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55 Cards in this Set

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Embryonal Age vs Gestational Age
Embryonal age ends at 8 weeks, and translates to 10 weeks gestational age.

Gestational age is 40 weeks, but mother has only been pregnant for 38 weeks. Gestational age is weeks post-menstrual period.
Superior VC returns blood from the _______.
Head and neck
What is the crux of the heart?
Where all chambers of the heart meet
Innominate AKA?
What vessel denotes the location of the the ventricular septum?
Anterior descending coronary artery
Pulmonary Trunk AKA
Pulmonary Artery
What vessels enter the left atrium?
Pulmonary Veins (4 of them)
Which valves are semilunar?
Pulmonic (Artery) Valve, Aortic Valve

i.e., valves leaving ventricles
What is an AV valve?
Atrioventricular valve (separates atrium and ventricle), has chorda tendonae attached to papillary muscles
Which ventricle is thickest and why?
LV because has to overcome greatest resistance (pressure)
How does the texture of the two ventricles differ?
Left ventricle has smooth upper septum
Valve of foramen ovale AKA?
Septum primum
Which valve leaflet is septophobic? Why?
(Tricuspid valve septal leaflet is septophilic)

Mitral Valve Anterior Leaflet: Septophobic or will obstruct blood flow
The ventricular septum has a large ______ portion and a small ________ portion.
Large muscular portion, small membranous portion
The aortic valve has fibrous continuity with which valve?
Mitral Valve
An adult heart weighs about _____ grams.
Female: 250-300g
Male: 300-350g

(infant about 20 g)
Cardiac myfibrils vs Skeletal myofibrils
Cardiac myofibrils contain nuclei within fibers and there are anastomoses between fibers

Skeletal myofibrils contaon nuclei at periphery of fibers and all fibers run parallel (no crosstalk)
Specialized myocytes that are able to conduct electrical impulses are located in the ________.
Sinoatrial node
This node is located in the Triangle of Koch.
AV Node
At what point does the AV node become the Bundle of His?
When node loses all contact with atrial myocardium
When does the His bundle bifurcate? What are the 2 branches?
Bifurcates as approaches membranous septum

Branches into Left and Right bundle branches
Which branches of the coronary arteries run in AV grooves?
Right Coronary Artery, Circumflex Artery
These arteries arise from the sinus of Vasalva.
R and L coronary aa
What coronary artery supplies the posterior aspect of the heart?

(although 15% of all people have a LCA dominant system)
What coronary artery supplies the AV node?
AV leaflets vs Semilunar Leaflets:

Core vs Atrial Lamina
Presence of BVs

The core of AV leaflets contain a lamina ______.
Core: lamina fibrosa
Atrial: lamina spongiosa
(Also covered by thin layer of fibroelastic tissue and endocardium)
Contains BVs, lymphatics, nerves, SM, striated muscle

Core and Atrial aspects covered by fibroelastic tissue and endocardium
No striated muscle, BVs, nerves, or lymphatics
Which specific vessels are considered large elastic arteries?
Aorta and its large branches (innominates, subclavians, common carotids, iliacs)