autism, mitral valve prolapse & MR
what is the mechanism of fragile X syndrome
repeast of CGG on the FMR1 gene, causes a skip in the long -arm of X when methylated
a study done testing colorectal cancer w + biopsy and those with - colorectal cancer by age & race is avoiding
confounding variables
taking out variable that could effect a study is eliminating
confounding variables
Does CO poisoning affect PaO2?
No, only decrease oxygen binding on hemoglobin and unloading of O2 to tissues
Does CO cause any methemoglobin?
No that is when fe2+ gets reduced to Fe3+ which is the unusable form for O2, usually occurs bc of drugs
how does congenital torticollis present?
baby with possible mass on the neck & unable to turn their head one way, cries when turned a certain way and prefers the other
How does congenital torticollis usually happen?
2-4 weeks it's seem either due to malposition of the head in utero/birth canal causes SCM injury or birth trauma
What does maternal hypertension cause
asymmetrical growth, a normal head with reduced abdominal circumference
an upper respiratory infection of the maternal such as rubella could cause what in an infant?
usually not a problem but w rubella can cause mental retardation & congenital heart defects
influenza A combined with animal virus oxthomyovirus causes what to occur
genetic reassortment
What is needed in a virus to have genetic reassortment occur?
segmented genomes
VII cranial nerve controls what w hearing?
innervates the stapedius muscle which causes oscillation in the stapes making it more sensitive to sound ( if problem people have trouble hearing normal sounds)
Gram + motiliy tumbling rod seen in someone who is an organ transplant pt and w fever, headache, and vomiting...CSF shows pleocytosis & normal level of glucose
listeria meningitis
Can women with Turner Syndrome XO become pregnant?
5% do without medical assistance but 95% do by in vitro fertilization, and donor oocytes & estrogen/progesterone to maintain their lining
genetically fm born to a 23yo mom shows male ambigous genitalia and the mom experiences facial hair growth and a deepening of voice, what is the baby missing ?
What does aromatase do?
converts androsterndione--> estrone & tesosterone --> estradiol
why does the mom with the baby aromtase def get facial hair growth and a deep voice?
extra androgens in the placenta
what does someone with a 5 alpha deficiency present with?
male with decr synthesis of DHT and feminized internal genitalia
What is the lecithin/ sphingomyeling ratio used to indicate?
fetal lung maturity
>1.9= mature
How do we measure lecithin / sphingomyelin?
mothers amniocentosis bc pulmonary secretions come from fetus, and after 32/33 weeks the lecithin should be much greater
What hormones most control the release of lecithin/sphingomyelin?
2 siblings with the same mitochondrial disease from their mother have varied expression, how come?
mitochondria are randomly distributed to the kids, some get normal, damaged, or mixed...this is called heteroplasmy!
a male with a small phallus, hypospadia, and nomral HTN/electrolytes is deficient in?
5 alpha hydroxylase
failure to fuse the maxillary prominence with the medial nasal results in
cleft lip
a mother comes in at 16-18 weeks for her triple test and you find low alpha-feto protein, she also drinks & smokes what is this associated with?
trisomy 21
What is a high alpha-feto protein associated with for a child?
omphalocele, gastroschisis, neural tube defects (also see high acetycholinesterease), & multiple gestation
what is 2 standard deviations cover?
Ventral pancreatic buds form from what, and make what?
come from the liver diverticulum and form the head of pancreas, main duct, & uncinate process
What does the dorsal bud make?>
everything else in the pancreas- body, tail, isthmuc, acessory pancreatic duct, rest of main
What happens in pancreatic divisum
The 2 ventral and dorsal fail to fuse so you have 2 drainage systems, santori from dorsal= minor papilla will drain most of the pancreas, the ventral wirsung open major papilla inferior/posterior head & unicinate drianage
A drug allowing people to survive longer with CLL with do what to incidence & prevalence?
incidence will be same, prevalence will incr (more people staying alive w the disease)
Alzheimer's disease early onset related to what genes:
APP (21), presenilin-1 (14), & presenilin-2 (1)
Alzheimer's late onset due to what genes