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60 Cards in this Set

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Blood flow through heart beginning with VC.

Compare pressures on each side of heart.

P in R side of heart is low (2 mmHg)
P in L side of heart is highest in LV (LA is pretty low)

LV: 120/5
Ao: 120/80
What events define the two heart sounds?
Lub = mitral valve close
Dub = aortic and pulmonic valve close
What is the primary pumping chamber of the heart?
Which organ extracts the most oxygen?
Artery or Vein:
Contains alpha-1 and beta-2 receptors
Cardiac Output = ?
Cardiac Output = Stroke Volume (cc's per beat out of ventricle) x Heart Rate
Artery or Vein:
Innervated by symphathetic nervous system
Blood Pressure = ?
Cardiac Output x Systemic Vascular Resistance (presented by aa of body)
How is the perfusion of capillaries controlled? What branch of the nervous system is responsible for this?
Dilation/Constriction of arterioles and pre-capillary sphincters

Regulated by symphathetic innervation of BVs and vasoactive metabolites
If runner has increased blood flow during exercise, what is the effect on blood pressure?
Although BP = Q x systemic vasc resist, BP stays the same, but systemic vascular resistance decreases--runners need to cool down so BP doesn't drop?
What are the components of diastole?
Isovolumic relaxation
Rapid Ventricular Filling (increase in volume)
Atrial Contraction (kick)
Which blood vessel types exhibit the largest area?
Capillaries, then veins, then arteries
Describe volumic changes during LV filling during the cardiac cycle.
Systole: volume drops and stops

Diastole: rapid filling, nothing happens, and then more filling (atrial kick)
Which blood vessel types receive the greatest blood volume?
Veins, then arteries, then capillaries
Systole begins with closure of the ___________
mitral valve
What is velocity? Equation?
Velocity = rate of displacement of blood per unit time

v = Q/A
where v = velocity
Q = flow
A = cross-sectional area
Diastole begins with closure of the ____________
aortic valve
What is the relationship between area and velocity?
Incerse relationship (v=Q/A), so
Small area-->High velocity
What are the stages of systole?
Isovolumic contraction (mitral and aortic valves closed), when LV Pressure exceeds aortic Pressure, aortic valve opens

[S1: closure of mitral and aortic valves]
Where is the velocity of blood flow highest?
Thus in the vessels with the smallest area, which are:
Aorta, then vena cava, then arteries
S1 vs S2 events
S1: mitral and tricupsid closure
S2: aortic and pulmonic closure
Where is the velocity of blood flow the lowest? Why would this be advantageous?
Capillary bed (largest area)--allows for more time for exchange of nutrients
How does splitting of the second heart sound occur?
Aortic valve closes before pulmonic closure and these events differ even more in time upon inhalation
What is the equation for calculating changes in pressure?
deltaP=Q x R
Q = flow (mL/min)
R = Resistance (mmHg/mL/min)
Events of systole vs events of diastole
Systole begins when mitral valve closes (triscupid valve closes too)
Pressure opens pulmonic and aortic valves

Begins when aortic and pulmonic valves close
As ventricles relax, pressure falls via ISOVOLUMIC RELAXATION
When pressure low enough, mitral and tricuspid valves open
Followed by ATRIAL KICK
What is the equation for calculating resistance?
Compliance vs Stiffness
Compliance: proportional to deltaV/deltaP (more compliant less of a change in P with a change in V; a good thing)

Stiffness: deltaP/deltaV
What is Total Peripheral Resistance?
Resistance of entire systemic vasculature

AKA Systemic Vascular Resistance
Calculate the vascular resistance of the left kidney given:

Blood flow to the left kidney is measured at 500 mL/min

Pressure in renal artery is 100 mmHg

Pressure in the renal vein is 10 mmHg
R = deltaP/Q

R = (100-10)/500 = 0.18 mmHg
In a filling curve (P vs V), how would you identify a non-compliant LV?
Higher change in Pressure for any given Volume (up and to the left)
What are causes of diastolic dysfunction (stiffness)?
LV Hypertrophy (chronic HTN, valvular heart dz, cardiomyopathy)

(anything causing LV to stretch or thicken)

Myocardial ischemia or infarction
What pressure drop would one measure to calculate the systemic vascular resistance?
Mean Arterial Pressure - Mean Right Atrial Pressure
Preload vs Afterload
Preload = Wall tension during diastole (ventricular filling)

Afterload = Wall tension during systole (ventricular ejection; EMPTYING)

Where wall tension = P x radius (of sphere)/2h

h=wall thickness
What pressure drop would one measure to calculate the pulmonary vascular resistance?
Mean Pulmonary ARTERIAL Pressure - Mean LEFT ATRIAL Pressure (can't get into pulmonary vein!)
What is Poiseuille's equation for resistance?
R = 8nl/pi*r^4

Where n = blood viscosity
l = length of blood vessel
r= vessel radius
What is the most important determining factor of preload? Why?
Pressure change during diastole is low, but volume change is huge so radius increases!

Wall tension = P x r/2h
Resistance increases as viscosity ________.
What is the most important determining factor of afterload? Why?
Systolic Pressure (BP)

As soon as mitral valve closes, pressure increases a lot
How can you increase preload? Decrease?
Inc: Give fluid

Dec: Diuretic
Resistance increases as length ________.
How is afterload increased?
Any drug that increases, lowers BP
Resistance increases as radius __________.
Frank-Starling curves demonstrate what relationship?
Preload on x-axis (LV End-Diastolic Pressure)
Cardiac output on y-axis

As increase preload, cardiac output increases, but eventually levels off
Is resistance in the body considered in series or in parallel? What equation would you use to calculate this?
Resistance is in parallel (blood doesn't flow through each organ in series):
Parallel Resistance:
Rtotal = 1/R1 + 1/R2 +1/R3 etc

(Series resistance would be calculated by adding all resistances)
As you increase LVDP, you increase ________.
Stroke volume (cardiac output)
What is laminar flow? How is it interrupted?
Laminar flow is a parabolic profile (flow is quickest in the middle) of velocity and is interrupted by irregularities in the vessel (causes turbulence)
How would a heart failure Frank-Starling curve appear?
Would have decreased stroke volume (cardiac output) for a given LV EDP, so upon administration of fluid (to inc volume and then radius) wouldn't get as much of an inc'd output
What are the Reynold's numbers for laminar/turbulent flow?
Reynold's < 2000 = Laminar Flow

Reynold's > 2000 = turbulent flow
How is LA pressure measured?
Catheterize pulmonary arteriole (Right side of heart) bc will measure Pressure of Pulmonary Vein which = LA pressure
What is compliance in blood vessels proportional to?
Compliance is proportional to deltaV/deltaP
Arteries vs Veins:
Compliants in veins is high (can hold large volume of blood at low pressure because they expand)

Compliance of arteries is lower (hold a lower volume at a higher pressure)

Older arteries are least compliant
What does the Fick Method measure?
Measures cardiac output

Done with Waters Hood
What is the Fick Principle?
Higher cardiac output will result in higher venous oxygen saturation (less deoxygenated blood on return of RBCs to lungs)
Where does the largest drop in mean pressure occur in the cardiovascular system?
At arteriolar level
_______ pressure is pulsatile due to the cardiac cycle.
How is oxygen saturation of the pulmonary vein measured?
Measure from any artery (only difference is oxygen taken by heart which is minimal)
Diastolic vs Systolic:
Diastolic: lowest pressure
Systolic: highest pressure
If the cardiac output is low, the mixed venous O2 content is __________ than normal.
Lower than normal
How is mean pressure calculated?
Mean pressure = Diastolic pressure + 1/3*Pulse Pressure

Where Pulse Pressure = (systolic pressure - diastolic pressure)
What happens to the Frank-Starling curve with a surge of epinephrine?
Higher cardiac output, shift curve up and to left